šŸ›”ļø Debate Does infinity really exist?


ā˜€ļø Zenith
These are somewhat random thoughts from my head, not scientific theories or proofs. I am being more philosophical here. That being said:

Infinity is defined as "the quality of having no limits or end". At first, I began thinking that infinity cannot exist. There is death, planets are swallowed by black holes (hush Einstein), friendships fail, cars die, money runs out and then I realized, ironically, there are an "infinite" number of ways to "end". That pretty much has thrown my theory out the window, or has it?

Perhaps there really are a limited number of things to end. There are limits everywhere. There are limits in Calculus. There are boundaries in friendships. There are stop signs. Limits exist psychologically and physically in every aspect of our lives.

Who is to say that infinity really exists? Some people believe in ghosts, so if we ever find absolute, concrete evidence of an after life, that would be score 1 for the existence of infinity. Do we have any other proof of infinity other than in math? Does math really PROVE infinity exists, or is the concept of infinity simply used as a tool? CAN we find proof of infinity unless we can, indeed, live forever?

If our universe had a beginning, who is to say it won't have an end? Correct me if I'm wrong, and I could be (these are just random thoughts), but the "existence" (not expansion!) of our universe behaves like a ray:


Solid point (the beginning), expanding outward towards....infinity..??? This, we don't really know!!!

Let's hear your arguments. Do you have proof infinity exists?
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The circle. The path around the circle has no beginning or end. That qualifies it as being infinite.

Good example. But doesn't it consist of points, all of which are finite, or is it really just one smooth curve? Is it one finite set of points going around the circle or do they go on forever?

Are lines and curves made of finite points?

A point does not have any dimensions. So you can have as many points in the circle as you wish. Infinity included.
The concept of infinity certainly exists.

You're really asking if space and/or time are infinite.

The fact that a solar system or whatever will eventually come to an end doesn't affect the reality (or unreality) of infinity.

It only means that solar systems don't last.

Mathematical infinity asserts itself and is not invented as a tool. Infinity arises from the postulates and definitions that are the basis of mathematics. For example, the number line is undeniably infinitely long. After all, if you pick any number (say the number n) on it, then n+1 also exists by definition.

Not only can infinity be mathematically proven, several different types of infinity, each infinitely larger than the last, have been proven.

Mathematically, anyway.

That circle can be destroyed. It can disintegrate. It can be blown to smithereens, thus no part of it is truly infinite.
That circle can be destroyed. It can disintegrate. It can be blown to smithereens, thus no part of it is truly infinite.

Then it wouldn't be a circle. As long as it is a circle, it will be infinite. It almost seems as if you are confusing infinity with invulnerability.
