Captain Leale Martelli - The Odyssey in the Realms of Time


Junior Member
Agosto 1285, all’imbrunire il drappello guidato da Galgano è ormai giunto alle porte della pieve del Limone. Gli abitanti chiusi nelle proprie case scrutano dalle finestre l’arrivo di quegli uomini, con il timore che possano essere mercenari genovesi. Gli abitanti dell’antica pieve non si sentono più sicuri come un tempo, da quando il gigante Limoncino ha abbandonato il villaggio, si pensa, per tornare dai suoi padri. Galgano, dopo aver sostato alcuni minuti dentro la cappella di san Pietro e Paolo, con la speranza di poter incontrare in preghiera il “Predicatore”, dato che ultimamente era stato visto all’interno della stessa da alcuni pellegrini di passaggio, decide di riprendere il cammino verso il Conventaccio quando ormai è buio pesto e le ultime lucciole della stagione seguono il cammino di quel manipolo di frati guerrieri il cui incedere si confonde con il rumore di ferraglia procurato dagli armamenti. Ad un tratto nel punto ove le lucciole creano il firmamento in terra, una voce tuona tra quelle tenebre scintillanti, voce che fa gelare lo sangue e fermare lo passo. Neppure lo scudo osa più cozzar sulla cottamaglia, tutto si ferma, tutto tace. Quella voce appartiene al “Predicatore” che rivolgendosi a Galgano dice: Rettore non dovevi difendere lo faro marino? Credi forse di trovarlo tra la boscaglia? Oppure sei venuto a far scorta di lucciole da imprigionar in lanterne in modo da illuminar lo scoglio al posto del faro? Quel faro che ormai giace in fondo al mare per la stupidità dell’uomo e l’arroganza degli déi. A queste parole Galgano rispose: “Predicatore” da quando un uomo di chiesa osa nominare gli déi senza tener conto del proprio ed unico Dio a cui dovrebbe far sempre riferimento? Dunque è vero ciò che da tempo mi viene di sovente riferito sullo tuo conto, sei dunque in preda allo demonio? A quel punto il “Predicatore” si avvicina a Galgano e con voce sommessa gli dice: sono anni che da solo ormai combatto contro gli déi, ma ogni sera al crepuscolo prego il nostro Dio di aiutarmi nell’immane lotta, ma adesso altri fratelli hanno bisogno del nostro aiuto, poiché ancestrali streghe si sono date sembianza di monaca in modo da ingannare le menti degli eremiti e tentare le loro carni, così da fiaccare ogni residua resistenza provenga dall’interno del convento della Poggia, che adesso a ragione possiamo chiamare “Conventaccio”.August 1285, at dusk the group led by Galgano has now reached the gates of the Pieve del Limone. The inhabitants closed in their homes watch the arrival of those men from the windows, with the fear that they might be Genoese mercenaries. The inhabitants of the ancient parish no longer feel as safe as they once did, since the giant Limoncino left the village, it is thought, to return to his fathers. Galgano, after having stopped for a few minutes inside the chapel of St. Peter and Paul, with the hope of being able to meet the "Preacher" in prayer, since he had recently been seen inside it by some passing pilgrims, decides to resume the I walk towards the Conventaccio when it is pitch dark and the last fireflies of the season follow the path of that handful of warrior friars whose gait is confused with the clanging noise caused by the armaments. Suddenly at the point where the fireflies create the firmament on earth, a voice thunders in that glittering darkness, a voice that makes the blood freeze and stop it. Not even the shield dares to hit the cottamaglia anymore, everything stops, everything is silent. That voice belongs to the "Preacher" who, addressing Galgano, says: Rector, didn't you have to defend the marine lighthouse? Do you think you will find it in the bush? Or have you come to stock up on fireflies to be imprisoned in lanterns so as to illuminate the rock instead of the lighthouse? That lighthouse that now lies at the bottom of the sea due to the stupidity of man and the arrogance of the gods. To these words Galgano replied: "Preacher" since when does a man of the church dare to name the gods without taking into account his own and only God to whom he should always refer? So it is true what I have often been told about you for some time, are you therefore in the grip of the devil? At that point the "Preacher" approaches Galgano and in a soft voice says to him: I have been fighting alone against the gods for years now, but every evening at dusk I pray to our God to help me in the immense struggle, but now other brothers have need our help, since ancestral witches have given themselves the guise of a nun in order to deceive the minds of the hermits and tempt their flesh, so as to weaken any residual resistance coming from within the convent of the Poggia, which we can rightly now call " Conventaccio”.

