DOOPArts: documented-out-of-place artifacts


Re: DOOPArts: documented-out-of-place artifacts

I wonder if someone in our time could actually find one of these items left behind. As I know, CDs are made of plastic, so they're supposed to survive a long time in nature.


Junior Member
Re: DOOPArts: documented-out-of-place artifacts

Brentnauer said:
As far as the stone tablets go, I'm not sure I would be as concerned with a jewel case as I would be with the box that lights up and speaks the voice of God. Why would they leave a CD case behind? Wouldn't they need it to pack up their stuff when they left? Maybe they left it in the CD drive
The case wasn't left behind.

The mid 1800s drawing of the two plastic 'jewel cases' relates to two TTs in a bright light first appearing to Joseph Smith Jnr. in America.

Later, he was told where to find a sealed box which contained several plates plus some "artifacts".

It is those artifacts being held in the picture.

When Smith finished his given tasks, the TTs took back everything.


Re: DOOPArts: documented-out-of-place artifacts

Oh, ok, they didn't leave anything behind, all right.
That would explain the batteries being always having enought power to run the computer. Batteries weren't as efficient as they are now.

What do you think about the timelines theory ? Are these time travellers from our reallity, or are they from another one where they invented time travel in the 1990s ?

Are you aware of any other texts or pictures from ancient times that might be the result of another group of TTs, bringing other objects ?


Junior Member
Re: DOOPArts: documented-out-of-place artifacts

Numenorean7 said:
What do you think about the timelines theory ? Are these time travellers from our reallity, or are they from another one where they invented time travel in the 1990s ?
Our reality at some time in the future, where time travel is eventually achieved.

Are you aware of any other texts or pictures from ancient times that might be the result of another group of TTs, bringing other objects ?

You may wish to visit the World Breaking Discoveries website.

It starts with a preamble, then presents an overview of ten years of findings and conclusions.
It also has a summary E-Book available for purchase.


Active Member
Re: DOOPArts: documented-out-of-place artifacts

Why do you think they are from our reality and not from another timeline that coincides closely with ours?


Junior Member
Re: DOOPArts: documented-out-of-place artifacts

Whitelight said:
Why do you think they are from our reality and not from another timeline that coincides closely with ours?

I would agree that they would not be from our timeline.

It's been said in a few times:
"...history wasn't changed (that much)..."

It wouldn't matter if history was changed "that much". If it was changed in anyway, it was changed, no matter by what degree.


Re: DOOPArts: documented-out-of-place artifacts

I don't think there's any way to know if the time travellers are from our reality or from another. Same for the objects they brought.


Junior Member
Re: DOOPArts: documented-out-of-place artifacts

The way the 'back-steps' were done (as explained by Ronald Pegg) has not changed our present.
That is the important point.

All this is still us, ie. our present timeline.

Minor changes* were done to the past - but that is now our {current} history.

* By this I means...
The first time travel back-step to ancient Mesopotamia was the encounter that spawned the Babylonian and subsequent Egyptian religions (including the Moses account).

TTs then went back (in circa 600 BCE) to Ezekiel, Daniel, and Lehi in Jerusalem to warn of the misunderstandings and the unintentional formation of religions.
These encounters appear in our history books as the "dream and vision" prophecies - and as such have not changed our present; because they were just 'additions' to the existing Hebrew religion, and until 1998, were not understood.

TTS also went back to 95 CE and gave the same warning to John on Patmos Island, and Mohammed in 600 CE, then Smith in 1823 CE.
Those encounters appear in history books, and the newly formed religions are part of our history. Because they were NOT in the original Middle Eastern region, they had no effect on contemporary civilizations nor their religions; and as such, have not changed the present - in relation to the old Middle Eastern civilizations and Religions.

But in those new countries, just like the Babylonian and Egyptian religions forming, new religions appearred due to the encounters - which are documented in our history books and have become part of our history.

The same can be said for the works of Nostradamus.
Encounters with the cd-roms are documented by him, but as all his work was "encoded", there has been no change to our history (ie. our current timeline) as those works were not decoded until the year 2000.

The way in which someone from the future has used mid 1990s technology and historical events (documented on associated cd-roms) in order for a person in the mid 1990s to recognize all these historical/astronomical events documented in the dream and vision prophetic texts - has not changed our past.

The changes and realization of what has happened in the past due to specifically targeted time travel back-steps has ensured that our current timeline has not been corrupted.

On a personal note, I think it possible that the very first TT back-step experiment to the ancient Middle East - was the reason the civilization that built the Pyramids, etc. just dissapeared over night (ie. their future was erased).

This is why what Ronald Pegg has discovered shows that our curent timeline has been preserved.

To FIX the formation of religions due to Time Travel encounters can only be done in the near future, and not by going back and stopping the first "back-step". (this is the old paradox scenario).

When what has happened is known, we can then change our future by making present decisions about Religions, and not by going back and erasing those Religions - and hence us too.


Junior Member
Re: DOOPArts: documented-out-of-place artifacts

man i have no idea wtf you're talking about but all i saw on those pages was some old drawings and shit. where's the beef?!?!


Junior Member
Re: DOOPArts: documented-out-of-place artifacts

yo eddy p man im sorry about asking about beef okay maybe youre a vegearian or something please come back and explain what youre talking about

