Exploring Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Children


Time Travel Professor
Exploring Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Children

Millions of souls have offered to be born during this time to help usher in this new era which, after much growth and change, will foster a new world of love, tolerance and joy.

BY: Samantha Fey


We are moving into a new age. Many are feeling this new energy and seeing the results of these transitions all around us. Millions of souls have offered to be born during this time to help usher in this new era which, after much growth and change, will foster a new world of love, tolerance and joy. There’s a good chance that you are an Indigo yourself or have given birth to a Crystal or Rainbow child. What does this mean for you?

Indigo souls are so named because they have so much dark blue in their aura. They incarnated from 1900 – 2000 with the majority arriving in the 1960’s and 70’s. Indigos are feisty, ready for change, rambunctious, and intuitive. They have come to this earth to break down old paradigms and outmoded belief systems. Look at what’s occurred in our world since the Indigos arrived – the Civil Rights’ Movement, the Women’s Movement, the Rock and Roll Revolution, the Gay Rights Movement just to name a few of the changes they’ve helped foster. As children, Indigos can often be difficult to raise. They have high energy, quick anger reflexes and intolerance for lying. An Indigo can always tell if someone is lying, so as a child if a parent lies to an Indigo, this will do severe damage to their ability to trust. Many Indigos have been labeled ADD and ADHD as a result of being misunderstood. They simply have come to Earth on a specific mission and they are ready to get started now! They don’t like authority, will question everything and prefer to work alone or own their own business. Indigos definitely march to their own drummer. Even as children, they will express a unique interest in all things spiritual. They are highly intelligent, very perceptive and have natural psychic abilities. Their mission on Earth is to break down outdated thought patterns, to shake people awake to the truth and educate their peers about love, forgiveness and tolerance.

The Crystal Children began incarnating in the 1990’s, although some “scouts” arrived in the 80s. The Crystals are most often recognized by their large, luminous eyes. They are called Crystal Children because their aura is opalescent or crystal clear in color. The Crystals are here to build a new foundation of love for the Earth. The Indigos have knocked down the old order, so now the Crystals are moving in to lay the foundation for a new way of living – one that is centered on love. As children, Crystals are very easy going, happy babies. They may have sensitivities to food and clothing. Many Crystals have food allergies, develop rashes, dislike certain material and are picky eaters. This is because they are vibrating at such a higher energy than the rest of us, so when they eat food with harsh additives or wear clothing made out of rough fabric, they can feel it more intensely. Crystal Children are naturally telepathic; they can read and send thoughts. Because of this, many Crystals have delayed speech with a majority waiting until age 3 or 4 to talk. They are very cuddly, communicative and caring. Crystals are kind, loving and sensitive. They are intelligent, natural healers and gifted psychics. They love to give spontaneous hugs. As children, they will say very deep words of wisdom and will be drawn to all things spiritual. Crystals love playing with rocks and stones. They love nature and have a deep connection with animals. Their mission on Earth is to build an energy of love and acceptance.

The Rainbow Children are so called because their auras reflect bright rainbow colors. They are amazing souls who have never incarnated on Earth before. They have no karma, no past baggage. So they come to this Earth fearless and trusting. Their focus is on service. They will never incarnate into a dysfunctional family. Most Indigos choose to incarnate into dysfunctional families because this helps build their feisty independence. Most Crystals need at least one parent to be an Indigo. But Rainbows insist on being born into happy, functioning, healthy homes and prefer to be born to Crystal parents. They began coming to Earth in the year 2000. They are happy, joyful babies – no colic here. Many refer to them as Earth Angels because they never think of themselves. They are completely joyful and focused on helping others. They have high energy and love bright colors. Very few Rainbows have incarnated so far, but we should see more coming in the upcoming years. They are confident without being aggressive and have a very balanced female/male energy. Their mission on Earth is to usher in a new era of unconditional love.

In order to speed up the positive changes that are coming to earth and help deflect much of the negative energy we see all around us, many Indigos have offered to transition into Crystal which in this incarnation. This is an amazing phenomenon. Most souls make difficult transitions like this in the peace and security of the other side. But for the feisty, independent Indigos, they enjoy and welcome a challenge. If you feel that you’re an Indigo and have been feeling very out of sorts for the last year or so, you might be an Indigo in transition. The following are some common signs: increase in psychic ability; increase in anxiety; periods of zoning out; needing to rest more than you’re used to; anxious about humanity and the state of the world; difficulty coping with everyday life; disrupted sleep patterns, waking up several times a night or at the same time each evening; experiencing a range of bodily sensations such as an increase in headaches, back and neck pain, extreme fatigue and knee pain; feeling dizzy and spacey. If you are experiencing a majority of these symptoms, you might be going through this transition. Many intuitives believe this transition can last anywhere from 1 – 3 years. The physical sensations are caused by the increase in your energetic vibration which facilitates the release of years of toxins. Try to surrender and accept these changes. Be gentle and nurturing to yourself. Spend as much time in nature as possible. Drink plenty of water, get lots of rest, stay grounded and keep your energy focused on all things positive. Take media breaks, so your conscious isn’t saturated in negative news, watch funny movies and read uplifting books. Take heart because all this means is that you’re soul is increasing in its own journey to the light which in turn will help light up the world.

