'Defeating' Anunaki. Stratagies?


New Member
Apparently Nibiru is close to us, and scientific observers are noticing it via changes in orbital patterns of ice chunks past Pluto way. Since it's not in this plane, it can only affect us indirectly (via thought patterns and the such), but thought patters are imagination/creativity. 2012 will only be an appocalypse for those who believe it to be. Most if not all of us, thought, would rather favor a logical and reasonable outcome, Life vs death/good vs evil/a convergence of reason and logic vs a divergence of randomness and chance. So much has been happening in 2012, like the discovery of more Mayan charts, showing our current time will only recycle, and that our culture will exist at least until 7000ad.
You can look up the temples and the reports of the 7000ad character via national geographic.
Nibiru will be proven to exist once the splitting of the free thinkers and the powers that be (soon to be the powers that where) occurs.
We need to welcome visitors to our planet vs fighting against them. Theres always 2 sides to a coin.
We can gain freedom and gifts through revolt (action) or diplomacy (thought).
Acting without thinking leads to complications. Foresight and understanding is the key to the next level.
Is a rabbit really cowering inside it's burrow?
Could you prove Schrodinger's cat was dead or alive?
Why chose dead over alive?
Do we only chose one state because of a limited mind, or does the third eye see through deceit?
My belief is that the key to defeat the Anunaki is positiveness in your outlook, and an ability to understand/think critically. Did savagery in action ever get the ancient civilizations anywhere?

2012 will be a personal appocalypse, individual for everyone. But events are unfolding as we speak that will decide the future of our species. Blaze your own path.

Who wants to be a puppet anyway.

Anyone else's thoughts on the fight betwixt good and evil/moon and sun/reason and creativity/satan and god/etc.. are welcome. I think the recent solar flares are stimulating us into an awakening, and I've been on a metpahysical/time travel/multidimensional/astrological/philosophical/theological/economical/anthropological binge recently. Started with an understanding of frequencies from my Eng/Comp Sci/Dig Media education w/ over 15 years of musical training (structured and self taught). What would be the easiest way for the Anunaki to win other than convincing us of defeat? But can the Anunaki lie to us? Or do they convince us to lie to ourselves? Are we blind, or have we let ourselves be blindfolded and forgotten the world outside the cave?

Like i said, this topic interests me in both a broad meaning and in a specific way (since everyone will have opinions until we willingly open our eyes and find our own truth to life).


New Member
And sorry if this doesn't follow a precedent format... I like the idea of a symposium/discussion, and I'm not sure if these threads require a concrete point to discuss or if you can just share/request opinions. Either way, my intent doesn't matter, only my actions do. My intent is to learn, so my action is to discourse! THOUGHTS? Oh, and miscellaneous info on Anunaki is SUPREMELY welcome, since I can only grasp the whole concept of an interdimensional, eon long war in a spiritual/philosophical way.


Senior Member
i pin pointed a few things in your post i will talk about as i am not familiar with the Anunnaki theory.

One of them you had said we need to welcome visitors to our planet, i completely agree with this, there is so much we can learn from the ancient races that have watched over and helped us since the dawn of man, imagine learning the secrets of intergalatic travel and the ability to transverse space.

Do we only chose one state because of a limited mind, or does the third eye see through deceit?-
I believe that the limits of our mind are hindered by ourselfs our abilitys and potential is limitless but due to wether it be our own doubt that dosent allow us or disbeliefe in our selfs to unlock the true potentials of our mind we will never truely open our minds, some thing the purpose of our ET friends is to help us finally open our minds.

"Once we have removed the blinders that impede our progress, and escape the limitations imposed by linear thinking, we will find it is true that we are only limited by our imaginations."

we will be the downfall of our civilization so many people refuse to see a bigger picture and refuse to change there ways for the better that in the end we all will suffer for the mistakes of the majority. and sadly our watchers cannot interfere and even if they could who would truly accept them?

Sorry if this response isnt what you had in mind conversation wise lol


New Member
Who better to accept them than you?
I'm a water dragon, this is my year. ironically it feels comforting. I've furthered my research and it points to harmonic convergence vs divergence. imagine if reality was your instrument? instead of falling in with the lockstep rhythm that has been established and self reinforced into our souls (by tptb) you can take the literal idea and gtfo. transcend and follow the harmony/melody instead of the beat. time is a construct of man and has no place among those with power. and you forget sir that our race has a weapon under its sleeve...
love conquers all
not physical love in 3d, but a higher understanding of it on the 4d. Atlanteans understood, the Lemurians did not. Lemurians where given their weapons by the annunaki (serpents) to enslave the race. i believe there will be intervention and a greater world born of the love between homo sapiens. if you perceive the world as self defeating then you shall be defeated. the world is as you perceive it and you should judicially (sp?) enforce your self on it. Ive found in the last couple of days that my will is growing exponentially, and i can feel it seeping into the world around me. but you can only achieve convergence to the 1% by grasping it at the most fundamental level, which is any simple way you can understand it (ocham's razor is a beast for spirit searching and truth seeking). dont play into the mass media mind control, think for yourself. for example, in my overall universe, i use my looking glass (laptop) to view the world. there have been solar flares. they emit sofleggio frequencies. these vibrate our pineal. realeases dmt in a sense. the third eye activates, and one sees the world 'differently'. hence the term harmonize (frequencies). i can understand that. it makes sense to me. it seems like something i would write in the same old story.

today i applied it locally. this may not seem like much, but i correctly guessed a coin flip 5 times in a row, then 6 times, then 5 times again. mathmatically that puts my convergence at around 3.1% or less (independent tosses, .5^5, basic statistics from school) these experiments where 3 times in a row, in a room with my girlfriend. i had her look at the coins before i did, then i WILLED as hard as i could, and i just told myself what the toss was.