Importante nota: Important Note

Per semplificare e rendere più comprensibile il dialogo fra il “Predicatore” e Galgano ho trascritto la versione che è stata tradotta nel tomo scritto in volgare della Bibbia catara, la cui versione originale recitava pressoché in questo modo:To simplify and make the dialogue between the "Preacher" and Galgano more understandable, I transcribed the version that was translated into the vernacular volume of the Cathar Bible, whose original version read almost as follows:

“Rettore, avresti dovuto proteggere lo faro marino dal vicino scoglio, non da questa boscaglia, oppure vuoi far scorta di lucciole per illuminar gli scogli? E pensi di catturare le lucciole con spade affilate? Meglio sarebbe stato portare a tuo seguito esperti phiolieri, come fecero i templari a Costantinopoli, essi erano in grado di soffiar fiale grandi come stomaci di somaro”.“Rector, should you have protected the marine lighthouse from the nearby rock, not from this bush, or do you want to stock up on fireflies to light up the rocks? And do you plan to catch fireflies with sharp swords? It would have been better to bring expert phiolieri with you, as the Templars did in Constantinople, they were able to blow vials as big as donkey stomachs”.
Tutto bene

Everything OK
(ok okay)
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Neppure ebbero il tempo di guardarsi in volto, che Galgano ed il “Predicatore” dovettero volgere lo sguardo verso il limitare del sentiero principale, poiché luci di torce e muggiti di bue risalivano la collina, non ci volle molto per attribuire quei potenti muggiti ad una coppia di uri che la credenza popolare voleva fossero discendenti degli uri che furono portati dalla nave veneziana affittata dai templari che in seguito sbarcò sulle coste di san Jacopo. I due animali erano al seguito della comunità religiosa della pieve di Salviano alla quale furono affidati per farli pascolare in pianura. Ma la notte sembrava riservare altre sorprese. Difatti altre torce si levavano in aria quasi a far concorrenza alle lucciole, stavolta le torce erano impugnate dagli eremiti neri del monastero della Sambuca, anch’essi in cerca di rifugio verso il monte la Poggia, dato che i balestrieri genovesi erano stati visti risalire il torrente della valle infernale fino all’Ugione. Gli eremiti neri erano fuggiti approfittando del fatto che i genovesi si erano accampati per la notte, visto che essi non erano propensi a muovere lontano dal mare soprattutto nel buio delle tenebre, solo il miraggio di un lauto saccheggio li spingeva verso il monastero che a loro parere nascondeva ricchi tesori. Quella notte pareva che tutti i religiosi della zona si fossero dati appuntamento per rifugiarsi all’interno del Conventaccio, luogo ritenuto sicuro e inaccessibile poiché le oscure vicende di cui si narrava spesso, tenevano a debita distanza ogni sorta di contatto da parte del mondo esterno. Quindi di comune accordo Galgano ed il “Predicatore” presero il comando dei religiosi in fuga e diedero disposizioni affinché tutti rimanessero uniti e ben inquadrati come in una processione, infatti poco dopo il gruppo di 25 monaci arrivò composto alle mura del Conventaccio, ma nonostante le insistenti richieste di asilo, le porte non si aprirono. Questo fece innervosire molto Galgano al quale fu intimato dal “Predicatore” di mantenere la calma e di attendere il sorgere del sole poiché di giorno sarebbe stato più facile distinguere chi era un vero frate o un genovese, vere monache o streghe. Venne l’alba, venne la luce e pure i genovesi, si udì il suono del corno che mise in riga i balestrieri, i loro dardi erano pronti a scoccare e ad un tratto una strana nebbia uscì dal Conventaccio e avvolse tutto ciò che era sacro e tutto ciò che era profano…


