Debunking Death Election!


Temporal Engineer
Admin Note
This thread is debunking / debating the thread bellow:
Death Election! | Paranormalis
You have made your choice. Now comes destruction for America. Ships in the Atlantic and tanks in the middle part of the country. Oh how a foolish people would choose this man for another 4 years. The choice the Americans has made will destroy America. Theses words I write are true and shall stand the test of time. Not only will it come in the Atlantic but from the heavens it shall come! Oh America what have you done?! As well as destruction as I said earlier here on this site. Get your house in order!! The fire is about to come!!!

Oh boy. The gloomer doomer is back. With yet another prediction of gloom and doom! Since his previous predictions failed I guess we can call this one failed too. Kind of like a prediction for peace and prosperity for all. And I guess my prediction that gloomer doomers will continue to forecast gloom and doom was correct. But that was basically a no brain er.


Senior Member
You have made your choice. Now comes destruction for America. Ships in the Atlantic and tanks in the middle part of the country. Oh how a foolish people would choose this man for another 4 years. The choice the Americans has made will destroy America. Theses words I write are true and shall stand the test of time. Not only will it come in the Atlantic but from the heavens it shall come! Oh America what have you done?! As well as destruction as I said earlier here on this site. Get your house in order!! The fire is about to come!!!

No idea about the rampant cheating or how the current establishment threatened and most likely used military force to stop out side observations of our elections... we live in a tyranny, this is a civil war... our leaders are selected and appointed not elected or freely choosen... and then you have the audacity to blame us for being the unwilling victims at their mercy because we have the unfortunate distinction of feeling their boot heel first!?!?!?!?!?


Temporal Engineer
You have made your choice. Now comes destruction for America. Ships in the Atlantic and tanks in the middle part of the country. Oh how a foolish people would choose this man for another 4 years. The choice the Americans has made will destroy America. Theses words I write are true and shall stand the test of time. Not only will it come in the Atlantic but from the heavens it shall come! Oh America what have you done?! As well as destruction as I said earlier here on this site. Get your house in order!! The fire is about to come!!!

No idea about the rampant cheating or how the current establishment threatened and most likely used military force to stop out side observations of our elections... we live in a tyranny, this is a civil war... our leaders are selected and appointed not elected or freely choosen... and then you have the audacity to blame us for being the unwilling victims at their mercy because we have the unfortunate distinction of feeling their boot heel first!?!?!?!?!?

I think you're right. It's the silly doom and gloom psychosis. But one thing is for real. The gloom and doom predictions have never come true.


Created this thread to debunk TT2063'S new prediction.

Oh and keep the debate respectful. No name calling please.



Senior Member
OH I apoligise .... sorda..

I mean I can apoligise to numenorean7 and the forum but not to the 2036 fellow.

It is rude to blame an entire culture for things not with in their control.

Our popular vote does not control the electoral vote. In fact cheating in politics is not just tolerated but rather it is expected.

Their can be no freedom in such deceitful system.

He blames an entire nation for electing Obummer when the entire nation did not elect him in the first place..... 500+ individuals of the EC put him in office... not the people......, and even then ,the system is so twisted for all we know the electoral colleges vote was actually rigged? Who knows because UN observers were threatened under penalty of death if they dared to observe our elections.... I recorded my vote on film. I voted libertarian... so did millions of other voters... so yeah..... as a member of the culture I take great offense being blamed for matters not with in our control......

I have nothing to debunk.

I do not care about the prediction aspect one way or the other.

I am calling him wrong for blaming us the people for electing the president when anyone familiar with the US constitution should already know its all about the electoral college.


This "timetraveler" has been debunked already in my opinion. I will not waste anymore of my time corresponding with him or discussing his predictions.

Typical troll:
1. As a new member of an online community, say something to "flame" a discussion.
2. Make outrages claims that cannot easily be confirmed or denied.
3. Leave discussion while secretly watching it unfold on ghost account.
4. Come back at a later date to stoke the ashes and further flame the debate.
