Debate Candidates for the Government's Time Matrix...


3. Tesla Technology: The brilliant scientist was known to be a bit eccentric and claims that his papers contributed to Time Travel do pop up from time to time. Imo, electromagnetism seems a rather unlikely mechanism for Time Travel, but can't be discounted entirely.

Resonance, to be specific.

Derrick C.

Alright, I'm aware there are MANY possible mechanisms that are viable in theory. I thought I'd post what I think are the most likely contenders.

1. Quantum Computer Time Travel: now ,I have to admit the idea for this comes via author Brian Clegg. It utilizes the Quantum Entanglement phenomenon and would teleport a Quantum state from the future to the present. I think that would negate sending anything/anyone through time, just Quantum information.

2. Wormholes: many of us have seen Hollywood movies like DEJA VU. In the film Denzel Washington and The National Security Agency utilize that, With something called "Snow White", a Time Window and Surveillance tool to prevent a terrorist bombing. Questions arise to whether one could be stabilized to traverse for that purpose.

3. Tesla Technology: The brilliant scientist was known to be a bit eccentric and claims that his papers contributed to Time Travel do pop up from time to time. Imo, electromagnetism seems a rather unlikely mechanism for Time Travel, but can't be discounted entirely.

I know there are many more, these three stood out. Add your thoughts or opinions...join in!

delorian time machine :D :)
