Ed Dames remote viewer


Senior Member
Ed Dames was a CIA remote viewer. He issues predictions for coming years. Most of these appear common. Failure of our crops. Disturbances in our sun. A dramatic reduction in global population due to diseases and other reasons. Mostly, I want people to learn remote viewing. That way, they can see. Yeah, what is soon in coming.



I watched this video long ago but just re-watched it. Check out the portion around minute 17 that talks about nuclear detonations by Korea....


Senior Member
Problem with remote viewing and predictions are that so little come true maybe 2/10,000 so actually getting a proper prediction let alone a End of Days prediction is going to be very very difficult, scholars remote viewers and prophets have been trying and predicting the end of days for thousands of years.

I believe most of us know and feel that something is going to happen, i know for a fact just about every member if not every member knows something isn't right and we are close to a large event we can feel it we know it, the only problem is when?

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
I was just listening to the 1997 interview of Steven Gibbs with Art Bell who also mentioned Ed Dames. I've still to read anything about him.


Senior Member
In the 1990's, I listened to Ed Dames many times when he was a guest on Art Bell's Coast to Coast Radio Show. Ed and Art talked about 2012 on several occasions. Ed said, his Remote Viewers always hit a blank, a block wall (paraphrasing), whenever they tried to remote view 2012 or further. This left the listener with the feeling that some major world event would occur in 2012.

Now 2012 has come and gone, and nothing happened.

I don't take Ed's predictions very seriously. That's all I can say about it.


Senior Member
In the 1990's, I listened to Ed Dames many times when he was a guest on Art Bell's Coast to Coast Radio Show. Ed and Art talked about 2012 on several occasions. Ed said, his Remote Viewers always hit a blank, a block wall (paraphrasing), whenever they tried to remote view 2012 or further. This left the listener with the feeling that some major world event would occur in 2012.

Now 2012 has come and gone, and nothing happened.

I don't take Ed's predictions very seriously. That's all I can say about it.
it is really difficult to take anyone who Predicts the future seriously, we hear of so so so so many prediciting and then the time comes and nothing happened. It is like the Boy who cries wolf, once a proper prediction comes out no one will believe it now because of so many who have before him


Junior Member
I have been doing the RV/RI course from Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing (see Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing (manifesting) Reality through Time and Space: Homepage )
and this guy Gerald O'Donnell (former European military intelligence remote viewer) says what you see is just a PROBABLE future which is based on the path coming from the now, as in it can (and does) change, this is why predictions often don't come true because we all have the power to change our courses. So often if someone publicly says this and that will happen (and it's awful doomsday stuff) enough people hear it and think they would rather that not happen and so maybe this many people imaging and so not believing in or energizing the predicted future, then they cause it to not happen. I think it's a combination of thought/intention and action based on thoughts/intentions that then changes our future. And then there is the parallel universes theory, so maybe we just shift into a new one if we decide we don't' agree with or like that path.. and maybe then some viewers view a different dimension/universe so those things DO happen in those places. I was reading somewhere recently that all psychic predictions come true in SOME dimension (if not in your own).. and if you think of thoughts as things, as forms, maybe dimensions can be thought form based and just real in that sense? I am not sure. But I think psychics and remote viewers are the same thing and so if you go get a reading done and you like it and then believe in it (and energize it with your own thoughts making that probable future more likely) then when it happens you can say the psychic was 'right' but maybe you still had more control of that outcome than the psychic who just saw a probable path.. likewise if you don't like what they say (and this happened to me) you can decide you want a different future and put a lot of energy into that and so then what they said doesn't happen..

Anyway it's an interesting topic and jury is still out for me about what's really going on in terms of what we see when RV'ing and what we have control over with our thoughts/beliefs. In my experience sometimes it seems like things are fated and we have no control and other times it seems like we have lots of individual control. I don't know. :)
