
Discovered this by accident this morning. Just found out Nintendo released their first F-ZERO game in nearly 20 years.

Check this out, it looks absolutely crazy! It's basically the original F-ZERO, turned into a 99-player battle royale. It feels oddly satisfying to see this intense gameplay on the old race tracks we know and love! It looks really messy and fun, it's total chaos.

I've played F-ZERO on the SNES so much as a kid, its tracks, its music, the whole thing is in my DNA.



Senior Member
Discovered this by accident this morning. Just found out Nintendo released their first F-ZERO game in nearly 20 years.

Check this out, it looks absolutely crazy! It's basically the original F-ZERO, turned into a 99-player battle royale. It feels oddly satisfying to see this intense gameplay on the old race tracks we know and love! It looks really messy and fun, it's total chaos.

I've played F-ZERO on the SNES so much as a kid, its tracks, its music, the whole thing is in my DNA.

played it as a kid many times as well. never owned it but my dad would rent it.


Senior Member
they should do something like this with the original snes star fox. re-release it with new maps
and ships to fly.


played it as a kid many times as well. never owned it but my dad would rent it.
Good memories, man! :)

My cousin had it, so I played it now and then as a teen. Then on emulators on PC. Now as an adult, I have the cartridge, but I don't have time to play it anymore, which is kinda lame.

they should do something like this with the original snes star fox. re-release it with new maps
and ships to fly.
OMG, I remember Star Fox! The graphics were atrocious and revolutionary at the same time, thanks to the 3D chip they implemented in the cartridge. 3D on the SNES was a groundbreaking advancement.


Senior Member
Good memories, man! :)

My cousin had it, so I played it now and then as a teen. Then on emulators on PC. Now as an adult, I have the cartridge, but I don't have time to play it anymore, which is kinda lame.

OMG, I remember Star Fox! The graphics were atrocious and revolutionary at the same time, thanks to the 3D chip they implemented in the cartridge. 3D on the SNES was a groundbreaking advancement.

Yeah, I own a Switch now so emulation just seems obsolete now, there's
so much variety of games to play also through their online services.

this is the original star fox, which by the way can be played on the Switch if you subscribe to nintendo online:

