
confido esse meruit
The current trend of false flags and media events around the world distracts from focussing more on the real purpose of entities such as Haarp and possibly more relevant to this forum CERN.
Does anyone here have any knowledge or thoughts as to the The Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
at CERN, many believe they are trying to open a portal - Inter dimensional/time travel.


Temporal Engineer
The current trend of false flags and media events around the world distracts from focussing more on the real purpose of entities such as Haarp and possibly more relevant to this forum CERN.
Does anyone here have any knowledge or thoughts as to the The Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
at CERN, many believe they are trying to open a portal - Inter dimensional/time travel.

CERN is just like the fake news media. Apparently they have an agenda to promulgate fake science.


confido esse meruit
The current trend of false flags and media events around the world distracts from focussing more on the real purpose of entities such as Haarp and possibly more relevant to this forum CERN.
Does anyone here have any knowledge or thoughts as to the The Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
at CERN, many believe they are trying to open a portal - Inter dimensional/time travel.

CERN is just like the fake news media. Apparently they have an agenda to promulgate fake science.

95% of all news these days is "fake" . But given the involvement of the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and Bilderberg in this work, unlike the scam of NASA, I believe there is an agenda here.


Senior Member
The wider public have no conception of this, those that have a perception of wider properties
see this instantly.


Senior Member
The current trend of false flags and media events around the world distracts from focussing more on the real purpose of entities such as Haarp and possibly more relevant to this forum CERN.
Does anyone here have any knowledge or thoughts as to the The Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
at CERN, many believe they are trying to open a portal - Inter dimensional/time travel.
People that have little or no knowledge at all about the nature of reality can have some of the craziest ideas. Like CERN opening a "portal" or the collision of protons at high speeds having something to do with time travel.


Snake Plissken

I believe..
Without doubt there are experiments that happen behind closed doors at CERN (as you would expect) and many strange stories but until we have any evidence that is all they are.. stories.


confido esse meruit
Our past has already been changed. Look closely at the many so called " mandella effects '' publicised in recent years. I had an old Monopoly set where the chap had a monocle and an old VHS copy of Moonraker where Richard Kiel ( Jaws ) after emerging unscathed from the Ski tow machine room, smiles at "Polly" who then reveals a compatible set of braces and true love ensues. My family and I had played /watched many times over the years. However, on checking both recently , the monocle has disappeared as have the braces on Polly.
The powers to be are attempting to make us question our recall, classifying this as " False Memory Syndrome" or perhaps even "Cognitive Dissonance"
It is also quite possible that all of the recent subtle changes in e.g. actor names etc, are being played to further discredit and cast doubt on our memory.
Whilst Nasa and space exploration will eventually be proven to be the greatest hoax ever devised, Cern is not science fiction and those who believe it is either have not researched sufficiently or are in denial

Content from an article below:

6. Opening the door to other dimensions
One year after CERN’s grand opening, Sergio Bertolucci, former Director for Research and Scientific Computing of the facility, grabbed headlines when he told a British tabloid the super collider could open otherworldly doors to another dimension for "a very tiny lapse of time,” mere fractions of a second. However, that may be just enough time “to peer into this open door, either by getting something out of it or sending something into it.”

"Of course," added Bertolucci, "after this tiny moment the door would again shut; bringing us back to our 'normal' four-dimensional world ... It would be a major leap in our vision of nature… And of course [there would be] no risk to the stability of our world."

Naturally, this comment has triggered fears that the CERN collider could unwittingly invite unwanted visitors from other time-space dimensions. Anybody for dinosaurs strolling along the Champs-Élysées, or alien life forms seizing the entire planet? Such scenarios – at least for some scientists – are no longer confined to the fictional world of Isaac Asimov novels; with the ongoing work at CERN, there is even talk of opening up a portal for time travel.

Simply postulating such futuristic scenarios shows how far mankind has traveled in a relatively short expanse of time, and our dystopic future predicted in books like “Brave New World” and “1984” may already be here. Will man be able to control the technology he has created, or will the technology destroy him, his works, and with it the entire planet?

On a related topic, my daughter recently mentioned to me that she had been timing her baking and something and the numbers did not match, so she counted out as we all had been taught at elementary school i.e. one Mississippi/one one thousand etc and noticed that 10 seconds in reality now showed 12.5 on her clock.

I had also noticed without thinking that my 3 minute boiled egg was now taking 5-6 minutes to get right.. Someone extrapolated this and the findings were:

2.5 seconds every 10 seconds

15 seconds per minute

900 seconds ( 15 minutes ) – per hour

21600 seconds ( 360 minutes) per day

6 hours per day

Day was 24 hours now 18 hours

After 4 days 1 day is lost

Month is 30 days average equals 7.5 days lost

90 days lost per year

Year was 365 days now 275 days

1 year lost after 4 years

For the record also, on four different occasions over the past 10 years, my wife whom I lost last month to cancer, had told me that she had " seen" me during the day, in different locations, in our different homes. On each of these occasions, I had been at work. My daughter also told me that she had "seen" me in her cabin earlier this year, where again at the time in question, I had been at work.
My purpose in joining this forum was to seek information from those whom have actual insight/ been involved in physical time travel, the technology for which I entirely believe currently exists and I would very much appreciate any response/ PM from those particular individuals.


The overall original purpose for the Hadron Collider was to test a hypothesis, to confirm/discover a subatomic particle( Higgs boson ) that could only previously be detected with mathematics.

I am not a physicist, but as I understand, the particle itself is important, as it is a key piece of the structure of matter, a link between matter and antimatter, the very fabric of the universe.

I don't think it is CERN who is building a portal or whatever, but rather it is CERN providing the necessary research and technical foundation for someone to eventually make one.
