Cats are weird


New Member
I don't know what to say about them, they just seem like little aliens, but they aren't. I own two of them, and they do weird stuff. They can disappear into thin air for days on end, they can almost understand us, and times I think they see things we don't. Like, why are they so weird? My oldest cat, Gizmo, disappeared for two whole days. Two days! Then, out of nowhere, he showed up because the water dish was empty. I like the little turds, but do they have to be so strange? I don't know where this really belongs, but this seemed more at place here.


Temporal Engineer
I totally agree with you. I once had a little buddy of mine that behaved very oddly one time. He was staring at something on the ceiling. Then he started to growl just like a dog would. Acting very territorial. I didn't even know cats could growl like that. He was usually a very docile cat. But he was standing his ground against something he saw. Yet when I looked, there was nothing I could see to cause his obvious anger. It just seemed to me that cats could see something in our environment that we cannot perceive.


New Member
I find that weird. My cats stare at things in the windows all the time. Not just birds, sometimes at nothing in particular. The strangest time was when Gizmo was watching something intensely once, and my perfectly normal dog walked in and started to stare at the same thing the cat was. Their heads even moved as whatever they were staring at moved too! I think dogs can see in infrared, so perhaps you could explain that off, but cats don't have infrared vision. So whatever they were seeing, it wasn't infrared light. Something that could explain what they saw was a bug that I didn't see, but I find that unlikely since it was at 9:30 in the night, and it was early spring, with snow still on the ground.
Now with your cat, I don't know what could have caused that. Cats often do not get hostile over nothing, they have to be triggered. My guess is that your cat saw an unexpected guest that they didn't particularly take to kindly in his territory.

Doc 05

Active Member
So I'm working with the HDR/RV Sunday Target Experiment and performing a session on this latest target number;
I start getting the perception of inside a large assembly line factory.
The work whistle blows and workers go home, so I'm exploring this factory at night (in my HDR mind),
but the factory CAT, comes up to me and brushes up against my legs purring.
The CAT Saw me; I'm not there physically, just via the HDR/RV.
I then see this thread and that whole "synchronicity" thing strikes again. ;)


Senior Member
Was never really a cat person always had dogs, but over the last 2-3 years the cat has replaced the dog.

He's so random, but an inside one he freaks when a van door gets shut. One particular time he was asleep at the front door got the shit scared outta him, couldnt find him for hours in the end he wedged himself between a cupboard and a wall at the opposite end of the house.

As others have said at various times sees things that human dont see, and found when you look around staring at you for no apparent reason.

Being an inside cat he likes to peep out the window, but on some small adventures outside he quickly runs back in:)


Junior Member
Yea, they weird

@1:14 sec It appears that this cats brain is superimposing a "catface" on that dude.

I've experienced the company of too many exceptionally weird felines, more than my fair share.
Some bearing paranormal or supernatural attributes.


New Member
After watching this, I think I understand why the cat saw the human with the 'catface' as you described it. Have you ever looked at something and thought that it looks like a face. It is because your brain is wired to 'see' human features in objects even though some objects are not in fact human. We are designed to recognize a person from far away. My thoughts are that a feline is capable of this too. That they too see cat faces in things that are not feline. It would make sense.


Crazy Cat Lady
Cats can be weird.

One time, my cat decided to throw himself at my bedroom door in the early hours of the morning. It sounded like the sky had fallen and a planet had crashed into my bedroom door. My friend, who was staying at mine until his new place was ready, thought someone was breaking in.

We never did find out why he did that.
