Debate E.T. TRIAL could alter the Trillion $$$ Debt


Junior Member
It's not an article, it's a matter of what critical information you may already know.

"Military Black Operations have been spending more than 40-80 Billion dollars a years since 1955."

"He with a subpoena and a top secret clearance cannot penetrate."
"Watch out for the Military Industrial Complex for they can escape the checks and balances of the Government."

An E.T. Trial was being discussed in August 2001. 9/11 then took place in September 2001.

There are over 400 witness' to Aliens and UFOs who are of high rank in station in the military willing to go under oath and tell the highest court that what they have seen is real.

Extra Terrestrials IN THE REALEST SENSE are just other world people our Earth Race is interacting with- there's nothing paranormal or phenomenon oriented with the topic- that's gotta go.
40-80 Billion dollars a years up to now is literally a quarter of the Trillion $$$ debt.

Supposedly the Military spending is some what decided by the same organization of military spending the other quarter of that debt.

If the debt is proven to be spent on Aliens who will not return the debt payment, the world would have to refute the American Debt and benign.

It's like calling into your credit card and disputing charges that were made on it that you didn't personally make.

SOOOOOOOOOO: Now the real reason for this E.T. trial is to confirm whether or not there is E.T. contact, whether or not the money was spent on E.T.s, and to Audit the Black Operations for Anti-patriotic Coercion.

I sure do wish the Disclosure Project knew that.


where the wild things are
So its not an article. Its all made up by you? That would be fan fiction. That has no real place here. Take it to Off Topic.


Temporal Engineer
It's no secret that black ops spending has been going on for a long time. But I think what is being developed is being kept secret not only from us, but from the ET's as well. We'll be ready for them when the time comes. And this time around they will have little chance of defeating us.


Senior Member
This spending is just like telling another lie to cover up a lie. More spending for black ops for various cover ups (aliens included), and games (war games), being played... similar to those carried out in sandboxes by school children. I for one wish the aliens would show themselves or the governments of the world would grow up and come clean regarding their existence. That would be my excitement for the day and make 2014 very memorable...but don't hold your breath on it.


Junior Member
So its not an article. Its all made up by you? That would be fan fiction. That has no real place here. Take it to Off Topic.
Had it been an article, I suppose you would trust the person who wrote it who could be full of BS while I'm discussing information WE ALREADY know. If you don't know this stuff, I can provide what ever video or information needed to suggest this hypothesis.


Junior Member
It's no secret that black ops spending has been going on for a long time. But I think what is being developed is being kept secret not only from us, but from the ET's as well. We'll be ready for them when the time comes. And this time around they will have little chance of defeating us.

This is a National Security issue because there's no determination as to whether or not a group of E.T.s may have usurped the Military Industrial Complex. The fact that William Cooper discusses the use of the NSA for 'aliens' to spy on Americans- years before the NSA was ever considered for spying, gives the notion that E.T.s may have in fact usurped it.


Junior Member
This spending is just like telling another lie to cover up a lie. More spending for black ops for various cover ups (aliens included), and games (war games), being played... similar to those carried out in sandboxes by school children. I for one wish the aliens would show themselves or the governments of the world would grow up and come clean regarding their existence. That would be my excitement for the day and make 2014 very memorable...but don't hold your breath on it.

You might find it interesting that after every moment the world was preparing to hear from the Government that Aliens are real, another terrorist attack, or some other major distraction occurs; yet again ONLY 'suggesting' that Aliens have Usurped the Military Industrial Complex.


Temporal Engineer
It's no secret that black ops spending has been going on for a long time. But I think what is being developed is being kept secret not only from us, but from the ET's as well. We'll be ready for them when the time comes. And this time around they will have little chance of defeating us.

This is a National Security issue because there's no determination as to whether or not a group of E.T.s may have usurped the Military Industrial Complex. The fact that William Cooper discusses the use of the NSA for 'aliens' to spy on Americans- years before the NSA was ever considered for spying, gives the notion that E.T.s may have in fact usurped it.

It's my opinion that the ET's use their implant technology to control key people in our government. And they may have been using this technology throughout mankind's history. But the implants are susceptible to damage by specific EM frequencies. That would explain why Rife machines were banned from use by the medical community. So we do have the technology to wipe out there control technology.


Senior Member
Okay i will bite.

Einstein implants have long been accepted as being a way to not only communicate with the abductees but also as a way to track them, they are susceptable to everything, weather, emp, blowing your nose there is no secret to them if you have been taken.

The problem with Disclosure about ET's is that we have been force fed for generations to believe Et's are evil and bent on world domination which if you have read and investigated the phenomenon subjects like Valiant Thor are re-accuring themes, they put people to help us, and we shoot them down or throw them in a bunker. But we also have MJ12 which was the treaty signed by the Government in trade for Alien technology they are allowed to take certain people on a list for experiments.

The black project is going to be along the lines of Area 51 where they are funding weapons and particular vehicles of destruction. Look at the Rainbow project.


Temporal Engineer
Okay i will bite.

Einstein implants have long been accepted as being a way to not only communicate with the abductees but also as a way to track them, they are susceptable to everything, weather, emp, blowing your nose there is no secret to them if you have been taken.

The problem with Disclosure about ET's is that we have been force fed for generations to believe Et's are evil and bent on world domination which if you have read and investigated the phenomenon subjects like Valiant Thor are re-accuring themes, they put people to help us, and we shoot them down or throw them in a bunker. But we also have MJ12 which was the treaty signed by the Government in trade for Alien technology they are allowed to take certain people on a list for experiments.

The black project is going to be along the lines of Area 51 where they are funding weapons and particular vehicles of destruction. Look at the Rainbow project.

I've thought about this a lot. The reason for the implants has never been disclosed. So these are my opinions. But it has been shown that nerve tissue grows around the implants. That to me appears to be some type of communication link to the victims brain. Or possibly a way to control the actions of the victim with an implant.

This puts the ET's out of harms way. It also appears to be a way to control the indigenous population of a planet without the need for any intervention by the ET's physical presence.

Remember the movie Avatar? Suppose an ET can remotely enter a victim through this implant, and control the victims actions. It used to be called demonic possession. Sandy Hook, Aurora, 911, all could be have been created using this kind of technology.

But what does appear to be happening is that this implant technology is being used to get mankind to destroy what he has accomplished.

What a great way to wipe out a potential threat. Get the population to wipe itself out.

But the medical community has banned Rife machines. And the government has passed laws making it illegal to buy a Rife machine. All based on propaganda that these machines do not work. Despite the actual documented evidence compiled by Rife that shows his machines do work.

I think the ET's were instrumental in getting Rife technology banned. Since you could target an implant with a Rife machine and destroy it.

Do you think you have an implant? Stun guns are pretty cheap. Zapping a potential implant location might not be such a bad idea. Not any electronic devices that I know of can withstand a high voltage discharge.
