Departures To Alpha Centauri


New Member
Hi everyone, there's an interesting tv program called Departures To Alpha Centauri that deals with time travel. It is a live call in show you can watch online from the website Program Guide: Sunday, April 27th, 2014 |
The next show is going to be Friday May 9th at 8:00 pm central time and you can call in and ask any questions.
Merlin also uploads the programs at moana dyball - YouTube

I called in and talked to the host Merlin a few times and he had some fascinating things to say. I will try to summarize what he told me to the best of my understanding.

Basically every so many thousands of years the earth is renewed and it is nearing the time for another renewal. Before this happens almost all humans are going to be transported off the earth to the star system Alpha Centauri. Everyone that makes the crossing will be transported through space and time. There are 4 different ways this can happen. There will be hot tub stations set up for the transportation, star ships that take people on board, angels that fly people off the earth, and personal transporters. If you leave in one of the hot tubs you have the option to return to earth, but if you walk aboard a victor ship or go with the angels you cannot return to earth. After making the crossing in a hot tub, people can get a personal transporter to travel anywhere they like. The hot tubs are supposed to be built around major cities and 8 people can fit in a hot tub at a time. Merlin told me some people already made the crossing and they are supposed to show pictures of where they went. The great thing about the hot tubs is they have a fluid in the water that heals and restores the body of all sickness and disease so the body is restored to new. Even better Merlin said as a going away present, his organization is going to send out free bottles of the miracle healing fluid to everyone in the world that makes a request by calling in to the tv program. One capful of the liquid cures all viruses and diseases almost instantly.

Although almost everyone will get to leave the planet, a few people will not get to because they incurred too much debt in life. When people cause pain and suffering to others they receive debt. They will have to remain on the earth to be tortured by locusts until their debt is paid. That is one reason why the healing fluid will be available, because if there is to be suffering there also must be relief.

The last time Merlin and I talked he said the earth's oxygen is running out and that's why sometimes birds fall dead out of the sky when they hit pockets of bad air. Thunderstorms are creating more oxygen, but not enough to sustain. Eventually there will be no more rain and then people will really want to leave the earth. That is all I can think of for now but his name is Merlin Keaulana-Dyball and you can find him on Facebook to find out more.


That made think of the hot tub time machine too!


New Member
Here is a transporter Merlin built that is used with a communicator. He says people already went to Alpha Centauri and are supposed to come back with pictures.



Junior Member
Maybe the movie based their theories on this Hot Tub Time Machine theory. Very interesting to say the least. Thanks for the link.


So, Santa Claus visited Alpha Centauri, with no oxygen or space suit, via PVC pipe.
What's next, Easter Bunny visiting Mars with Asiago and Obama? What the heck is that guy's name? Asago..Asiago cheese...
I'm getting gold. Can't remember crap.


Senior Member
So, Santa Claus visited Alpha Centauri, with no oxygen or space suit, via PVC pipe.
What's next, Easter Bunny visiting Mars with Asiago and Obama? What the heck is that guy's name? Asago..Asiago cheese...
I'm getting gold. Can't remember crap.

I think it is truly amazing what some people would like you to believe.

This is why I've played around with threads like these in the past... Simply astonishing that people go along with it for the most part because they WANT it to be true. What we want and what is are two separate things and most people will acknowledge this, yet they don't question something that should require an extraordinary amount of evidence.

Maybe I need to make a trip to Lowes and get some PVC and spray paint too.


Junior Member
So, Santa Claus visited Alpha Centauri, with no oxygen or space suit, via PVC pipe.
What's next, Easter Bunny visiting Mars with Asiago and Obama? What the heck is that guy's name? Asago..Asiago cheese...
I'm getting gold. Can't remember crap.

PaulaJedi, it's Andrew Bassiago. I think he's full of cheese, too. I mean, hot air, I mean... well, the stories he tells are too far-fetched, too detailed and every time that he speaks, he literally goes on and on and on without the host asking questions. His story has already been thought up and he's just relaying what he concocted. Basically, he believes his lies.
