Can you travel to other dimensions in your dreams?


New Member
I've been having these really weird dreams ever since I was little. It was like this world, except, different. Sometimes I would go to other worlds, and I would learn about their worlds. I would go on adventures and things. I know, this seems pretty normal, but they're really vivid. I mean really vivid. When I look at my palm, it's not blurred. I can see the creases. When I look in a mirror, I don't see my worst nightmare. I can smell, I can feel, (getting pierced by an arrow is not very pleasant, course, I never imagined it would be...) I can think, as if I was awake. I just never realize I'm dreaming.
Is this normal? Am I traveling to other dimensions?
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Senior Member
I believe this is possible. I've had many dreams of being in the Afterlife dimension visiting with departed loved ones. I've also seen others that I did not know while they were on earth. The dreams were very vivid. Many times I visited people and/or places that I had no knowledge of, but later researched and discovered that the things I saw actually existed. Once my deceased mother showed me a future event that came true.


New Member
I believe this is possible. I've had many dreams of being in the Afterlife dimension visiting with departed loved ones. I've also seen others that I did not know while they were on earth. The dreams were very vivid. Many times I visited people and/or places that I had no knowledge of, but later researched and discovered that the things I saw actually existed. Once my deceased mother showed me a future event that came true.
Thank you for your contribute, it really helps. Could you answer another question for me? There's always this one guy there, he never says anything, or touches me, (Or contacts in any way) he's just always there. Watching, no matter what the dream is. Am I being stalked, or what?

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
I believe this is possible. I've had many dreams of being in the Afterlife dimension visiting with departed loved ones. I've also seen others that I did not know while they were on earth. The dreams were very vivid. Many times I visited people and/or places that I had no knowledge of, but later researched and discovered that the things I saw actually existed. Once my deceased mother showed me a future event that came true.
Thank you for your contribute, it really helps. Could you answer another question for me? There's always this one guy there, he never says anything, or touches me, (Or contacts in any way) he's just always there. Watching, no matter what the dream is. Am I being stalked, or what?
Could be a teacher or an advisor from another realm


New Member
I've been having these really weird dreams ever since I was little. It was like this world, except, different. Sometimes I would go to other worlds, and I would learn about their worlds. I would go on adventures and things. I know, this seems pretty normal, but they're really vivid. I mean really vivid. When I look at my palm, it's not blurred. I can see the creases. When I look in a mirror, I don't see my worst nightmare. I can smell, I can feel, (getting pierced by an arrow is not very pleasant, course, I never imagined it would be...) I can think, as if I was awake. I just never realize I'm dreaming.
Is this normal? Am I traveling to other dimensions?

Okay, I found this forum because for years now, my daughter has been having this experience. She learned the word "Dimension" from there. A guy there told her that she came from the 3rd dimension, and recently someone "there" told her the dimensions are created from everyone's thoughts combined. She says it is very different than a dream. Overall, she is a pretty well adjusted girl,though she's very sensitive--physically and emotionally at times. It's not like some wise, profound version of our world, but it's just like this world. There are people there with names. She's a different age there. Always. It's not a reoccurring dream. What happens progresses. Friends say rumors, relationships happen.

She says she feels tired sometimes because when she "goes there" it's like she didn't get any sleep. Recently, she became afraid because she says she's learned that she's like some kind of portal. She's worried that something can attach itself to her?

I'm afraid of seeking help from a counselor, because what if it's real? I'm afraid of seeking help from paranormal people who will charge me money to tell us a bunch of made up stuff regarding dimensional travel.

On the practical side, she has these weird experiences then looks stuff up on the internet. I don't know how much of this is a weird conscious/unconscious phenomenon that's not common and how much of her learned info she's implanting on her experiences. She's absolutely straight up not lying about it...she believes it and doesn't like to talk too much about it.


Senior Member
Welcome Worldwalkersmom,

Sadly if you did send her to a Counselor they would most likely chalk it up to a over active imagination suggest drugs and send you on your way. To be honest a Sleep specialist may be a good place to start? Or potentially even a Psyhic, Dimensional travel isn't in my Knowledge base so sadly i do not know a-lot about it.

I would run this by Sam and would like others Opinion here, but is ET intervention possible here? The traveling worlds and randomly gained knowledge does sound like a Encounter.

Just to rule this out, if you could answer a few questions for me.

1. Have you or your Daughter ever experience missing time?
2. Does your daughter you ever get the sensation that your falling and jolt when you wake up?
3. Has your Daughter ever said there was a Guide, or someone who appeared to her ether in her room or in the dream to guide her?
4. Is there a Feeling of constantly being watched?
5. Does your daughter experience a persistent ringing or randomly hearing Music when none is present?

