Demons need to stay out of my home


Junior Member
They are invading. They are trying to kill my irises with their orchids. They are sick in the head. I don't discriminate against animals and flowers, but apparently they do. They will do anything they can to mess me and my family up. Damn nasty demons. They are dumber than rocks and way too many people are too damn ignorant to realize it.

I am glad that the damn Mormons that are preying on my mom's brain didn't put their crap flowers in my yard today. It doesn't matter. I don't discriminate against flowers or animals or people. They do though, and that is what is violently wrong with this crap world.

Hmmm.......Mormons. What is their main objective? Infiltration. That's what. They are in my face constantly. Constantly, they try to kill off my animals. I just can't stand them. I do have Mormon friends, but they are not up there in the killing zone rung of the ladder.
Is this some ultra-Mormon place like Utah or something? I've never heard of them doing more than going door to door...
You don't know how they operate. If you like the color blue, they will attack you for it. If you like potatoes, they will attack you for it. If you like animals, they will attack you for it. If you think the grass is green, they will attack you for it. If you love your family, they will attack you for it. They will attack you for simply breathing and existing.

Read my other posts that refer to "infiltration". Then you will see how they operate to weaken one's psyche. They pull their bs everywhere. They spread like an uncontrollable virus into every town, community.
You don't have to believe me. I am merely expressing my personal experiences and my observations. I always observe. Live or dead. High or sober. My eyes are always open wide.
I believe you think something is going on. Just don't answer the door when they come around. Take some money out of your paycheck and save up for a fenced in yard. Then buy a large dog. Put up 'No Soliciting' signs around. They'll get the message.
