Could Sony Hacking Job Be a Masterful Deception to Bring Friction Between North Korea and the...


Think outside the mind
The United States government insists that North Korea is responsible for the massive hacking attack that let us all read Sony’s deepest, darkest secrets in our inbox en route to derailing a major motion picture from premiering. Not only does North Korea say that it had nothing to do with it, but now they are requesting a cooperative investigation with the U.S. into exactly what happened. You know, almost like they want to clear their name. The United States, including President Barack Obama, is steadfast that the hacking attack and aftermath is the purposeful fault of North Korea.
But hold up a second! Weren’t we told that North Korea’s highest level of technology was decades behind the United States? Weren’t we told that North Koreans had just discovered the Commodore 64 recently? Weren’t we told that North Koreans play video games over a decade past their prime because they just don’t have the technology to play the video games of today?
Well, we were told all of those things, and yet, now we are being asked to believe that this same country with that same technology pulled off one of the most complicated and successful hacking operations of all time. Hear that sound? It’s the bell of inconsistency.
So, of course, your first instinct is to scoff at Kim and say, “Sure, buddy…you don’t know anything about it, right?” But what if he’s simply telling the truth? What if a group of hackers pulled this off and made it look like it was the fault of North Korea? It’s not an unheard of idea. The late Tom Clancy famously went down this road in the eventual movie The Sum of All Fears.
Why would a group of hackers want to blame this on North Korea? Easy. There are tons of motivations. Do they want to increase tension between the United States and North Korea? Do they want to start a war? Do they know something we all don’t know? Is this just the first attack of a long developed plan?
Can anyone say New World Order? What do you think?

Source: Common Sense Conspiracy


Senior Member
I think Inside job or if not, piss poor security on sonys part. More over, they dont have to pull their movie. This is the USA. Freedom of speech. NK dont like it? too bad, It makes sony out to be cowardly but it would be a private sector hack. SO WHEN IN THE HECK IS THE US GOVERNMENT CONSIDERING A COUNTER STRIKE?!?! WTF!?!? The us government was not attacked. Sony was. And it is sonys fault for having lax security....Or did they.

In the wake of this congress rats are seeking to pass even more invasive cyber legislation.

Its bull. Sony should beef up their security protcals and show the darn moive. Since that is not happening and since we have a new puch to give up even more freedom and privacy Im calling a spade a spade and saying inside job.


Senior Member
MOre over it has occured to me that their is a back up plan.... The movie is made, it will be released through torrents like it or not. 20 mil was invested and some how that money has to be made back. One does not simply pull the plug on such an investment. Either sony will change its mind OR they have investment into certain torrent sites OR into anti torrent efforts. The most likely answer is both ... major corporations are gonna hedge their bets. I would bet that they have invested into some torrent sites as well as have invested into the best trackors they could buy to follow where it is downloaded.

The R5 will be released. The interview will be viewed. Sony has to make a profit of it some how... By investing in torrent sites through third parties and by tracking it for late lawsuits...they wont lose money on this inside job.


Active Member
I've read some details of the supposed hack, and it sounds like something straight out of the movie Skyfall. Didn't Sony film that?

The internet is one of the last places people can speak the truth more or less freely, and that's a problem for those who hate the truth, especially the US government. The government directly controls the mass media, and they can make it say whatever they want. The problem is, nobody's listening anymore. Whether it's Harry Reid calling Americans domestic terrorists or Obama telling business owners that they "didn't build that", the point is that the government has no credibility.

We already know the NSA monitors everything they can, but watching isn't enough for sadistic control freaks. They want absolute control over what can or can't be said & done, and they think "cyber legislation" will help them do that.

Guess what? Sony is a Japanese company, not American. This isn't even America's problem.


I was kinda surprised too. I'm glad they've decided to release it anyway.

Did you guys see it?


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
I haven't seen it yet, either...I expect it'll be like every other Seth Rogan/James Franco I'm in no hurry!
