Fake internet


Junior Member
I've had a theory for years that this is truly a totally or semi fake Internet.

Mainly because it's a ghost town.

I've read claims of 2 billion people on the net but where are they? Why don't they talk?

On this net I can't even learn or progress in anyway because when I do it's like the same personalities attacking all attempts in various ways.

Either people will ignore topics, derail them or just insult and provoke in some way.

It's sad because I've been being abused by rejects since I was born and it's like the same minds won't go away. As if all they know how to do is use and abuse others. Ruin anything interesting and so on.

It really generates a lot of hate and disgust.

Where is the real internet with id assume at least some good people?


I always heard there's like 2 billion people using the internet. I guess they're not all talking. Many are only reading the internet, so to speak.

I agree with what you're saying. There's a ton of folks online... But 2 billion of them? Not sure.


Junior Member
As a network/computer engineer with well over 20 years experience I can tell you that there is more than 2 billion people online........

Why would you think they ALL should be online at the same time?? <-------Rhetorical Question Please do NOT attempt to answer.....lol

Trivia- Between 8 and 10 new users sign up for service EVERY SECOND!!

First off let's clarify a few things..........

The "internet" and the WWW ( World Wide Web) are two very different things........

The "internet" is the "backbone" for communication lines......

The World Wide Web is a Collection of all the computer clients and servers on earth.

The "internet" is the communication lines that the WWW uses for communication.

CERN invented and wrote the code we still use today.........FYI

Now as far as "where" all the people are.........maybe you could rephrase the question........what do you mean by this?

I see nothing but over loaded servers that do not run well........THIS forum is one of them......

This forum shares a tiny little space on a server that is running not only this forum, but MANY other forums as well.

The price and availability of bandwidth is a constant battle due to too many people.......

The amount of new users in just a 24 hour period is staggering!! Bandwidth is a VERY precious and expensive commodity. That is why you see these ads ALL OVER THE PLACE on this forum.......

There are also "private" networks as well that is included in the count of 2 billion users.......

AT&T has a long waiting list for high speed internet service in some areas.......they can't keep up due to how many new users sign up each day.......

Now as far as you seeing mean people.........maybe it is YOU that attracts them by making stupid comments like where are all the people??

Num7- as a administrator you should know better..........just saying.

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I understand what you're saying bullet. I do have to deal with bandwidths and traffic, but this site is such a tiny part of the internet, I can't say how loaded the rest is, for instance.

That being said, I understand it can be quite a challenge to serve all these people.

Mean people are everywhere... Just don't let them get to you. Easier said than done, but you still control the way you react to their attacks. Do you want to let them make you angry, sad, etc, or do you want to ignore them?


sorry to but in here but,, yall seem to have forgotten most the likely culprit in this chase for the missing people PORN, in all it's forms is a good portion of the public traffic on the net... just my 2 cents
