Cape Scott time traveler


Junior Member
I know this is going to hit people As an odd statement but I'll make non the less.

I know I am the Cape Scott Traveler. I remember being there but haven't and remember being a very long time into the future where I was working for a universal galaxy unit that specialized in human cryogenic sales and transportation. I can remember a family and kids I had for a short period of time in an age around 1612 and having to leave them to go far way. I remember the house, the kids faces my wife's kiss and her last words which was "you don't have to go. Please stay. You are happy in this time." ect
The photograph of the Cape Scott time traveler still scares me as it is me and I've even had the photograph of him and my self tested and skull is the same dimension perfectly to my skull and the hand to the right of the photograph has the same middle finger disfigurement.

Just waiting to start traveling sometime soon as the Cape Scott time traveler is still a little older then I an now but I won't say how much older.
Thank you for reading this and taking the time.
I know this is going to hit people As an odd statement but I'll make non the less.

I know I am the Cape Scott Traveler. I remember being there but haven't and remember being a very long time into the future where I was working for a universal galaxy unit that specialized in human cryogenic sales and transportation. I can remember a family and kids I had for a short period of time in an age around 1612 and having to leave them to go far way. I remember the house, the kids faces my wife's kiss and her last words which was "you don't have to go. Please stay. You are happy in this time." ect
The photograph of the Cape Scott time traveler still scares me as it is me and I've even had the photograph of him and my self tested and skull is the same dimension perfectly to my skull and the hand to the right of the photograph has the same middle finger disfigurement.

Just waiting to start traveling sometime soon as the Cape Scott time traveler is still a little older then I an now but I won't say how much older.
Thank you for reading this and taking the time.
How will you start traveling once again?

Check out the thread "I've been drawing in my sleep." We all know more then we know, it's just some times the world we live in or some of the people in it would like you to forget. Remember time is here and there past and future and we are the glue that holds it together. Without us there would be no one to observe the actions of time and in that the construct of time would not exist.
