Cow Farts & the Apocalypse


Active Member
Florida had record cold temperatures this winter! Global warming? LOL
In the 1970's, the scare was global cooling. By the early 1990's, the "survivors" were going to be cannabalistic nomads wandering a frozen wasteland. Obviously that didn't happen. The dire "warming" deadlines keep passing every few years, and then they get reset to several more years out. People are too dumb enough to remember that the last one didn't do anything.

People also don't know how to read a temperature chart. Even though I question them going back beyond thousands of years, the pattern is regular. We're at the low point. We have no other point than to go up.

About the funniest thing I ever heard on the subject was some whackjob professor saying that we were coming out of an ice age... and then a minute later: Man made global warming will kill us all!

Coming out ... ice age ...
Coming out ... ice age ...
Coming out ... ice age ...
...think that might mean warming???

Cow farts are the ultimate distraction. If they can distract us with that, everything will work, period.
Pretty soon they're going to want to re-engineer the "methane" to something benign to smell like strawberries. Then they'll want to do that to humans, too. Imagine walking into a room: "Is that strawberries I smell?" ... "I know there's strawberry ice cream hiding somewhere in this freezer" ... "Whoh... did someone just make a strawberry puree???"

As it's been mentioned earlier, what about Dinosaur farts? Some of the dinos were absolutely massive, weighing over 50 tons and eating grass and tree leaves. Now, imagine the mind-blowing farts these dinos would release. And yep, I found articles saying the dinosaurs contributed to global warming 150M years ago.


I'm not sure what to say next. lol
Good thing I do... I think I already mentioned Flatulousaurus Rex in another thread. They're going to claim they found it... soon... A whole herd of them, except it wasn't that asteroid strike that killed all the dinosaurs, it was a bean field and lightning. It literally lit up the planet.

And, yeah, the sauropod stomachs were a giant fermentation tank from whatever they ate. If you're ever stuck back in time with them, as soon as you hear that rumbling barrel roll, YOU RUN!!!
