echo location


Senior Member
It is echo location that allows the bat man to see. Bats can see in pitch dark caves. Kish Daniel uses his ears to see. This is because he had retinoblastoma - eye cancer. He lost lost both his eyes. That said, he does not allow this limitation to stop him from having an active life and many experiences. Basically, he is like a pioneer. Daniel can ride a bicycle and does not depend on a dog or a cane.

I actually, started doing the same thing when I was six. However, I have better than average vision. Frankly, it was fun to move around in pitch black places using my ears. MRI proved that blind people can "see" using their ears. Visual cortex in the brain is stimulated by the clicks they use.

Meet the eyeless man who says he can see (and is probably right)

Remember seeing this on Sightings when I was a kid. Incredible!
ive seen a story on the today tonight show here in australia a few years ago about a man who uses echolocation by clicking his tongue and they tested him out he can see but he was blind folded and he rode his bike around clicking his tongue and senses things that he couldn't see when blind folded and he actually described things in a drawing he sensed by this clicking of his tongue
