Cancer, meet the crossbow.


This is a copy/paste from my Caring Bridge blog and it explains my obsession with Walking Dead.

I finally decided to watch The Walking Dead on Netflix and I must tell you, it's a fascinating show and it isn't just about zombies. The message The Walking Dead gives is about survival. Many characters in the show want to give up and commit suicide because they think there is no hope for humanity. What they don't realize is that THEY THEMSELVES are the hope. It is their duty to fight, protect, and reproduce to ensure the survival of the human species. Why would we want a parasite to take over the world? We fight dictators and give up on a parasite? I think not. This rings true in my own life. I'm not going to give up and play victim to a few mutated DNA cells. The cancer cells are going to meet my proverbial crossbow head on because I refuse to give in. I will fight for me. I will fight for my family. Survival is mandatory. Giving up is NOT an option.

To cancer: ”One wrong move, and you get an arrow in the ass. Just so you know." - Daryl, Walking Dead


walt willis

Senior Member
There are new ways to treat many more forms of cancer today and by next year there will be many more.


Time Travel Professor
I am not a medical doctor; I am a cancer research person. Over the last seven or eight years I have spent about $1000 purchasing cancer research books and papers published by medical research foundations and research cancer professionals. Here are some of the interesting points I have found.

1. There are about 140 different types’ names of cancers in humans.

2. Humans and animals all have the potential of developing cancer.

3. Cancer survives and thrives in an acid-based environment and dies in an alkaline-based environment. (This is one of the keys to conquering cancer and possibly the most important one)

4. There are many types/forms of cancers: fungus, bacterial, genetic, man-made chemicals, man-made radiation, natural occurrences radon gas and residues from the earth.

5. Mental state also can induce cancers: depression, survival of a terrific accident or event can induce cancer, and suicidal thinking over a long periods of time or wishing you had died from an event in which you blame yourself for that event.

Prevention is the key to survival in everyone with or without cancer in your family tree should practice prevention.

The things that feed cancer when an individual has cancer:

1. Sugar and sugar substitutes are acids and feed all forms of cancers in humans.

2. Alcohol is of acid, meats are an acid, most processed foods are acid-based and most natural foods are alkaline-based.

First step for prevention and natural cure of cancer are the following tools:

1. PH testing of your saliva when you get up in the morning will give you your body’s current pH level. You should note: you are looking for the average reading when you get up in the morning when checking your saliva. From day-to-day your saliva will rise and fall slightly in pH readings , you’re looking for a trend that is moving closer to alkaline readings over time. Don’t test saliva if you have eaten or drank something before your testing, it will give false readings. It is also not recommended that you use urine testing, the readings change rather rapidly and will not give true pH readings in the morning, because you’re passing toxins and poisons out of the body. Do not use blood you will have a false pH reading, blood has a standard reading of about 7.2 pH, which is slightly alkaline.

2. Buy a book or go online and do your own research on the subject of pH rating of different foods and drinks. You’re looking for very low acid readings and higher alkaline readings.

3. By a electronic pH meter similar to the ones used by people doing hydroponics, this meter will give you a digital readout of your pH saliva or solution your testing.

4. PH ranges for acids are zero to 7.0 and PH ranges for alkaline s are 7.0 to 14.0. You need to use caution very low pH zero to 3.5 would be considered strong acids which can hurt people. The same goes for highly alkaline from 10.5 to 14.0 can burn the skin and hurt people.

5. Your personal goal when it comes to pH readings should be around 7.0 which is a neutral reading for pH. The older we get more the human body tends to gravitate towards acid-based levels of pH. When you start testing pH most people will find their pH in the acid ranges because of sugar, meats, and at other acid foods consumed. I have seen pH ranges in the acid level of 4.0 to 5.5. In the ranges below 5.5 pH your opening the door to cancer if your level stays at that level for long periods of time. It takes time even months to bring your pH levels back to a number close to 7.0. And some people will never reach 7.0 pH which is still okay, a very low acid reading 6.4 or 6.9 pH is still okay.

6. The bottom line is: do the research on pH levels in food and drinks tried to eat and drink foods that are high in safe ranges of alkaline. And stay away from all acid-based foods and drinks. I personally use over-the-counter supplement: coral complex3, by Coral LLC, it balances your pH levels and brings it back closer to an alkaline state which you probably never reach of a 7.0 or greater. Our human bodies tend to like to stay in an acid state which is why humans have so many diseases and problems as they age.

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Time Travel Professor
Any other questions about pH, go on line for more information.

And always work with your cancer Doctor on all issues of cancer.
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Temporal Engineer
I did some research to find the most alkaline foods. Potatoes will produce an alkaline response in your body very rapidly. When I found out about this, my PH was at 6.4. I started to have potatoes with my meal daily back then. In 3 days I had brought my PH up to 7.1. Since then I make sure I get a variety of fruits and vegetables in my diet every day. Supposedly people that do keep their PH in the 7.0 to 7.2 range don't develop any of the common degenerative diseases supposedly associated with aging. I reversed some early inflammation signs in my hands that is normally a precursor to arthritis. Thanks to this PH monitoring technique, my hands are now arthritis free. You can get a very inexpensive PH meter on eBay. And you can also pay lots of money for one too.


