Equation for the lowest point in space time.


Equation for the lowest point in space time.

Well, since this forum is a bit...dead, I decided that I would just post an equation to find the biggest 'drop'(or the lowest point relative to the original position).

h=G x m/2 x a x d
h=G x m/2 x v^2
d=G x m/v^2
Where h is the lowest point in space time, G is the gravitational constant, m is the mass, d is 2h(h is like the radius, thus d is like the diameter) and a is the acceleration. I just put in the x's to show multiplication.


(Changed because I realized that it needed a 2 to be correct, and that d x a=v^2)


Senior Member
Equation for the lowest point in space time.

You forgot the Mayo.


Senior Member
Equation for the lowest point in space time.

Originally posted by iooqxpooi@Sep 19 2004, 06:31 PM
Well, since this forum is a bit...dead....

Speak for yourself there bud. I don't think there's been a dead moment here since this place was started.


Senior Member
Equation for the lowest point in space time.


You're a good and intelligent kid. I like you. What you have to understand is that most people here don't care about a bunch of equations. Sorry to be the one to break the news to you, but really, we're not a bunch of Einsteinian types sitting around trying to figure out the universe. You want a better response to your posts? Try something the "average" person would respond to. Posting your equations is not the way to reach the masses. Very few, if any, care about that. Post something that people in general will care about, math ain't it, neither is physics, chemistery or the general sciences. I don't know how to put it any more plain than that. Keep trying bucko. You're a good kid.



Equation for the lowest point in space time.

OK. Space-time is the fourth dimension, which is pushed down by energy(mass is a form of energy). It is like a ball pushing down on rubber(read that somewhere)...Now, people are trying to(or should be...:)) find how much it curves. They might have found it, but I am assuming that they haven't. Now, have you ever seen a circle before? Do you know how it has a radius? That is h. That is the farthest point down. Now, if you know what I am saying, you know that 2h is d, like 2 times the radius is the diameter. If this is so, then we can use h to find the lowest point in space-time. And if that is so, we can find it. Now, G is Newton's Gravitational constant. I can't really explain it, because I only know it as a constant and not as anything else. Since I don't know what it is, I will say that you should just trust me. M is the mass. Mass is the amount of matter(or energy) in an object. V is the velocity. The velocity is the speed something is moving at, like miles per hour. We use meters per second. With that, you can say that: h=Gm/v^2. Now, since I have taught you the concepts, I will teach you what that equation means. This equation says that with the higher mass, an object will make a bigger drop in space-time. Also, with a bigger velocity, it will create less with the same mass. Now, if this is true, you can calculate the biggest drop by just finding these factors. This is what the equation means. Hope that you enjoyed it! :)
