Captain Leale Martelli - The Odyssey in the Realms of Time


Sry, I think I got to the wrong Villa. Reareading the templars story and tourist`s posts I now know where the place is. I actually was very close, I was glancing at the right direction while I was eating.


The more time passes and the closer the past approaches, bringing with it the ancient traditions and the lost promises that can only be implemented in the form of prophecies. Much has happened to the Benedetta Valle after the prophesied arrival of the knight, much will have to happen, the swords have risen again to heaven and not swords any, but swords of Templars, the most sacred, the most sought after. This is pleasing to the Gods, as the Gods use swords as lightning rods of evil, which they call nothingness. Many prophecies have come true and many must come true, the church has regained its former glory, reappropriating some of its most important art works. The church of the Valle Benedetta, which was once called the church of the artists, has long been an orphan of any painting or sculpture that the true great artists of the renowned "Cenacolo" loved to create and give to the church itself, without any compensation, without any just interest, but only for passion and devotion. This is why it is time for those who consider themselves the direct molars and spiritual heirs of those great masters, retrace their steps by creating a new work to donate to the church of San Gualberto. This work must conceal a representation not immediately visible but appreciable after careful observation, this image must be a cross. Only in this way can another prophecy come true, only in this way the name of the "Cenacolo" will become as important as it was in the time of V.F.
Gods like art, because art is magic, all creation is magic. This is what the Romitone meant to the captain. When Leale Martelli, on one of the many occasions that they saw him face to face with Romitone wanted to ask him the origins of Creation, the Romitone told the captain that he would reveal the origins of the entire Cration only on one condition.
This is why the Romitone challenged the captain to a game in Senet. So the romitone turned to the captain: "captain, you are not the first wanted to formulate this question .. Already in a long time someone wanted to challenge me to understand the secret of creation, someone who had in your eyes your own light, a light that i underestimated and for this I had to share this secret, but he was a magician and you only a soldier, this time I will not use a chessboard but a real battlefield and the enemy will act as a pawn. Captain, do you see this guy? It is your descendant, the son of the lumberjack who once saved, the time has come for the boy to become a man and to learn the arts of war, with all the honors and horrors, well, he will be your only pawn. Conduct him in the midst of the battles I have assigned to you, the battles represent your squares, every battle you win you will be able to advance one square. Lead the boy out of every battlefield as the common player takes his checkers off the board, and I will grant you your request ... but remember, if you do not succeed you will remain forever a prisoner on the battlefield to fight and die, for eternity and every time you kill an enemy, in addition to his complaints, you will also feel his pain. While you will be a prisoner for eternity I will send the lumberjack's son to the earthly world to carry out your mission, but this time under my full control. One day he too will want to challenge me to senet but this time to save you ... how many beautiful images for my mirrors".


Junior Member
Hi, really great post by Little Doctor !

Something of extraordinary seems happen in this modern time. Watching some photos in the web I ask if perhaps we've suddenly got back in the medieval age: in San Gualberto Church I saw that Templar Swords were laid on the floor in front of the sacred altar and on it. By this fact after centuries can be perceived the concrete presence of the Templar Knights at Valle Benedetta. Present and past go togheter in that place where months ago took place an important Templar Ritual Chapter arousing ancient awakening powers as the Templar Sword acted his own true role.



Senior Member
They still walk in the shadows and are always watching.

The descendants, they move and some think its a myth.

He that sees with more than his eyes, from a standpoint.

Waves to those watching.

We will meet again on the battlefield.


Junior Member
Hi, a particular consideration on some protagonists of Little Doctor's story : december 04, 2018, on the newspaper IL TIRRENO (Livorno) appeared a long article about the KAYSER collaboration with NASA on bio experimentation to be able to go to Mars . The Deacon is the fulcrum of the situation.
Other newspaper page going ahead in reading : a long article appears , the topic is the painters Massimo Lomi and Voltolino Fontani. We remember that the first painted the Altar Boy on a door in San Gualberto Church and the second created the EA-ISMO (Era Atomica painting movement) and painted many representations of ancient events related to this story.
I find this fact not as a coincidence; it is no possible that by case various figures of this story abruptly are mentioned in the same day, in the same newspaper............



What is Art LD? Have you ever meditated on this question? At different points in one's biography there are maybe different answers. What do you call Art?

Most important of all is a beacon of Light that can show us our path. That can also be created? If that could be created then sharing it makes all much safer in the Darkness. Maybe sharing Light is a masterpiece.


LD`s words are lightning blasts and flashes of glory. There are striation patterns between the lines, like in Romitone paintings. LDs words are painted blocks, like installations stuck in a wall.
It`s drug that works gradually and very slow. It gets you addicted without you realising. You are free while you are a reader but one day, the day the Romitone enters you, you are trapped in a glory cage forever. The Romitone and "our Lady" (yours not mine) are faces of the same coin.

I perceive this method as a LIE, get a rat with glory rays to follow a certain path without it realising that he will go through his own hell. It`s like those people that, although not guilty, ended locked up.
In marketing ads or movie culture is the same but it is not always a work of light but often just rubbish. Maybe we could call it a "melody of glory". Like in the renaissance a venus beauty could only be the result of the light of inspiration and also of the greatest experiences/technical expertise.

Only the greatest works of art can be eternal. It makes me wonder how low brains have become to produce so much thrash.
