Chaos and Destruction


I think all of you saw how Google is presenting a very small number of results when one does a search. The same is true for YouTube and even other search engines.

A friend of mine, showed me his wife's phone the other day. It doesn't matter what he searched on it, the results was almost identical. In fact if he didn't search something by exact name he would not find what he was looking for.

Chaos is defined as "Complete disorder and confusion" This is important.

Lets define the latter "confusion"

Confusion can be defined as "Uncertainty"

Uncertainty is a powerful weapon because it creates stress, confuse facts and it can leave an individual without recourse. Right now YouTube is flooded with stupidity. Look at social media, people are going to prison and they have committed no crime. This is dangerous because everyone is now suddenly guilty whenever someone else points the finger at them. Order cannot exist in these conditions, the delicate balance of law cannot exist in these conditions.

More to the point is these are "systems" created by "social media" that is supported by "individuals" that want to control "other individuals" so that they can push a "narrative" and create "laws" to control "information/people/situations". Companies like google is already controlling the outcome of every search that is done on their platform with 4.3 billion users. Youtube users stand on 2.6 Billion users, Tiktok stands at 1 Billion users Facebook stands at 2.9 Billion users and twitter has only has 396.5 Million users.

None of these numbers represent "everyone" but every user is money for these customers. Every user empower these companies. It is fact that information is filtered, censored. It is fact that people are threatened and banned from these platforms. It is fact that these platforms caused a lot of harm, some of these platforms did social experiments on humans.

Uncertainty != certainty
Order != Chaos

Social media is not a government... Yet they act like one. Social media should not have the last say yet they control the voice of the people and the words they are allowed to say. Think about how powerful they are, what they did and is continuing to do. How is this order? How is this good for humanity? How are they allowed to turn humanity into a product ?

I am sorry to say Chaos is coming... It will do harm onto others because it will be self-justified. It will will destroy others because it will have momentum, function and intent. Every-time you give these companies your time, you enable them to not only take your time, but turn an individual into a drone, loaded with a narrative and NOT information.

It is time to step back gather your thoughts, step-out of this invisible prison and breath. Allow time to think for yourself, allow yourself the time to look away and create your own opinion.

They don't want this, they have spend years engineering the right sounds, the right colors to create a subliminal dependency. It is time to turn off the noise, create a safe place of your mind, a place where one can create and indeed believe in hope again. A place that one can rest and flush-out all these artificially created narratives.

Revelations 13:15 "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast" These warnings might be old, some claim they are outdated. It is not... We are seeing first hand how this "image" is slowly becoming a realty. This so called AI (artificial Intelligence) is simply a tool. It will look real, sound real, it will be based on "facts" regardless of those facts was created or actual. It will move forth and it will oppress those that resit it. It has already started.

Create a safe place for yourself, make sure that that space is clean of all the noise. Build yourself a faraday cage if you need one. But rather do this and protect your mind then lose it on all this...


Senior Member
The moral is - don't rely on internet searches for all your information.

