Can thought exist without language?

I think they talk about subvocalisation, in which while you're reading or running an inner dialogue your vocal chords strum along.

This is supposedly one of the biggest obstacles to speed-reading, because you can only read as fast as you talk. People who can break this habit apparently learn to read in a completely different way.

I took a class a long time ago, but ended up sticking with good old-fashioned slow reading because I like taking time to get to know characters in novels, or to gradually absorb ideas in more informative works. Is anyone here a speed-reader?
I notice that language can include a whole lot of things other than actually talking. That makes the question "Can thinking take place without language?" both interesting and hard to answer properly to.

@IroncladMarshmallow made a pretty good point. Maybe asking ourselves the opposite question would make more sense.

Can language can exist without thinking?
Isn't it pretty much wholly accepted that the subconscious mind has its own language, communicating through symbols, gestures and accidental divulgences (including Freudian slips)?

Does the subconscious mind "think"?
Can language can exist without thinking?

I don't think so. Does a rock communicate? I was going to use a plant as an example, but there is evidence of communication among plants.
Inanimate objects don't think nor do they communicate. Communication/language involves thinking.
Can language can exist without thinking?

I don't think so. Does a rock communicate? I was going to use a plant as an example, but there is evidence of communication among plants.
Inanimate objects don't think nor do they communicate. Communication/language involves thinking.
Crystals are stated to communicate by people such as Teal Swan.
Animal Communicators such as Sonya Fitzpatrick have stated that animals do communicate in images, but also based on her communications I know they must also know about words. One dog was upset by its owner whenever the owner would call it the B word. Lori Spagna in her workshops showing how to communicate with animals describes the process of sending images.

The proposed question is a syllogism dependent on the definition of thought and definition of language. I took language to be composed of a spoken and written lexicon with grammar, such as English. I took thought to indicate meaningful mental content. In meditation at times I am able to get Eckhart Tolle states of stillness. There are other times I become aware of spontaneous dialogue that feels distinctly detached from me. At such times I feel a sense of panic and the thoughts immediately vanish. If I remain more neutral I can allow them to exist a while longer before they fade on their own.

Extra terrestrial channelers such as Darryl Anka state they receive a download that isn't in English and the thoughts are translated into English by channel's subconscious. Questions need to be asked in words the channel understands in order for them to have meaning in the filtering process.

So I could have taken the dictionary definition and completed the syllogism but I thought you may be interested in related aspects of the real world that I believe talk more to what I perceive the intention of your question was. Of course the various personalities I mention and their claimed or implied abilities are "out there" but that is the general subject matter of a forum such as this. And I leave it to each individual to decide how much they wish to further inform themself and what conclusions or lack of conclusions they will draw.
volves thinking.[/QUOTE]

Crystals are stated to communicate by people such as Teal Swan.

Do crystals communicate or are they used as a communication tool? Also, which kind?

Animal Communicators such as Sonya Fitzpatrick have stated that animals do communicate in images, but also based on her communications I know they must also know about words. One dog was upset by its owner whenever the owner would call it the B word. Lori Spagna in her workshops showing how to communicate with animals describes the process of sending images.

I agree fully. Animals are also telepathic.

The proposed question is a syllogism dependent on the definition of thought and definition of language. I took language to be composed of a spoken and written lexicon with grammar, such as English

Ok, but not all "language" requires a grammatical structure. Baby talk...caveman talk... one word responses are still language...
