Do you think Hitler was rescued as part of a larger operation?

Hitler was rescued

  • Hitler escaped

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • Hitler died in the bunker and committed suicide

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
The original Jedi code is better than the alternate version of the Code,
this version is far more wise and balanced:

Emotion, yet peace.Ignorance, yet knowledge.Passion, yet serenity.Chaos, yet harmony.Death, yet the Force

Other versions of the code try to deny that any of the other things exist, simply "peace" and nothing else.


Senior Member
  1. “Peace is a lie, there is only passion.”
  2. “Through passion, I gain strength.”
  3. “Through strength, I gain power.”
  4. “Through power, I gain victory.”
  5. “Through victory, my chains are broken.”
  6. “The Force shall free me.”
Above is the Sith Code.
Has kind of a sexy appeal doesn't it?
It can overtake you though.
Also the Sith Code doesn't seem to let you just
take a nap or meditate.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
Dictators often use body doubles, so if his lookalike was killed and the allied thought the dictator was dead, it would certainly make sense to escape as a civilian when nobody was looking for him.
ive read about that to hitler had a lot of doubles and he had gold teeth and was gay ive seen the footage years ago of the man who claimed he was hitlers lover


Senior Member
ive read about that to hitler had a lot of doubles and he had gold teeth and was gay ive seen the footage years ago of the man who claimed he was hitlers lover

Hitler was bi. He also liked his own niece that way and killed someone to cover it up (possibly her, I don't remember).
He also liked to be pissed and shit on during sex.


Senior Member
Gold teeth? Really?
That's almost hard to believe considering
he wasn't that bad a public speaker, tried to project
an image of being perfect and all powerful and no one notices that?


Senior Member
yes he had gold teeth and that was the only way they identified his remains was from his gold teeth or maybe gold capped

I have a vague memory of hearing that too. He was in terrible health shape when he died so
maybe he was in such bad shape he stopped brushing his teeth or something.
Or maybe the Soviets were right and he escaped and that wasn't the real Hitler.
The skull turned out to be a twelve year old girl. Later on the French study decided
it was not a twelve year old girl and in fact Hitler cuz they didn't know
how to determine sex of skulls properly at that time.

How do we know who to believe? We don't.
I don't trust the Soviets but I don't really trust anyone else either.
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Senior Member
You're a fascinating man with fascinating posts.

Always been familiar and curious about the idea Star Wars really happened.
I didn't know if Vader really looked just like he did in the movies or not or exactly
how much of it was real and fiction or if it was all real.

The only thing I'm not sure I agree on is that we're not in a matrix.
It seems to me like we are in a matrix. Tell my why we're not?

I feel a connection to the Star Wars franchise as well. I feel more an eeri connection to Luke Skywalker and
Ben Kenobi than Vader. You ever notice how heated the Sith and Jedi get on Youtube comments sections?
It's like they really are on opposing sides of an actual war isn't it?
There appear to be far more Sith than Jedi.
I believe both the Jedi and Sith had flawed philosophies with bits of wisdom in both.
In theory I prefer the Sith code but I think it can be taken way too far, and there's a certain
inner peace that comes with the Jedi code that isn't there in the Sith.
Most people think most of my posts are me just joking around.
A lot of my posts are indeed jokes. But.....
Sometimes I sound like I'm joking around when I'm not.
One example is my thread about an alien who appeared in my room who
told me his name was Onyeh Axalon. His voice sounded like a more robotic version of
Don Adams who played Maxwell Smart in Get Smart. Sounds hilarious but this actually happened to me.
Didn't get a single response to that thread. He appeared as a series of orbs on my ceiling.
On >
Always been familiar and curious about the idea Star Wars really happened.
I didn't know if Vader really looked just like he did in the movies or not or exactly
how much of it was real and fiction or if it was all real.

Lamdo answers, He wore an outfit and it did have a cape. Where I also got flashbacks was the movie Pitch Black starring Vin Deisel. The destruction of that spaceship upon crash landing. Vader was mangled in a transport crash, not a laser saber dual. The suit was a bio-assisting suit, but Vader still was a formidable being even without it.

On > The only thing I'm not sure I agree on is that we're not in a matrix.
It seems to me like we are in a matrix. Tell my why we're not?

Answers, There is a matrix or corresponding numbers in our reality matrix discovered by an Afro Mathematician. Those reality numbers act just as in a computer screen composition, but are respondent to nature.*One cannot meddle with them too much, as the same penalty as meddling with time occurs. What occurs in these numbered matrices, is the direction that time and events will go. Aliens can slightly use these but not overly. afro mathematican says numbers in reality like the matrix - Search

In nature time and reality shifts, can occur all the time, but it's better that nature does these herself.

Didn't want to muddle the nature of your post, but Hitler, aliens, trying to steer the timeline with put in events, is all warped up in this issue, so this is why the answers as I've mentioned them. Maybe in some of these movies, some unknown agency is trying to warn us of events to come? Thanks for the complement & your'e welcome, Lamdo


Active Member
Hans koler is resoonsible of a free energy generator and the honnebu starship. Do you think hitler was killing himself with this kind of technology he have ???. Official Human Story is fairy tales