Senior Member

I'm sure you'll listen to what your doctor says, and will do what they say, rather than listen to the naively gullible people here that have no dog in your fight.

One of the more popular claims of the alkaline diet is that it can cure cancer. Proponents say that because cancer can only grow in an acidic environment, a net-alkaline diet can prevent cancer cells from growing, and can eliminate existing cancer cells. This theory is incorrect for a few reasons. First of all, the hypothesis depends on the ability of food to substantially change the pH of the blood and extracellular fluid, which I’ve already shown is not the case. (8, 9, 10) Second, cancer is perfectly capable of growing in an alkaline environment. The pH of normal body tissue is 7.4, which is slightly alkaline, and in almost every experiment done with cancer cells, they are grown in an environment at that pH. (11)

Now, cancer cells do tend to grow better in an acidic environment, but the causality is reversed. Once a tumor develops, it creates its own acidic environment through up-regulated glycolysis and reduced circulation, so the pH of the patient’s blood no longer determines the pH of the cancer. (12) It’s not the acidic environment that causes the cancer; it’s the cancer that causes the acidic environment. To top it all off, the only comprehensive review on ‘diet-induced’ acidosis and cancer did not even acknowledge this as a valid mechanism by which an acid-forming diet could increase cancer risk. They discuss a few biological pathways that could potentially link dietary acid load and cancer, but they admit that it’s mostly speculation and there’s no direct link. (13)

Cancer growth causes an acid environment around tumors. It is not caused by (or even promoted by) the pH levels of the food you eat.

Again, stick with science. Don't be fooled, like Steve Jobs was:
Steve Jobs would probably be alive today if he had not put off conventional medical treatment in favour of alternative remedies, a leading cancer doctor has said.
Dr Ramzi Amri, a researcher at Harvard Medical School, claims the Apple boss had a mild form of cancer that is rarely fatal and that his choice of treatment 'eventually led to an unnecessarily early death'.
Writing on Quora, a forum frequented by Silicon Valley executives, Dr Amri said: 'Let me cut to the chase - Mr Jobs allegedly chose to undergo all sorts of alternative treatment options before opting for conventional medicine.

Read more:



My doctor said progesterone and esterogen attach to my type of cancer cells and it feeds off them, not sugar. The prevention will be to stop hormones with a medication and I cannot take hormone supplements for the rest of my life. I'm sure that different types of cancer feed off different things, but the whole point of my post was a little bit of creative writing expressing the fact that I no longer fear the big C and I plan on fighting it tooth and nail. My doc told me in my case, exercise and a low fat diet will also be beneficial.

Also, my case is linked to DNA. My mom's sister died of breast cancer that spread. So, I don't think I could have prevented it. Early detection is the key to my success right now. I'm confident that nothing will be found in the lymph node. If it is, well, then I was wrong.

Radiation will eliminate microscopic cancer cells that are left behind and eliminating the hormones will starve the future cells.

I don't see anything wrong with my medical advice. It isn't why I made this post. I made this post because I plan on winning.

By the way, I read on Web MD (and another doctor of mine said this is a reputable site) that our blood's Ph is maintained on it's own and the only thing
these low alkaline diets do is encourage you to eat healthy, which is what we're suposed to be doing anyway.

I'm on a very low sugar diet now for my general health. Diabetes runs in my family, too.

I do appreciate everyone's information, just please don't judge my decisions. I will take it all into consideration, but my doctor is confident that we can bring it down to a 1-2% chance of returning, and why would she lie to me?


Note, my doctor is just a surgeon. I haven't seen the oncologist, yet, so she has nothing to gain by lying to me.

My father's oncologist DID tell him to stop eating sugar (not that he ate much anyway. He's healthy). AND before they did a pet scan on him, they had him fast and then injected him with glucose so cancer cells would show up.

I agree that sugar is poison, however, I'm not going to drop all my treatments and cross my fingers. I have children that need me.

It's like this. You have a loaded gun and a bucket of water. Someone once told you that zombies dissolve in water but you've never seen it happen.
A zombie is 2 feet away. Which one are you going use?

Now, back to the original post.

I am no longer scared and I am in warrior mode. I'm not dying and I plan on staying that way for a very long time. :)


Active Member
Note, my doctor is just a surgeon. I haven't seen the oncologist, yet, so she has nothing to gain by lying to me.

My father's oncologist DID tell him to stop eating sugar (not that he ate much anyway. He's healthy). AND before they did a pet scan on him, they had him fast and then injected him with glucose so cancer cells would show up.

I agree that sugar is poison, however, I'm not going to drop all my treatments and cross my fingers. I have children that need me.

It's like this. You have a loaded gun and a bucket of water. Someone once told you that zombies dissolve in water but you've never seen it happen.
A zombie is 2 feet away. Which one are you going use?

Now, back to the original post.

I am no longer scared and I am in warrior mode. I'm not dying and I plan on staying that way for a very long time. :)
Water only dissolves/melts witches. :)
