Can "objects" be haunted?


So far things are going very "normal" around here. The owner of the furniture I put in the basement still hasn't gotten a hold me. I have the building up for sale, so if he doesn't pick them up they can go with it. LOL
Things can be haunted, as I have read in some cases. Some spirits can become attached to them. I watched an episode (don't ask me what television show, I don't remember) where a piano was being haunted by a former owner. They had to destroy the piano.
At one time we were the proud owners of and old organ and I mean it was old, beautiful wood, and heavy OMG.
Anyway my sister who was staying with us for a spell (she was home from B.C.) told us one morning that she did not feel comfortable sitting in the room where the organ was, said she felt cold and became nervious whenever she saw it. She was not cold or nervious anywhere else in the house. It did not affect anyone else just her.
She got scared of it and left to stay at my brothers for the remainder of her vacation.
Recently I got rid of the organ...but I never told my sister I did...yet anyway lol
About 4 months ago I began to fill my extra floor space with antiques. I take consignment so not all of the objects are mine.

Shortly after I started to accept consignments some strange stuff has happened in the store. Now I've owned the place for close to 6 years and worked here for 5 before I bought it. Never had a problem at all. The building is 100's of years old.

My question is as described in the title..."Can objects be haunted?"

I'm going crazy with my motion detector that is on my door, I've changed batteries repeatedly, I finally gave up and just used the adapter to plug it in, thinking that is was the batteries going bad making it go off. When that didn't work I actually ordered a new one. Its still doing the same thing.

I am NOT a easily creeped out person here, I always have an explanation for everything. I'm running out of them by this point. I have gotten the feeling of being watched too. I try to shake it off, but its getting harder and harder. I don't like to stay after work hours anymore, as I used to go to my work room and restore or paint my furniture....but this place is just plain scarey at night when most of the lights are off.

Should I get rid of some antiques, and how could I ever pin-point what ones are responsible?
Inanimate objects are usually used as vessels for demons, because of the sentimental values and human interaction; minus the resistance of a soul matrix. Dolls and personal belongings tend to be best, because ws tend to put emotional attachments to them. Be careful, the entity possessing these objects tend to latch on to the nearest accessable soul matrix , in order to drain the energy of a healthy soul and utilizing it to manifest physical anamolies. If the disturbances progress in a malevilent manner, then a demon is possibly the culprit. Seek help of an exorcist immediately, do not try light blessings or religious relics, these tend to aggrevate and energize demons, which see it as a challenge. Human demons may be susceptible to a religious passing, but other-worldly entities are too sinister. Also the problem may also simply be a poltergeist, which is a psychic man
A colleague of mine likes antiquing, and one time he bought an old commode. A few nights later his lodger woke up to find an old lady dressed in old fashioned clothing standing next to him. He screamed and said "Get away from me" and lashed out, he said that when he did he felt his arm go through something. The next morning my colleague was shaving when he thought he saw someone pass behind him, he called out to his lodger thinking it was him, but no-one was there. The next night the old lady came back, and said "Are you scared of me?" - the lodger did the same thing by telling her to go away, but also reported that her breath was foul. My colleague was talking to his mother about all of this, and she suggested that he turn the commode upside down - he did it, and the old lady has not been back since.
