Can the past truly be changed ?.


Senior Member
Thats what you've read but have you actually been able to discover this or are you just parroting what others have said?


Senior Member
The past cannot be changed, what happened has happened, if that was the case whats stopping anyone from the future time traveling back and killing hitler or mapping Atlantis or taking pictures of the lost city of gold etc,

It is a dream that just isn't possible or our current time and future would be some endlessly chaotic "Which i mean it seems to kind of be anyway"

In the theory of you can save someone, you cant, you may save them from instance but another will come up and they will be forced to deal with it regardless, like prolonging the inevitable.

Man i am long winded and random, but the Mandela affect isn't from time travelers it is from merging time lines that are similiar to ours, so everything in one time line is identical to the other and something caused them to combine but just with very small discrepancies.

But i know nothing, hell i could be a time traveler just trying to discourage future time travelers by traveling to the past to post this O_O
Actually, the past was changed during the Montauk Experiments. There was miscalculation in how the radio waves effects were hitting certain places, times and this pushed an offset reality into some towns, cities dividing them into power grid radio range different receiving sectors.

An indication of this is the false reporting of one famous politician, Tip O'neal as being dead. The confirmation from one sector was he was alive, while other sectors in the south part of this town he was reported as being alive.

There were other effects, but the news services from these sectors were all different, but the media and reporting managed to sort all of this out, so the time by events was loccused back together in proper synchronization.

This caused confusion that lasted for months if not years.

I don't know if years later this mismatch of time flowing as it should, in any way affected the unfolding of 9/11?


Senior Member
If time was linear:
* Future predictions would be either impossible from contradictions or always correct from not being able to change things.
* There would be no uncertain quantum state.

We know that one can change one's own future using predictions and the uncertain quantum state is real.

We can then assume that time is branching somehow.

We know from science that causality can move in both directions across time, which is the tricky part.

If the time-space fabric is dynamic and iterating with contradictions, it could mean that each new iteration is a new timeline that we remember. Imperfect future visions are then showing that no perfect convergence could be met after a certain number of iterations, because we still remember a future from the last iteration where we had no future vision. Here we can change what we do in the new iteration, but we still remember the old world from the previous iteration for what it was.

If the time-space fabric is fixed, it could mean that causality has a locked direction, but what we observe as time is just another dimension. In this case what happened is locked from further changes because all time exists at the same time.

What happened just happened, even if the universe would break the quantum rules of data preservation, it would still have happened, because it did.
p(x) -> p(x)


Senior Member
Of course you can change thing but yourself create a another timeline which you will be in a different timeline liike you are lost in time

@Secretman3811 how do you know this, have you done it ?, where did you get this information from ?.
I will answer for Secret Man because he may have a golf date with ex-president Donald Trump, so he may not be available to properly answer this question. He's correct, this will cause an alternate timeline as it is not the scripted timeline that time as an organ itself, desires.


Active Member
Reminds me of reincarnat

I will answer for Secret Man because he may have a golf date with ex-president Donald Trump, so he may not be available to properly answer this question. He's correct, this will cause an alternate timeline as it is not the scripted timeline that time as an organ itself, desires.
He is right but I would not do it to change it I just leave it alone but I also heard you can save someone? But I just don't change it you get lost in time and no way for me
