Forum Game Everything HIPPIE!


Time Travel Professor
Lots of hippies in Big Sur

Hippies flooded to Big Sur in the 1960s, and many of them later departed leaving a small population of just 1500 residents in the area. Today Big Sur might not be a hippie destination, but those hippies who remained still carry the talismans of the hippie era. VW minivans from the 60s are still prevalent and you often read about drug busts or hear word of pot farms in the mountains.

In recent years property in the area has been purchased up from the poorer hippies by rich families from San Francisco and Los Angeles, with waterfront lots going for some $3 million nowadays.

Big Sur is a place of seasons even if not one of extreme temperatures. What changes is the amount of rain falling and sun you are likely to see. Summer is the warmest time of year but the difference between air and ocean temperatures can lead to foggy conditions. Fall is typically cool and clear. Winters are wet with nearly constant storms. Spring is transitional with a good chance of clear days.


Senior Member
Bit to young to be a hippie lol but i do enjoy some of the music that came out of the 60's such as Johnny Cash, Eric Clapton "Cream" The Doors, Elvis, hendrix