They didn't even have the time to look each other in the face, that Galgano and the "Preacher" had to turn their gaze towards the edge of the main path, since torch lights and ox bellows went up the hill, it didn't take long to attribute those powerful bellows to a pair of aurochs that popular belief had as descendants of the aurochs that were brought by the Venetian ship rented by the Templars which later landed on the coasts of San Jacopo. The two animals were following the religious community of the parish church of Salviano to which they were entrusted to graze them in the plains. But the night seemed to reserve other surprises. In fact, other torches rose into the air as if to compete with the fireflies, this time the torches were held by the black hermits of the Sambuca monastery, who were also seeking refuge towards Monte la Poggia, given that the Genoese crossbowmen had been seen going up the torrent of the infernal valley up to the Ugione. The black hermits had fled taking advantage of the fact that the Genoese had camped for the night, since they were not inclined to move far from the sea especially in the dark of darkness, only the mirage of a lavish looting pushed them towards the monastery which they opinion hid rich treasures. That night it seemed that all the religious in the area had made an appointment to take refuge inside the Conventaccio, a place considered safe and inaccessible because the dark events that were often told kept all sorts of contact from the outside world at a safe distance. So by mutual agreement Galgano and the "Preacher" took command of the fleeing religious and gave instructions so that everyone remained united and well organized as in a procession, in fact shortly after the group of 25 monks arrived composed at the walls of the Conventaccio, but despite the persistent requests for asylum, the doors did not open. This made Galgano very nervous, who was ordered by the "Preacher" to keep calm and wait for the sun to rise because during the day it would have been easier to distinguish who was a real friar or a Genoese, real nuns or witches. Dawn came, the light came and so did the Genoese, the sound of the horn was heard which put the crossbowmen in line, their darts were ready to shoot and suddenly a strange mist came out of the Conventaccio and enveloped all that was sacred and all that was profane…
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La nebbia avvolse ogni cosa in un tempo brevissimo. Era talmente densa da riuscire ad ovattare perfino i rumori, tutto cadde in una quiete irreale. Un silenzio ansimante pervadeva l’intera collina. Ad un tratto si udì un suono provenire anch’esso dal monastero del Conventaccio, si trattava dell’inconfondibile suono dell’olifante, strumento suonato dai templari durante i loro riti, che adesso echeggiava certamente in risposta al corno da caccia genovese. Il suono dell’olifante si faceva sempre più forte e assordante tanto da disturbare la percezione umana dell’ambiente circostante. Pure i due uri si eccitarono rispondendo con forti muggiti al suono dell’olifante, fino a quando i due versi si fusero in un solo terrificante grido di guerra e fu proprio al culmine della sua potenza che la nebbia cominciò a diradarsi, lasciando poco a poco intravedere le mura del Conventaccio. Quando il suono cesso lasciò tutte le orecchie frastornate e così quando la nebbia si dissolse lasciò gli occhi increduli alla visione. Una schiera di monache era apparsa come dal nulla in fila e allineata davanti al portone del monastero. Esse erano in piedi, ma le loro estremità non sembravano toccare il terreno, neppure i loro volti erano visibili sotto al velo monacale che lasciava intravedere due occhi rosso fuoco. Solo Galgano ed il “Predicatore” riconobbero da quelle vesti l’ordine a cui appartenevano le presunte monache, erano sepolcrine, esse oltre che seguire la regola di sant'Agostino, seguivano pure i templari in terra Santa. La croce patriarcale che portavano bene in vista sul petto le distingueva dagli altri ordini monastici. Il silenzio fu proprio rotto dal canto delle monache, un coro che sembrava canto di sirena poiché in grado di paralizzare ogni braccio e ogni gamba pervasi in un gelido brivido da increspar la pelle, ma qualcosa stava prendendo forma dietro le fila delle monache. Alcune figure avanzavano con passo deciso, si potevano vedere i loro armamenti e i loro mantelli bianchi che, nonostante la mancanza di brezza, sventolavano come vele durante la tempesta.


The fog enveloped everything in a very short time. It was so dense that it was able to muffle even the noises, everything fell into an unreal stillness. A panting silence pervaded the entire hill. Suddenly a sound was heard also coming from the Conventaccio monastery, it was the unmistakable sound of the oliphant, an instrument played by the Templars during their rites, which now certainly echoed in response to the Genoese hunting horn. The sound of the oliphant was getting louder and more deafening enough to disturb the human perception of the surrounding environment. Yet the two aurochs became excited by responding with loud bellows to the sound of the oliphant, until the two cries merged into one terrifying war cry and it was at the height of its power that the mist began to clear, leaving little by little glimpse the walls of the Conventaccio. When the sound ceased it left all ears dazed and so when the fog cleared it left eyes in disbelief at the vision. A group of nuns had appeared out of nowhere lined up in front of the monastery door. They were standing, but their ends did not seem to touch the ground, not even their faces were visible under the monk's veil which revealed two fiery red eyes. Only Galgano and the "Preacher" recognized from those clothes the order to which the alleged nuns belonged, they were sepulchres, they as well as following the rule of Saint Augustine, also followed the Templars in the Holy Land. The patriarchal cross which they wore prominently on their chests distinguished them from other monastic orders. The silence was really broken by the singing of the nuns, a choir that seemed like a siren song because it was able to paralyze every arm and every leg pervaded in an icy shiver that rippled the skin, but something was taking shape behind the ranks of the nuns. Some of the figures strode forward, their armaments and white cloaks could be seen flapping like sails in a storm despite the lack of breeze.
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They did not even have time to look at each other, that Galgano and the "Preacher" had to turn their gaze towards the edge of the main path, since torch lights and ox bellowing went up the hill, it did not take long to attribute those powerful bellowing to a pair of aurochs that popular belief wanted were descendants of the aurochs who were brought by the Venetian ship rented by the Templars which later landed on the shores of San Jacopo. The two animals were in the wake of the religious community of the parish church of Salviano to which they were entrusted to make them graze in the plains. But the night seemed to hold other surprises. In fact, other torches were raised in the air as if to compete with the fireflies, this time the torches were held by the black hermits of the Sambuca monastery, they too were looking for refuge towards Mount La Poggia, since the Genoese crossbowmen had been seen going up the stream of the infernal valley as far as the Ugione. The black hermits had fled taking advantage of the fact that the Genoese had camped for the night, since they were not inclined to move far from the sea especially in the dark of darkness, only the mirage of a lavish looting pushed them towards the monastery that they opinion hid rich treasures. That night it seemed that all the religious of the area had made an appointment to take refuge inside the Conventaccio, a place considered safe and inaccessible because the dark events that were often told, kept all sorts of contact from the outside world at a safe distance. So by mutual agreement Galgano and the "Preacher" took command of the fleeing religious and gave orders so that all remained united and well framed as in a procession, in fact shortly after the group of 25 monks arrived composed at the walls of the Conventaccio, but despite the insistent requests for asylum, the doors did not open. This made Galgano very nervous, who was ordered by the "Preacher" to keep calm and wait for the sun to rise because during the day it would have been easier to distinguish who was a real friar or a Genoese, real nuns or witches. The dawn came, the light came and the Genoese too, the sound of the horn was heard that put the crossbowmen in line,

The fog enveloped everything in a very short time. It was so dense that it could even muffle the noises, everything fell into an unreal stillness. A panting silence pervaded the entire hill. Suddenly a sound was heard also coming from the Conventaccio monastery, it was the unmistakable sound of the olifante, an instrument played by the Templars during their rites, which now certainly echoed in response to the Genoese hunting horn. The sound of the oliphant became louder and more deafening, so much so that it disturbed the human perception of the surrounding environment. Even the two aurochs got excited by responding with loud bellowing to the sound of the oliphant, until the two lines merged into a single terrifying war cry and it was precisely at the height of its power that the fog began to clear, gradually leaving a glimpse of the walls of the Conventaccio. When the sound stopped he left all ears dazed and so when the fog cleared he left his eyes in disbelief at the vision. A group of nuns had appeared as if out of nowhere lined up and lined up in front of the monastery door. They were standing, but their extremities did not seem to touch the ground, not even their faces were visible under the monastic veil that revealed two fiery red eyes. Only Galgano and the "Preacher" recognized from those clothes the order to which the alleged nuns belonged, they were sepulchres, as well as following the rule of St. Augustine, they also followed the Templars in the Holy Land. The patriarchal cross they wore prominently on their chests distinguished them from other monastic orders. The silence was really broken by the singing of the nuns, a choir that sounded like a siren song because it was able to paralyze every arm and every leg, pervaded in an icy shiver to wrinkle the skin, but something was taking shape behind the ranks of the nuns. Some figures advanced with a determined step, their armaments and their white cloaks could be seen which, despite the lack of breeze, flapped like sails during the storm.
As requested.


Ciò che pareva una processione di monache, si fece da parte spostandosi ai lati per dare spazio ad una conrois di 30 templari che impugnando le spade volgevano minacciosi lo sguardo verso i genovesi, i quali erano già in procinto di lasciare il campo una volta costatato di persona che ciò che veniva raccontato di terribile su quei luoghi corrispondeva al vero. Combattere contro spettri e streghe era già un’impresa, trovarsi di fronte pure dei templari, rendeva l’impresa impossibile. Meglio tornare in acque più sicure e sulle ancor più sicure navi da guerra, senza aver conquistato alcun bottino, ma con la testa ancora sul collo. Appena l’ultimo dei genovesi si dileguò nella boscaglia, Galgano, confuso dagli incredibili eventi, fece come per sguainare la spada dal fodero, ma il “Predicatore” bloccò il suo braccio e disse: “riponi la tua lama rettore. Vorresti non dare tregua ai genovesi oppure cercar l’oblio incrociando la spada con un templare sperando che nel frattempo le streghe non ti strappino il cuore dal petto? Fatti da parte rettore, adesso è affar mio misurarmi con colui che muove alla testa di codesti templari, dato che già lo feci un tempo e già un tempo fui proprio io a condurlo in questi luoghi”. Detto questo il “Predicatore” si diresse verso il cavaliere che sembrava essere al comando della conrois e gli parlò in questi termini: “Roberto, vedo che hai di nuovo vestito i tuoi simboli, la croce patente si addice al cavaliere, meno però si addice una croce patriarcale ad una strega. Da quando streghe e templari van di pari passo? Cerchi forse nelle loro pratiche di evocare la tua Leontino? O hai trovato fra esse una degna sostituta?” Roberto da Volterra non rispose immediatamente alle domande provocatorie del “Predicatore”, esso si guardava attorno cercando di esprimersi con il linguaggio del corpo, talvolta sorrideva, per poi annuire con il capo, sembrava indicare con gesti e sospiri luoghi, cose e persone che in quel momento gli erano vicini, come se dovessero capire senza che lui proferisse parola, come se fosse già stato detto tutto e già tutto scritto. Non potendo sottrarsi oltre, Roberto si espresse dando le spalle alla variegata platea, ancora oggi le sue parole riecheggiano tra quelle colline: “”Predicatore”, anche tu come noi altri ti sei dissetato alla sorgente e hai bevuto dalla sacra coppa rinvigorendoti al punto di poter tornare in terra santa senza il timore che lo scorrere del tempo potesse corrompere il tuo spirito e lo tuo corpo”…


What looked like a procession of nuns stepped aside moving to the sides to make room for a conrois of 30 Templars who, holding swords, turned their gaze menacingly towards the Genoese, who were already about to leave the field once they noticed person that what was said terrible about those places corresponded to the truth. Fighting against ghosts and witches was already a feat, even being faced with the Templars made the feat impossible. Better to return to safer waters and even safer warships, having taken no loot, but with my head still on my neck. As soon as the last of the Genoese disappeared into the bush, Galgano, confused by the incredible events, made as if to draw his sword from its scabbard, but the "Preacher" blocked his arm and said: "put your blade back. Would you like not to give a break to the Genoese or would you like to seek oblivion by crossing your sword with a templar hoping that in the meantime the witches don't rip your heart out of your chest? Step aside rector, now it is my business to measure myself against the one who moves at the head of these Templars, since I already did it once and once it was I who led him to these places". Having said this, the "Preacher" went towards the knight who seemed to be in command of the conrois and spoke to him in these terms: "Roberto, I see that you have dressed your symbols again, the cross patent suits the knight, however it is less suitable a patriarchal cross to a witch. Since when do witches and templars go hand in hand? Do you perhaps seek in their practices to evoke your Leontino? Or have you found a worthy replacement among them?” Roberto da Volterra did not immediately answer the provocative questions of the "Preacher", he looked around trying to express himself with body language, sometimes he smiled, and then nodded his head, he seemed to indicate with gestures and sighs places, things and people at that moment they were close to him, as if they had to understand without him saying a word, as if everything had already been said and everything already written. Unable to escape further, Roberto expressed himself with his back to the variegated audience, even today his words echo among those hills: being able to return to the holy land without the fear that the passing of time could corrupt your spirit and your body"…
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“Adesso, tu “Predicatore”, ritorni da inquisitore, proprio tu che un tempo criticavi i frati francescani per la loro solerte obbedienza nei confronti dei loro vescovi inquisitori. Le monache canonichesse da te tacciate come streghe da tempo si occupano del demone che alberga all’interno del trono dei giudei, un compito che il mago Armeno avevo specificatamente affidato a te, ma tu sei voluto ritornare in terra santa con la speranza di risolvere il mistero della crocifissione, il più grande segreto scoperto al tempio di Salomone, che adesso è conosciuto anche dai nostri fratelli eremiti neri, i quali hanno voluto raffigurare lo segreto con dipinti e sculture all’interno del convento. Questa è la vera ragione per cui ho interdetto a chiunque l’ingresso al monastero, ho pure affidato ai nostri fratelli eremiti che ci accolsero, tutti i tesori che noi altri trafugammo dalla terra santa. Essi li nascosero in diversi luoghi, dei quali neppure io sono a conoscenza e non vorrò mai sapere, ma a quanto pare i genovesi non sono del mio solito parere. Per loro il tesoro rimarrà un mistero dal momento che i loro dardi possono scavare le carni vive, ma non la profonda terra. Le reliquie invece sono custodite in bella vista all’interno del monastero e la sacra coppa è ancor bagnata di acquaviva, dal momento che i miei cavalieri saprebbero spedire nella profonda terra chiunque avesse solo il pensiero di potersi avvicinare per depredare o per affrancarsi il loro potere”.

