Corona Virus

The virus has reached Florida - Hillsborough and Manatee counties. The patients have been isolated, but Floridians love to hoard, so I am expecting mass chaos in the stores.
I'd like to see the media stop reporting solely the deaths and start reporting the recoveries. The survival rate is much higher than what the fear mongering media wants people to believe. Yes a little over 3,000 people have died, but well over 50,000 people have been infected and recovered. Also if anyone were to look up the statistics of those who have died, most of them were children, elderly, or people with weakened immune systems because of other complications such as diabetes, cancer, aids, etc.

They treat CV like it some new super flu, yet its far from "new". If anyone has ever had a ear infection, strep throat or even bronchitis, most likely it was caused by a strain of Corona virus. The only reason the death count is high is due in part to it being a new strain of CV, for which they have yet to have a cure for.
Trump (US) sacrifices Xi Jinping (China) to get to Kim Jong-un (North Korea)

Is Trump (US) an enemy of Kim Jong-un (North Korea) ??? - YES

Did Trump (US) threaten to put Kim Jong-un (North Korea) on their knees ??? - YES

Is Xi Jinping (China) a friend of Trump (US) ??? - NO

On whom does Kim Jong-un (North Korea) solely rely for any supplies ??? - On Xi Jinping (China)

Does Hassan Rohani (Iran) make the news anymore after Corona virus ??? - NO

Will Kim Jong-un (North Korea) import anything from Xi Jinping (China) after Corona virus ??? - NO

1. Trump (US) famishes NORTH KOREAN PEOPLE
collateral damage: many Chinese (and others) die
2. All people wake up and see the real truth
collateral damage: many Chinese (and others) die

Trump does worse crimes against humanity than Hitler did
I just got hit with a bad flu (despite vaccine), and everyone keeps telling me U.S. has Corona contained and everyone that comes from infected countries are checked. Do they do blood tests on them or just check and see if they have symptoms? I read somewhere that it can incubate for 24 days with no symptoms.

I had asthma and a mild cold for a week. It went away 100% for a week, then this week I am hit hard with a NASTY flu. I am taking Tamiflu now since yesterday. No improvement as of yet. I called a teledoc because it was weekend and it's cheaper. He only asked if I traveled or if I was near anyone who did.

So, yeah, I'm sick and feeling sorry for myself. :(
i really hope you will are feeling better, I really urge that people don’t get flu vaccines as we don’t know what they are doing to it since they keep updating it every year. Everyone I know who’s ever had a flu vaccine gets really sick after. I will be around them and not get sick, but never had that type of vaccine but somehow my body manages to avoid all colds and flus, but still somehow I always end up with stomach bugs and bronchitis caused by my asthma. I’m not against vaccines I have been Vaxed. But I feel like we should have avoid letting ourselves build immunity resistance by relying on too many medicines. I feel like they could be tampering with the flu vaccine. But unfortunately once you have it, you need it for the rest of your life.
Doctor Drew is wise:

"I will say it again. It will spread widely and I suspect may have already been in the population for a while and now that we are testing for it, we will detect many cases we had been calling “flu like”. Don’t panic. "


"It will spread and it will be very mild in the vast majority. Stop the panic. Respond systematically as we know how to do. "

I do believe I already had it. Only the vulnerable will get pneumonia.
March the 8th 2020
In Italy we have some politicians infected by the virus.
I have old friends which lives in the area where it has bummed and they say that they can hear only ambulante siren in the street.
Here in the north all schools are closed.
Shopping mall closed during the weekend.
Absolutely no sport events. Football matches will play with empty stadiums, no supporter inside.
They want us to stop meeting people.
Train stations still opened and a lot of university students going back home to the south.
Personally I work together with about 350 people in the factory in the field of water components. Our clients range is global. We have had very strict rules between colleagues but still open.
New here.
Flew in last night from Florida.
My adult kids are not riled about the virus. Did notice the elderly buying more stuff
Here in the Southwest, Costco limiting TP to one per customer.
Life as usual.
New here.
Flew in last night from Florida.
My adult kids are not riled about the virus. Did notice the elderly buying more stuff
Here in the Southwest, Costco limiting TP to one per customer.
Life as usual.

Yeah, that's because flu-like viruses can kill them. We are quarantining my elderly mother. I already had it, most likely. I survived.
Media is only talking about the worst case scenarios to cause fear and panick.

Florida -- masks are gone, but at least nobody is hoarding food.

Thank you for the welcome
Staying level headed seems to be the challenge for the near future
Quarantine may be a solution
I am more of the alkalize body to strengthen immune system to defend from virus
But then again , this is not a normal virus from what I gather
So a variety of tools are needed
Let's discuss the Corona Virus here.

Is it predicted in the Bible?
Is it being over-hyped?
Was it planned?
Is it as bad as they say it is?

Give your opinion.

"Steps off the curb
Stella Corona hopes for the best
To be home by sunset
Gotta be home by sunset "
the coronavirus is patented and when you patent a man made virus you have to have a cure and they not letting it out its patented in the uk and how it got to china makes me wonder if they in some kind of secret agreement with its creators to help over populate control china ,