Again these are just questions and can help us rule out some items.


New Member
Firstly, to Ernistine, I don't men to hijack this thread, but I couldn't believe someone else had something similar to report as my daughter. Maybe we can all learn something? I'm open to any ideas.

Welcome Worldwalkersmom,

Sadly if you did send her to a Counselor they would most likely chalk it up to a over active imagination suggest drugs and send you on your way. To be honest a Sleep specialist may be a good place to start? Or potentially even a Psyhic, Dimensional travel isn't in my Knowledge base so sadly i do not know a-lot about it.

I would run this by Sam and would like others Opinion here, but is ET intervention possible here? The traveling worlds and randomly gained knowledge does sound like a Encounter.

Just to rule this out, if you could answer a few questions for me.

1. Have you or your Daughter ever experience missing time?
2. Does your daughter you ever get the sensation that your falling and jolt when you wake up?
3. Has your Daughter ever said there was a Guide, or someone who appeared to her ether in her room or in the dream to guide her?
4. Is there a Feeling of constantly being watched?
5. Does your daughter experience a persistent ringing or randomly hearing Music when none is present?

Again these are just questions and can help us rule out some items.

To Blast Tyrant, my daughter and I both experience that falling feeling often. I'll have to ask her more about 1,3, and 5...but as to 4....

That's kind of what has me here. That's what had me worrying about the psychologist vs. some sort of dimensional expert. I am open to ideas, though. In any case, she says she always feels like she is being watched. She's not quite a teen yet, but she's had this specific fear for a few months (so she says); however, she has always had a fear that ghosts or people were watching her at night. This fear is increasing as of late.

Here's something I found that she wrote:

"I've been thinking. We're just repeating a life in every dimension. When we die we move up or down, we just spawn to a new dimension, right?
But what if when you're already living in two different dimensions? You're here in this world, but in your mind, you've gotten into another world, a new dimension. And there's one big world where when you look down at this one, you can see right through it, you can see every person living their lives. Every tree swaying in the wind.. But in that world you only see what you're limited to. The colors and shades of light you've seen since birth. The same objects and organisms.

Imagine living those both worlds. When you're 'awake' you see this world;the same thing you see all the time, but when you're asleep you see everything. That could be a big change in something new. I think I'm that person living that life, in two worlds.
I know that sounds childish, I mean I AM [a kid], I do have an imagination, but Could this really only be something I fantasize about? Or Am I seriously dreaming into another world?"

She recently wrote a post online about her dreams and a fear that she is always being watched. I really didn't understand the connection, to be honest. Whatever it is is real, whether psychological, scientific, multi-dimensional... In other words, I'm quite sure she's not making it up. I sort of have to crack her to talk about it--she's comfortable talking with me about it,'s a "different world" than mine, so I don't know if she doesn't like getting too detailed because she thinks I'll think she's weird or if it's because she knows I can't really understand.


Senior Member
The Feeling of always Being watching is believed to be because the ET's "Aliens" Are able to watch you at all times, Once you have been chosen then they can always see you and are usually watching you, and the paranoia comes from the fact you may have been taken and subliminally you know they are watching as there is now a link between the Abducte and the ET's.

Just another Random question, As of late have you noticed that your Daughter Prefers to have her bed pushed against a wall instead of in the middle of the room?

Or has she always preferred her Bed against a wall?

"Sorry for the late response"


Active Member
It is in theory possible to travel to alternate worldines, although it really depends on how much of your subconscious you can access. (I can believe this as I have had dreams of the sort)

I have very vivid dreams like these, but in mine I am in my home town but for some reason the town is either different in the way of either being warped, flat, bigger, more vegetation, less vegetation, added things or stuff thats missing. Based on what I saw, I would estimate the first to be about ~5%-12% different, the second to be around ~20% and the third I remember to be ~30%-50%. There is a fourth but I have no clue where I was, all I remember was being on a highway, it would have been around 20%-40% different. In one of these dreams the sun sets in the North, and there is a wooden square board outside my house, the sky was black except for the red sunset, and half my town was missing and it was also flat. In another the front of my house was part of a small section of moon base alpha, which was part of a forest, this dream was by far the most realistic, but I could control what I was doing. The closest to reality was a stretched park in front of my house that had more vegetation.

It's hard to explain but I could 'Sense' that it was different but I wasn't controlling what I was doing in the dreams (Except for 1), and in some cases the dream would literally last for hours. I suspect that I may have the ability to travel to alternate worldlines in my sleep.
