drew attention to spirits

Corry Thomas

New Member
So I wanted to write this because I've been thinking about it alot lately.

when I was a baby I had a severe asthma attack and later died at the hospital, thankfully I had a good doctor that kept working on me and I came back.

Then my life was engulfed by the paranormal, as I kid I thought maybe it WAS because I died, it kinda drew attention to me or something because spirits would talk to me.

At first it was a deep male voice, he would only tell me to hide in closets, boxes, the dryer anywhere I could fit. It scared me because I never knew when he'd come it would be a regular day then id feel someone walk to me, of get dizzy then a deep male voice would tell me to hide from my mom and if I told him NO
(only did that once)
Because he grabbed the back of my neck and yelled directly in my ear "NOOOOOW!

We moved house to house because mom would feel weird about the place, I kept all the scary stuff to myself because I didn't know when HE was around cause I felt watched all the time.

Mom felt more comfortable moving with our family back near seattle, this is where it kicked up.

I was a loner kid, catching bugs, finding lizards, climbing trees and building forts so nobody thought me being alone was weird, but I felt like my behavior was weird, keep in mind around this time im around 5, which I've also thought alot about too I was VERY self aware I knew when I was doing something that wasn't normal for me

I was shy, quite, happy, respectful, I loved animals, and my family, I never even hurt the bugs I caught.

But then I got rude, felt angry, quick to snap, I beat up my best friend only because I didn't want to stop hitting him, felt like I was always on the verge of crying, spouting cuss words I hadn't heard. I even tied up our cat on fishing line, poor cat ran away and never came back poor guy I don't blame him, when I did it I said in my head "WHAT AM I DOING TO MY CAT?!" Then I cut the string and he ran off.

I knew the house was haunted or had something weird around, I kinda tracked it down in my great grandmas room and I felt someone RUN up to me, then RUN RUN RUN around me over and over I heard the clothes the foot steps and the air moving, I was so scared I just stood there, it stopped I turned around and walked out and as soon as I walked out the door slammed.

After that I became more private, my space was very much MY AREA, I felt like I was smarter than everyone and everyone was pathetic.

It had been a while since I had a spirit speak directly to me, but as im playing in the laundry room with my GI Joes I hear someone whisper "heeeeeeeey" then I got dizzy then scared and I saw myself taking the iron and cutting the cord from iron itself, stripping the wire, wrapping it in electrical tape so I could hold it, then plugging it in and biting down on it, I was so scary it felt like I was thrown out of my body and someone took over to kill me, but after I saw myself bite the cord I snapped back to my body and Im right were I was with my toys the iron still intact, I ran out soooooo fast.

After that about a month, I was going downstairs and my mom was getting ready to go out, im ACROSS THE ROOM and it was remodeled basement and my vision ZOOMS in on a lighter infront of her as if its in my hand, then I got dizzy then NOTHING just black, now I don't talk much about this because it sounds fake, but when all I saw was darkness there was a red snake in a circle biting its own tail it faded in then pulsed with a reddish orange glow then.faded away

I opened my eyes and I was holding onto my grandmas night gown and she had a bucket of water and was running into the basement, I had no IDEA what had happened and could not understand it, I still don't understand.

So I had to listen to the firefighters tell me to not play with fire, but I didn't even touch the lighter im 22 now and it dumbfounds me.

Was I possessed by a demon?
Was I being controlled by the ghost that lived there first?
Should I have gotten an exorcism?!
Does this have anything to do with my precognition?
sometimes what I dream happens the next day, did I get some sort of abilities from whatever took me over?


Senior Member
I can understand not wanting to talk to people for fear of Ridicule, but to me it sound's like you medium i believe is the proper term "Someone who can let spirits talk through them and control their body"

This isn't something that goes away but it is forgotten with age on how to do it, as a child it may have been easier due to having a open mind or not shutting out the thoughts like you can at a older age.

Our mind is a very powerful tool, your near death experience may have opened extra abilitys that others cannot, i would really look into mind training through meditation. I am sure there is allot more you can do just not aware of yet!


Senior Member
Politeness please. This thread is to discuss Corry's story, not to throw stones.