The Link: Exploring Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Children
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Time Travel Professor
Secrets Of Indigo Children - Are They Humanity's Last Hope
5 March, 2014

MessageToEagle.com - These incredibly intelligent children with many unique abilities have been encountered world-wide.

They can see through you and reveal any hidden agenda.

Some say they are good, others are convinced that they are evil.

Who are they really? They do not seem to belong on Earth and yet there are scientists who maintain that these remarkable children have a special mission to change our planet.

The concept of so-called Indigo Children was developed in the 1970s, when Nancy Anne Tappe described the children in her book "Understand Your Life Through Color".


According to Tappe, some children were being born with indigo auras. The idea was interesting to the general public and it led to to the publication of a series of books in the 1990s and the release of movies about Indigo Children.

So, why are the Indigo Children different from other normal and ordinary kids?

People who have met, studied and worked with Indigo Children say that these individuals differ much from average children.

According to Lee Carroll and Jan Tober, authors of the book "The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived", "the Indigo child is a boy or girl who displays a new and unusual set of psychological attributes, revealing a pattern of behavior generally undocumented before.

This pattern has significantly unique factors that call for parents and teachers to change their treatment and upbringing of these kids in achieving balance and harmony in their lives, and to help them avoid frustration."

Indigo Children are born with special gifts. They exhibit remarkable intelligence from early age and are always eager to acquire knowledge.

Although, they are just children, they like, and sometimes even demand to be treated with the same respect as adults.

They have high integrity and enjoy solving problems, especially on their own.


Indigo Children are born with healing abilities and they use their powers as soon as there is a need to do so. Often, the Indigos are not even aware of that they are utilizing their extraordinary healing capabilities. Furthermore, these unusual children possess an ability to read a person like an open book. If you have a hidden agenda, or intentions to manipulate them, they will see through you and reveal your motives.

Are these children the next stage of human evolution, or is there another reason why they have been encountered world-wide for the last 20 to 25 years?

Professor Vladislav Lugovenko, Doctor of Physical-Mathematical Science of the Institute of Earthly Magentism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Emission of the Russian Academy of Sciences, says that these children possess potential to change our civilization. .

He is one of many scientists who have studied the behavior of Indigo Children with great interest.

"Indigo Children have a special mission to change our planet. Many of them have amended DNA spirals, which gives them incredibly strong immune system, which can even defeat AIDS.
I have met such children in China, India, Vietnam, and so on. I am sure that they will change the future of our civilization," Professor Lugovenko said.

Modern scientists are conducting extensive research works in an attempt to unveil the mystery of these phenomenal children, but it is a difficult case.

There is still so much we do not know about the human brain and we lack sufficient knowledge to form a hypothesis as to who these children really are.

"There is a theory, according to which the human brain has two basic memory types, work and remote memory.

One of the most remarkable abilities of the human brain is its ability to save information about experiences, emotions, and thoughts, both inwardly and outwardly, in the single informational space of the Universe.

There are some unique individuals, who can draw information from that field. In my opinion every human being is connected with space by means of energy channels," Professor Lugovenko added.

To be intelligent, unique and ahead of time has never been easy, at least not on our planet.

Many people are still ignorant and fear everything that is different. These children are indeed - different and they will or already have difficulties to live on Earth. Although some say Indigo Children are humanity's last hope, there are still those who are convinced these unusual children are truly evil.

Are Indigo Children saviors of humanity?

Read more: Secrets Of Indigo Children - Are They Humanity's Last Hope - MessageToEagle.com


What about star kids How do you think they help the world ?


"Someday we'll find it. That rainbow connection. The lovers, the dreamers and me. LA di da da da di da doo..."

And in case you're not familiar with mythology... I believe its a reference to the Norse gods Light Bridge that connects them to other worlds.


Senior Member
I believe that I am a crystal. Rainbows are similar, but not the same. Indigo children are fighters who never give up.


Mark Pattinson

New Member
Star Children, Crystal Children, Rainbow Children, and Indigo Children are current labels circulating about the internet describing exceptional and gifted children who have unique paranormal or meta physical abilities. Do these children really exist and do they have real gifts and genuine .
Ancient Mayan Predictions


Senior Member
The other day I went into a psychic shop and looked at her crystal collection, but I did not buy any. Most were just too expensive. Still, I like to see em. Crystals typically have a crystal collection and my favorite is a double terminated one.



Senior Member
How does the crystal interact with anything in the device?

From what I've seen, actual construction of an HDR Is pretty simple, but I've yet to understand how plopping anything in that well does anything. Do the copper coils inside pass underneath it or something?

What would happen if put something other than a crystal in it? Like, say... A Cheeto? Would that have any affect?


Time Travel Professor
The New Children, Indigo Children & Crystal Children
Awakening Humanity

In these rapidly changing times on Planet Earth comes a new beacon of light in the form of the New Children, Indigo Children and Crystal Children who are here to awaken humanity and usher in the Golden Age of Peace and Love. The following 8 minute documentary on the new generation of children touches on both scientific and theoretical aspects of the topic. Directed by Hector Sierra. Produced by Lucas Gath !

