Captain Leale Martelli - The Odyssey in the Realms of Time

The story is indeed fascinating and historical, I'm most interested in the videos, it's the first time I have seen them.
I am enjoying the exploration of this thread, where ever it leads to.
I don't automatically see things as false, I enjoy paranormal & mystery stories, so I am following this thread.
The story is indeed fascinating and historical, I'm most interested in the videos, it's the first time I have seen them.
I am enjoying the exploration of this thread, where ever it leads to.
I don't automatically see things as false, I enjoy paranormal & mystery stories, so I am following this thread.
Special thanks to . Steve 69 that discovered the videos
But how they approached the coast of Livorno? the journey from Messina to Livornia.
Left the port of Messina, having also hired the preacher, Roberto had to inform the crew of the cargo ship chartered by the Venetians, the change of route and destination. The the destination would no longer be the Campania coast, but the Pisan port near Livornia. Initially, the captain of the crew did not agree, but Roberto convinced him showing him the vast treasure loaded on the ship and promising him that he would give him and his men everything they could take with one hand.
The latin cargo ships of the Venetian company, usually lined the coast while sailing to Italy. In this circumstance, however, for safety reasons, the decision to navigate further offshore was made. Due to the change of direction and bad weather, it took more than thirty days to reach the first beacons from "Ante ignem" at the Livornia coast, which is located just before the Pisan port.
Initially the idea was to land in the Pisan port at the "portus Magnalis", and then transfer the load in "fundacum magnum", but given the exceptional nature of the load, that would be definitely checked with all the risks involved, to listen to the preacher advice was decided, to land the ship in a small natural cove at "Ardentia", used as a small port and fish hatchery by the Romans. The bay was not far the St. Jacob's Church. In doing so they hoped to dock with no one controlled the load. The thing succeeded perfectly.
But how they approached the coast of Livorno? the journey from Messina to Livornia.
Left the port of Messina, having also hired the preacher, Roberto had to inform the crew of the cargo ship chartered by the Venetians, the change of route and destination. The the destination would no longer be the Campania coast, but the Pisan port near Livornia. Initially, the captain of the crew did not agree, but Roberto convinced him showing him the vast treasure loaded on the ship and promising him that he would give him and his men everything they could take with one hand.
The latin cargo ships of the Venetian company, usually lined the coast while sailing to Italy. In this circumstance, however, for safety reasons, the decision to navigate further offshore was made. Due to the change of direction and bad weather, it took more than thirty days to reach the first beacons from "Ante ignem" at the Livornia coast, which is located just before the Pisan port.
Initially the idea was to land in the Pisan port at the "portus Magnalis", and then transfer the load in "fundacum magnum", but given the exceptional nature of the load, that would be definitely checked with all the risks involved, to listen to the preacher advice was decided, to land the ship in a small natural cove at "Ardentia", used as a small port and fish hatchery by the Romans. The bay was not far the St. Jacob's Church. In doing so they hoped to dock with no one controlled the load. The thing succeeded perfectly.
Ok little doctor we all now, please continue your story.
What happened after the Leontino the young recovery.
The four characters, the Knight of the two helmets, the Armenian magician, the Augustinian monaco said the preacher and Roberto da Volterra, were gathered at the church of San Jacopo and decided that everyone would have kept a relic.
They also decided to build a monastery for each relic. Four relics, four monasteries.
They said to build it in a safe place, on the pyramidal hills that could be seen from the sea (the modern Valle Benedetta). At that time it was not called Valle Benedetta, the four characters dubbed those hills with biblical names: Tabor, Oliveto, Nermon and Golgotha, where three gigantic crosses were hoisted.
Since at that time there was already a monastery in locality La Poggia (Tabor) said Conventaccio the four characters decided to bring the mysterious object, the relics and part of treasure in that monastery waiting to build the other three.
The three monasteries were built over the years according to this chronology: Conventaccio, that already exists; church of Saint Lucia, large cathedral, today Villa Huighens; hermitage of Sambuca; Valle Benedetta church.
Two days before the docking of the ship in the bay of "Ardentia", while the ship was docked in front of St. Jacob's Church, it was put into the sea a "scafa" (sort of lifeboat), carrying the wounded Leontino. They were headed toward the source Acquaviva at the crypt of the church of San Jacopo. In the scafa with Leontino there were Roberto, the Armenian magician, the preacher and the the two helmets knight. The sea was particularly moved, making the landing maneuvers particularly difficult. The Armenian magician touched the waters and these soon subsided. It was then that, for the first time, the Knight of the two helmets turned to the Armenian magician and said to him: "I always wonder where you were when Ayrivank was destroyed, your witch tricks would probably scared the caliph?"
The Knight ended the sentence with a wry grin.
Once they arrived on the shore Leontino was transported right into the crypt where stood the Acquaviva. The body was lying near the spring for a few minutes, all around there was a great silence. Everyone watched without doing anything. The two helmets Knight came to the spring and filled his helmet with the relic inside with water from the source. Within seconds the relic, represented by a cup, broke away from the helmet and once filled with water was approached to Leontino that watered. At first nothing happened, after a few minutes Leontino began to complain about terrible back pain, gasping, and to turn over the ground. In all this he did not notice that he had regained the use of his legs, and within seconds he fainted. He awoke the next day and was able to walk again with the help of a crutch. It was not clear whether the merit of the healing was of the cup or water or both.
This opens another chapter of the cup. In short: having regard to its property and its past history, it was decided to create an exact copy of the cup, totally equal both in features and in weight. It was called the sacred cup of Sambuca, because it was kept in the hermitage of sambuca and shown in place of the real one. There is an anecdote that says that perhaps the two cups were exchanged. So much were the same, they could no longer recognize. So that expounded as a copy could be the real one. However the sacred cup of sambuca is still extant, preserved in some religious institute or museum. There are documents that certify it.
The phrase that tells of Ayrivank intrigues me, someone more news.with
Hello Little Doctor, thank you , you have not forgotten us who have followed your story.
I will have to look up the historic references you mention, unless, of course, you tell us at some point.
Any photographs/images would be realy helpful.
Anything that can point us in the right direction to try to put your very interesting story together, which is what I am trying to do. I am enjoying the fun of it.
The crew of the Venetian Latin ship left the area, but did not return to the Venetian service. They had mutinied and remade a life with the gold received by Roberto da Volterra. The Turcopoli, instead, founded a dynasty of pirates at the Valle Benedetta. The last commander, in 1600, was called the Moor of the Valley. The Turcopoli became pirates and were using the area to hide. There are many legends about how they became pirates, even Don Primo, pastor of the Valle Benedetta church, knew about it. It is said that Don Primo has found a part of the treasure, and why he did not want Leale Martelli went around inside the church.
A curiosity: the Latin ship used by the four characters called The Foenix "!!! and was found by Leale Martelli during his research in a cave to the Poggia under the Conventaccio! Why was a ship in a cave in the middle of a mountain? Who has it brought? and why? But as I often say, that's another story.
