Conspiracy Theorists Ask the Question — Are Suspicious Packages a False Flag Operation?


That guy is definitely not white. The police always classify hispanic men as "white" when they arrest them. But when it comes to affirmative action and scholarships, they are no longer white.
Watch closely and you will see that same group of armed Antifa chasing the car and continuing their attack on the driver.

I had not seen that video before. I appreciate you posting it. Even so, having someone hit your car with a baseball bat doesn't give you the right to plow into the crowd with your car. Legally, it's not equal force. If Fields foot mistakenly hit the gas after his car was hit and then he backed up quick in fear for his life, then that's a legal defense that will hold weight (depending, of course, who the jury ends up being).

Again: get fucked. I am not playing your fucking games. You know where the violence is coming from (the left). And this undercover hack game where you pretend you are not one of them is played out and tiresome.

Why do certain members here think I'm playing games? I'm not. I'm happy to look at evidence from multiple perspectives in order to make up my own opinion. My current opinion is still that the violence is coming from both extremes (or at least both extremes are trying to get the other to react violently). There's no undercover hack job. If you have information that is contrary to any of my opinions, I'm glad to look at it.
Also, note the total hypocrisy here. Hoax bombs (Clockboy's bomb was more realistic) are the end of the world and we need to do something about the terrible right wing violence. A mob of communist terrorists attacking somebody on the street with bats and guns should not have instilled the fear of being immanently murdered in the victim to the point where he hit the gas to escape the attackers.

That's liberal lunacy and hypocrisy on full display right there.
Here's more liberal hypocrisy. Remember Clockboy?



At least his hoax bomb had a clock with an alarm function.
Of course Cesar Sayoc Jr has a Twitter account (@hardrock2016 and @hardrockinlet). The people he follows on the 2016 account raises some eyebrows... looks like he follows a bunch of... liberals?

Okay, now I'm raising my eyebrows.
It remains, the media wants us to believe that people can mail fake bombs through the mail with out their packages getting postmarked from its shipping port of origin or their stamps being canceled.

Thats not how our mail is handled in the USA.

False flag to the 9s.
It remains, the media wants us to believe that people can mail fake bombs through the mail with out their packages getting postmarked from its shipping port of origin or their stamps being canceled.

Thats not how our mail is handled in the USA.

False flag to the 9s.

You're right. The only one that is on the news is the CNN one that was hand-delivered. Most likely, the rest were kept off the news because they were postmarked and could be tracked immediately to Florida so as not to alert the bomber.

Could they have found a more cartoony van for the bomber?
100% Non-Organic GMO Filled Certified Bullshit - Wait until they drag out the mind control victim to take the hit on this one.
I can see it already - he or she has been hearing voices that were telling them to do this, yadda yadda yadda
Try not to waste your brain power on this story, it's clearly a distraction or motive for something.
