Conviction of a Time Traveler: New book about John Titor


Senior Member
I finished reading this book last night. It's very good. I highly recommend it to anyone who thinks John Titor was a hoax. In "Conviction of a Time Traveler", the author presents evidence as if John Titor is on trial to decide whether or not he is a real Time Traveler or a hoaxer.

As Pamela said below, Anonymous did not read Kay Titor's book before publishing, and there were a few things he had wrong, but not enough to impact his work. His points were very compelling. Many of our research subjects and findings were the same. Anonymous (the author) also researched many areas that I did not. (Likewise, I researched areas that Anonymous did not.)

It's a very impressive book. If you are a Titor scoffer, I hope you take the time to read it. Do some homework, and "Put your money where your mouth is". Buy the book. :)

It's pretty good unfortunately he did not read the mothers book before
He published but he has read it now. Plus he had a few little things wrong but he didn't know me
Before he published. He has a great mind how he pieced everything together...Very brilliant man.

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
I finished reading this book last night. It's very good. I highly recommend it to anyone who thinks John Titor was a hoax. In "Conviction of a Time Traveler", the author presents evidence as if John Titor is on trial to decide whether or not he is a real Time Traveler or a hoaxer.

As Pamela said below, Anonymous did not read Kay Titor's book before publishing, and there were a few things he had wrong, but not enough to impact his work. His points were very compelling. Many of our research subjects and findings were the same. Anonymous (the author) also researched many areas that I did not. (Likewise, I researched areas that Anonymous did not.)

It's a very impressive book. If you are a Titor scoffer, I hope you take the time to read it. Do some homework, and "Put your money where your mouth is". Buy the book. :)
May be you should post your review on Amazon? I don't think it's getting any encouraging reviews, but it's normal with such an incredulous topic.


Senior Member
Hi titorite, Thanks. I would have liked to publish, but nowadays unfortunately I don't have the energy for it. Even when a person publishes 'anonymously', their real name becomes public record, and can be found easily. I see the author Anonymous listed it under what I think is a trust, which protects his identity. I wouldn't have had the resources to do that.

Besides, Anonymous has written the book listed above. I'm anxious to see which conclusions he came to that are the same as mine. I know some of our research is in different areas though. The book is supposed to arrive in 4 days. I'll be reading it in one day, and will be happy to post a comment about it on this thread. I'm anxious to read it! :)

I'll split the publishing rights with ya? I can take all the credit and heat and we'll split the profit contractually and privately 50/50 so that you can remain anon :) and if you like I could totally help with the editing :)


Senior Member
Agreed. If you have taken all the time, etc. you should publish. It would be of no use if the knowledge stays limited to you :)

It costs a lot of money to self-publish, which I don't have...nor do I have the energy. But I am sharing some of my research on this Forum if anyone cares to read it.

May be you should post your review on Amazon? I don't think it's getting any encouraging reviews, but it's normal with such an incredulous topic.

That's a good idea. I just posted my Review on Amazon.


Senior Member
I'll split the publishing rights with ya? I can take all the credit and heat and we'll split the profit contractually and privately 50/50 so that you can remain anon :) and if you like I could totally help with the editing :)

Hi Titorite, Honestly, if I had more energy I might take you up on that, but healthwise I'm really not up to it these days. My posts on this forum will have to do. Think of it this guys are the first to see my research findings, and I'm not posting them on any other Forum, just here. :)


Senior Member
He was the closest candidate for being John's grandfather. The only doubts I had was that he wasn't on the original IBM 5100 development team, but he was involved in a later development of another version that was close to it.

Anonymous included information in his book that specifically indicates that this man was indeed on the IBM 5100 development team. I never uncovered that information, so I wanted to let you know. I am hoping to get the source.


Senior Member
I searched the forum. Didn't see this stuff come up... I think Samstwitch might find this a tad entertaining.

Conviction of a Time Traveler

Oh wait there is more!

Conviction of a Time Traveler

Hi Khaos, That was very sweet of you to think of me! Thank you. :)

Actually, you're right. I did find this book interesting and have it in my John Titor collection of goodies. The author of the book writes Blogs on the subject of JT, and that is something of interest to follow. Glad you posted the comment as I had forgotten about the Blog. (I merged your comment with the thread that I had already created on this subject.)

