Edwards lives up to his "Breck girl" name


Senior Member
Edwards lives up to his "Breck girl" name

I found this over at anomalies and had to put it up here just for Sosue. VP nominee John Edwards apparently lives up to his "Breck girl" moniker given to him by the Republicans. Maybe they've seen him preening like a prom queen before. What a vain, pompous ass. Like his hair is that important. Have a good laugh Sosuemeeto. The second half of the video is worthless, but the first half is priceless. Almost as good as watching Paul Wolfowitz slober all over his comb before running it through his hair to slick it down.

Here's the link Breck Girl Video

Pretty funny at first, but it gets sad thinking "this is one of the best we have?"

Edwards lives up to his "Breck girl" name

Thank You Caryp.

DrudgeReport had a link to it and Rush talked about it. It is so funny!

Edwards lives up to his "Breck girl" name

To me it's nothing strange. I have thick straight hair and it normally wants to have as much volume as possible so I get some kind of big fluff of hair on my head. Other days it wants to be all straight and constantly fall down in my eyes. It's actually kind of hard to look like you actually did something to it, like you actually tried to make a good impression.

For a guy in Edwards position I imagine it's a very tricky balance between looking good so people don't say he has bad hygeine and looking like you just don't care how you look. Isn't it in that movie Fahrenheit 911 they show footage of Bush beeing fixed up in more or less the exact same way? (I even think they put makeup on Bush though :) )

I can imagine that image is extremely important for Bush, Kerry, Edwars and all of those kind of guys. They must spend hours and hours having the right suit, tie, shoes, hell even socks picked out for them by stylists.

I'd say the difference for Edwars would be he actually have real hair :) Not that Bush is wearing a wig, but really - whats that stuff on his head? Wool?

I'd be more surpriced if Edwards didn't make his hair look good when doing something on TV.

Also, If the things he is doing in that video is considered girly, what else is it us men aren't allowed to do if we want to be men? Can we cut our fingernails? can we wash ourselves with perfumed soap? use cologne? Wear good looking clothes? :) In that case I think I rather be girly than running around smelling like dirt with my hair all messed up, black teeth, long dirty fingernails and wearing only the hide of a grizzly bear and an extremely huge sword.

haha ok, ok, I know I took it too far :)

Edwards lives up to his "Breck girl" name

Yeah, Frings, you took it a little too far. LOL. The video of Edwards fussing with his hair just proves IMO that the elections have become more about image than substance. And yes, a number of the Bushco gang is shown being made up for the camera in the beginning of F 9/11, and they all look pretty silly. They all wear makeup when doing some big TV appearance. One of the most accurate predictors of who wins the presidential election over the last 30 years has been the height of the candidate. The taller candidate almost always wins. In fact, I don't know if there have been any exceptions to this predictor - and I'm not stating that as fact, I just can't remember a "shorter" candidate winning since Kennedy beat Nixon in 1960. Talk about obsessed with image. I'm not advocating that men adopt the hygiene and grooming of apes, but Edwards was way over the top in that video. Most of the politicos just sit there and let the hair stylist do their thing. But Edwards had to do most of it himself, and had to check out all the angles in the compact mirror. Way too self centered for me.

Edwards lives up to his "Breck girl" name

Kerry is inches taller Pyro. Have you seen them standing next to one another at the debates?

Edwards lives up to his "Breck girl" name

When you look good, you 'feel' good. Who knows, having that right wave and highlight, may help in those hard decisions while in office. Not.

Remember when Kerry thought his VP was a fool and incompetent???

I shudder to think what Olliphant will do cartoonwise to Kerry if/when he makes it office. He's kinda like the BBC, no punches held, We call em as we see em.
Edwards lives up to his "Breck girl" name

"The people get the leaders they deserve"

Thanks for the eye opener, CaryP.