Questo lungo monologo di Roberto da Volterra è stato volutamente resecato in alcuni passaggi al fine di impedire che le informazioni date potessero a tutt’oggi, facilitare il ritrovamento di reperti o rovine architettoniche che al momento devono rimanere celati.

Al termine del discorso Roberto invitò sia il Predicatore e Galgano a seguirlo all’interno del monastero del Conventaccio. Giunti davanti all’altare maggiore viene mostrato loro un crocifisso ligneo con un cristo sempre in legno, crocifisso al contrario. Fu mostrato in oltre un grande dipinto posizionato sulla navata destra raffigurante un Cristo crocifisso sempre al contrario, quindi con il volto rivolto verso la croce, nel dipinto si nota anche Maria Magdalena. Del Cristo crocifisso al contrario ne erano pure a conoscenza alcuni fra i seguaci più attivi del cenacolo della Valle Benedetta. Essi hanno voluto lasciare testimonianza per coloro che si sarebbero avvicinati alle varie confraternite, raffigurando in un dipinto la Magdalena con i piedi del Cristo crocifisso al contrario. Il quadro è tutt’ora esposto presso la chiesa della Valle Benedetta sempre sul lato destro. Di questo quadro posterò alcune immagini.

Quale fu il motivo preciso per cui il Cristo venne crocifisso al contrario? Questa è un’altra storia….


“Now, you “Preacher”, you return as an inquisitor, the very one who once criticized the Franciscan friars for their diligent obedience to their inquisitive bishops. The canonic nuns you have accused of being witches have long been dealing with the demon that dwells within the throne of the Jews, a task that the Armenian wizard had specifically entrusted to you, but you wanted to return to the holy land with the hope of resolving the mystery of the crucifixion, the greatest secret discovered in Solomon's temple, which is now also known by our black hermit brothers, who wanted to depict the secret with paintings and sculptures inside the convent. This is the real reason why I banned anyone from entering the monastery, I also entrusted to our hermit brothers who welcomed us, all the treasures that we others stole from the holy land. They hid them in various places, of which even I am not aware and will never want to know, but apparently the Genoese are not of my usual opinion. For them the treasure will remain a mystery since their darts can dig through living flesh, but not the deep earth. The relics, on the other hand, are kept in plain sight inside the monastery and the sacred cup is still wet with brandy, since my knights would be able to send anyone who only thought of being able to approach to plunder or to free themselves from their power into the deep earth. ”.

NB This long monologue by Roberto da Volterra has been deliberately resected in some passages in order to prevent the information given from being able to facilitate the discovery of artifacts or architectural ruins which at the moment must remain hidden.

At the end of the speech Roberto invited both the Preacher and Galgano to follow him inside the Conventaccio monastery. Once in front of the main altar, they are shown a wooden crucifix with a Christ always in wood, crucified upside down. In addition, a large painting positioned on the right aisle was shown, depicting a crucified Christ always upside down, therefore with his face turned towards the cross, Maria Magdalena can also be seen in the painting. On the contrary, some of the most active followers of the cenacle of the Blessed Valley were also aware of the crucified Christ. They wanted to leave testimony for those who would have approached the various confraternities, depicting in a painting the Magdalena with the feet of the crucified Christ upside down. The painting is still exhibited at the church of Valle Benedetta always on the right side. I will post some pictures of this painting.

What was the precise reason why Christ was crucified upside down? That's another story….
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dipinto del Cristo crocifisso al contrario esposto nella chiesa della Valle Benedetta

painting of the crucified Christ upside down exhibited in the church of the Valle Benedetta


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Junior Member
dipinto del Cristo crocifisso al contrario esposto nella chiesa della Valle Benedetta
painting of the crucified Christ upside down exhibited in the church of the Valle Benedetta
Hi, great post and thank You LD.
I seriously get astonished reading this last post of LD. The image of the picture clearly shows the feet in reverse way. This fact changes many things about the Christianity................................
Below the enlarged image:


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