2012 is personal, you chose your own path (think a good game of DnD, or goosebumps books. art reflects reality reflects art). instead of beating your head into the dirt saying (its gona end, some1 help me) will (its not gona end, some1 WILL help me). your will can change your world, since your world is only existing as far as your brain perceives it from the input via ur body. there is a mass spiritual awakening happening. my results will differ from yours, only because i understand the end a little differently. i've been using my third eye for a week or so now and it has already changed my life into an almost blissful state. i had a run in with a self defeater at a club the other day, but i know that his ideals won't affect my will on reality. he had me kicked out of the club. i was kicked out for trying to take pictures (they had thrown my gf out cuz she accidentally walked into guys bathroom) and show some evidence that the johns wherent clearly distinguished. as i was walking back in to take pictures, the man (literally) was replacing the torn signs as i was photgraphing them, and then he felt he had to sit near the bathrooms and i guess babysit me from trying to gather any more info (via questions mind you, not forceful or anything. tried to handle it as meekly as possible). after i asked him a question, he simply turned into a corp robot of hate and had me man handled out. i have nothing against him though, since he's merely choosing his own path. i interpreted his actions as an indication that i got under his skin. why else would he feel so compelled to try and fix the flaws i was simply pointing out, especially after i had already offered to trade position with her (gota share the love or it won't work, and don't give in). my gf was upset cuz she also thought one of the musicians had 'faked' signing her shirt. i tried to keep her optimistic the entire time, even after i had myself just been kicked out. when we got home, i began telling her of my world view using DnD concepts. she mentioned that the musician had had a d20 around his neck. i took that as a sign. i used my brain and postulated that 'the shirts black and white and made of not-marker-friendly material. maybe your not looking hard enough'. low and behold, the shirt had been signed, she just 'hadn't seen it' before i pointed it out.

mind you, probability is still working here, and the changes start small. if you practice (as i am) then they will start becoming LARGER! i thought at first i was merely predicting anime and movie plots, but then the plots started making sense to me, in ways i would have written them. as with television and radio. there is proof of a divine being via harmony, both the physical and mental term (plus frequencies and harmony fit into a complete theory of everything that so far is letting me predict coin flips up to a certain complexity point. it seems almost fundamental by now.

once i pass 1%, you'll probably never hear from 'me' again. i'll pop world lines (according to metaphysics) or transcend to 4d (spirituality). the sad part is your friends will tell you that you're making it up. but does reality really want you escaping from/transforming it?

to a musician its an easy enough concept. what would you do if reality was your instrument? would you live a life of doubt and scuttling by, abused by tptb or the misguided idea of an intentional object (assigning a state to an object rather than the action itself(the man cast a spell so the mans bad. r u angry at the man or the spell))? Or would you try to compose a masterpiece?

and why would you want to follow someone else's story of the end times. wouldn't it be way more awesome to create your own? tptb are already being crumbled, apparently have been crumbling since their fail at a NWO with 9/11. truth will emerge soon enough. it's all up to you (and me (and everyone)) but you can only affect your immediate surroundings. dont worry though, in world lines, once you affect a line enough, it will branch at some point and begin affecting other lines not near enough your own. the idea is that over all the infinite possibilities, if 51% of them chose one action at a point, that's the way the universe will play out. it's a beautiful machine governed by geometry and golden ratios and feasible math and literally hours of joy that only register as minutes in this sub strata earth that perhaps can/perhaps can't sustain life much longer.

space time is speeding up towards the zero point, where space and time will flip becoming time-space, and it'll stretch out after that. new mayan ruins predict the next rebirth to be at 7000ad. they where discovered in may 2012. they never say the world ends, btw. they just ran out of paper/stone/random ideas. nasa's releasing some epically interesting phootage and reports as well. i suggest finding inner peace either way, or else it'll probably be one hell of a ride <get it? the ride is hell or its just a hell of a ride lololol. also i feel my creative mind expanding. sorry about the whole stream of thought writing process, it's actually part of it.


New Member
ps that post took me a flash to write in personal time, but my clock says it took over 10 mins. it's kind of what i mean when i say time travel (which i havent said... yet). as well that it's only been a day since my first post and that it's all started to cascade together by itself, evident to myself in my time dilation-ness and the length of the second post vs the first.
viva life, we already won. fu skynet, i'm going eco (anno 2070, excellent start to a game, but multiplayer is kind of meh). also i just heard a few guys downstairs talking about the idea of harmony and their creative potential... it spreads like a virus (i guess life is a virus in chaos?)
i mean, where would the transcended put the leftovers of their worlds/raptures? do we have a garbage pail somewhere or do they just *poof*? dead worlds could be leftovers, but if there is no evidence of remains then it's a virus (virus shows characteristics of life but is missing some points). i think we're all sleeping demi-gods, and our god-likeness is itself the virus. would justify super powers like in comics lol radioactive wastes grants time travel or somesuch. or the plot of xmen. i think we're all class 5's or w/e the chick was that went crazy in the third one (btw wolverine guy has some GNARLY mutton chops) sry for rants....
