(Dream) Some Device Introduced to Me by a Gray


So it started off on either Friday or Saturday night with a dream where I found this taser-like device due to the edges of the device producing electricity. The device was mostly black in color, but had some blue in it too. I'd found this device in school, then I remember there was some sort of lock down in my school while in my 5th hour class. There was supposedly either a huge group of soldiers or men in black looking for someone or... something. The dream ended somewhere there, but there was another part of the dream I had last night or the previous night of where a gray (alien species) showed me what else this strange device was capable of and I don't know where I was, possibly in the alien's flying saucer? It didn't talk or make noises to me, just non verbally showed me this thing. It had a satellite dish on the top of it with other little gadgets.


I once experienced one tazer kind of thing when I was in a world close to hybrid's energy. It did not hurt, they used it into my heart, and electricity of the tazer raised my vibrations in a way that I could feel the lightiness, I was able to walk trough walls and even had a short flying experience.

I get so exited that I flew over the realitystructure, what we had created for that experience and all what I saw was white light and some kind of many-colored lines in specific order. I came back to place we started and I get another howering experience.

I am not sure what the tazer represented in your dream, It could also be some emotional thing, because you ecperienced soldiers. But if it was similar as tazer in my exprrience, it was some sort of acceleration device that opens hidden abilities.


PS. Soldiers usually represents some sort of negativity, something really steep situation and emotional energy what you experienced in that situation.


I believe I had a dream where a gray or that gray told me that this song was the song of the universe. I was just floating around in space with no protection, but was fine.

