Did you feel the earth move?


Senior Member
So nobody took out the bonesaw to show their big brains?

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Active Member
I actually did feel the earth move, not on any of those days, but back around the 31st june 2005. I was walking with two others up a hill that runs along one of the bigger churches.
It wasn't like an earth quake but it was like the ground fluttered, like the surface was shook as if it was a table cloth being pulled out from under the tableware but it was only a micro second and milimetres at best.
No one else felt it, I asked around a lot back then and this was before my spiritual awakening so didn't have anyone in those circles to ask but I never did figure out what the hell it was or it's significance. I presume now that it had something to do with my timelines and destiny pathways or something like that as it seemed to only happen in my reality.
