Captain Leale Martelli - The Odyssey in the Realms of Time


A few sentences are written on a door, including “La guerra non viene più dichiarata ma continua" (The war is no longer declared but it Continues) and “L’inaudito è divenuto quotidiano” (The unprecedented has become daily).

These are plain-meaning phrases that are well linked to the story of little doctor and to what's happening in Valle Benedetta.


Returning to Valle Benedetta I came across Villa Huygens. I noticed the presence of some statues in its garden, statues also located around the octagonal temple and that can serve to understand the mystery of the lines and symbols of this villa's garden.


What follows is a script of Captain Leale Martelli, drawn up immediately after a battle experience. This script has to be copied later using a typewriter in which the letter "f" was missing. In addition, the first lines of the script seem to be missing, perhaps deteriorated or perhaps deliberately concealed. I copy everything without translating it to avoid altering the captain's thoughts...
"e quante volte mi sono chiesto che cosa sia veramente la morte, essa mi affascina a tal punto da portare il suo stemma sulla mia fronte, oramai ne faccio parte, come un figlio, sono un figlio della morte, di quella morte che consacra un guerriero caduto in un eroe, ma solo se la morte non ha mai temuto, ma perché temere la morte? In verità non è la sua falce che tronca la vita, ma sono le mie mani, il mio pugnale e le mie bombe a dare morte. Oramai il nemico teme solo la mia nera divisa e non lo sgulcito mantello che ricopre il non nulla della signora morte.
Campo di battaglia, concime di gloria, corpi martoriati, carne e ossa che si fondono con l'acciaio, occhi, occhi sbarrati, occhi azzurri, sono di un nemico alto, biondo, ben piazzato, ma pur sempre un nemico, colpo di grazia, lieve lamento, io che un tempo decantavo le doti e la superiorità degli uomini alti e biondi. Adesso tolgo loro la vita, io scuro con gli occhi neri, neri come la morte".
Capitano Leale Martelli

I hope to have the time to tell the story's continuation, which saw Captain Martelli go beyond any human understanding, to arrive where no other man ever arrived, succeeding in defeating death and understanding the mysteries of life and of the whole creation , so far guarded by the "half-hearted", true masters of the universe, but this is another story.
Now is the right moment to continue to talk about the role of the brotherhoods which continues to hinder the captain's mission. It would be time for all the commendations and the archconfraternites to cease their activities. For this reason, I have decided to reveal and divulge the mysteries the confreres are seeking for years to discover and understand. If this attempt did not sort the expected results, I will not hesitate to divulge the names of all affiliates and indicate their respective meeting venues. I also recommend to the latest aggregates belonging to the "Levantini " families to return to their half-moon lands since they will never have enough faith to observe Istanbul from the ancient mills.
Let's start with the first enigma that interests all the confraternities, one of the most important mysteries of this story: the church of San Jacopo in Acquaviva.
It is useless to continue searching and digging inside the church, what you all look for is within the naval academy, precisely under the floor of the "official circus". Hardly the military navy will allow to dig in its jurisdictional area, this will also preserve Roberto da Volterra's will for a long time. Anyway, I may be aware of Roberto da Volterra's latest will and share my knowledge with all those who will abandon their brotherhoods to join the ranks of the Knights Templar. The latter will soon settle their commendation near the Valle Benedetta.
