Captain Leale Martelli - The Odyssey in the Realms of Time


A severe storm fell on Livorno in the night between Saturday and Sunday. A huge disaster, incalculable damage and casualties, 9 with accuracy. The storm did not spare the Benedict Valley, just the day when the church of San Gualberto celebrated its 300 years of consecration. At the height of the storm a large wall fell over the Templar Cross, covering it with debris.
This is not a good wish. Taking inspiration from this fact, I think it is time to deal with the subject of the four crosses, certainly to make a remarkable contribution to the research of the confraternities which, despite not having understood their true meaning, have proclaimed their master and guardians of these crosses.
Let's start from the first cross, the smallest, but not the least important. We can find it on the road from Livorno to the Valle Benedetta. It is located on the edge of the road near the branch that leads to Popogna. This sacred cross has a particular symbolic value. For this reason, over the years it has been victim of vandalism by rival confraternities. Vandal acts have reached the point of breaking down the cross that was then repositioned, but it is always under the threat of scarring. This cross represents the border that delimits the entrance to the sacred territory. A legend tells that right at that point a woman who accompanied the giacomo apostle said the Major, tired of the journey, wanted to stop to rest and then stayed there leaving Giacomo in Spain without her. Those hills were the refuge before for the people of the Gentiles and then for the Liburnians. The woman found shelter in a village of hunters descendants of the Etruscans who knew the ancient and deep caverns of the ancient Gentiles.
The legend wants the woman to live for 1000 years and maybe more, but her fruit will never die. Perhaps it is only a case that in the church of Valle Benedetta there is a sacred relic called "Sancta Magdalena" or perhaps it is precisely because of the presence of such a relic that this legend is handed over in time. What will be the reason why the relics of dozens of "saints" are kept inside the Valle Benedetta Church? and are not relics transferred to the Valle Benedetta, but they were just the "saints" wanting to die to the Valle Benedetta. The question arises spontaneously: why? What has prompted many "saints" to live the last days of their lives in that strange and anonymous place?
This is the question that all affiliates of confraternities have long done without ever coming to the truth. There are so many hypotheses, so many clues, so many options, but little certainty. Many responsibilities have the parishioners who have followed in that parish and who have been so busy in hiding the truth and depicting all that the truths were looking for...


It's a pity fot the templar cross, I hope it will be repaired in a proper manner. About the other cross I feel right about the feminine connection. The old road (now unpaved) to Popogna arrived exactly at the Kayser company, the Deacon company.
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It's true that after the cross something change. If someone is able to feel, the energy of the place start to change. It looks like the time start to be slower and the subtle level is different, it is not related to the modern nowadays type of energy but it's older, as if the time was distorced by something strange. It's clearly a sort of big sacred area.
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What do you mean with Gentiles people?Usually this word indicates not-Jews people but the use doesn't fix with your story because you speak about Gentiles ad the people inhabitibg the area before the Liburnians, and also these people are not Jews.

Furthermore, Liburnians lived before the Christian Era in the Island of the nowadays Croatia. Why do you speak about them?

Or maybe... It would be righter speak about Labronics and not Liburnians.
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Little doctor, what do you think about the sign of the falling of the wall over the Templar Cross?

Are confraternites trying of cast their power against the Templar or is the Sacred Area (with Romitone and the power of the area itself) that is trying to stopping you?

What about Templar plan?

And... please let's go with the story of the crosses... you could post more messages in a day :)


After visiting the San Gualberto Church, I came to the cemetery and with my surprise I noticed it was the most peaceful and serene place of all I had seen. I felt a feeling of almost mystic ecstasy and a great peace and at that point, from the tombs on the left came Coda Brutta! It was a little cat (female) with the common mixed colour of a Italian female cat (mix of red / black and a little white, that looks a little bit like the colour of a tiger). The tail was shorter than normal and was obviously broken in the past because it was crooked, slightly rigid, bent and slightly shorter. he cat came to me and approached immediately without fear, or rather with festivity, as do cats when they want caresses. I caressed him, even on the tail ... but he did not scratch me. He kept clinging to me and looking at me happy. I decided to take a photo of the cat and I distracted myself just a little in order to find the phone and… in the while it disappeared. I searched it all over the cemetery without finding it.

After that I noticed that there are various tombs dedicated to people with the surname Martelli, but my attention was drawn to that in the northeast corner. Double tomb with column, roof, unusual pink color for a tomb and an effigy of woman.

Exiting from the cemetery while I was thinking of Romitone, the Valley and all the experience began to ring in the mind the chorus of a famous song saying "Verstaubt sind die Gesichter, doch froh ist unser Sinn, ja, unser Sinn" and I has been told to report to the people who "occupy" the Valley that at this moment all are focused on the dirt on their face, while they should concentrate on purifying their mind so that it is clean, joyful and bright (the translation of that piece of song is indeed “Dusty are our faces, but joyful is our mind, yes, our mind”.

Finally on the operation of the Romitone mirror.

The Romitone is neither good nor bad, does his job and gives some lessons to those who are ready to receive them. Reflects the deepest thoughts and desires of people and the mirror leads over time into places and situations that reflect the deepest attachments of people who use it (obscuration or causal-seeds if you know Buddhism, otherwise passions, attachments, and the fate of the Westerners). For this reason, it must be approached only by a mind that is already pure and has worked a great deal on its own, otherwise it will simply reflect the attachments of those who mirror it and lead it to situations related to such attachments by making him prisoner of himself.
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