Fear of aliens


Junior Member
Hey, no judge or anything, because i wrestle with it (especially since Einstein acoount, dropped that video) and theres really deep aspects, possibilities, The damn IMPLICATIONS. personally the cosmic Horror aspect, possibility, "when you loook into darkness it looks back" We seek knowledge without having much of any ground to stand on, Cern wants to open portals , BUT NO REMOTE to control where we open, what we open, no idea on how simply that could affect both side And what exists on other side, and the thought we could be influenced to help in our destruction, really fucks with me


Junior Member
id say more to your worry, Unless they are super empathic, understanding, able to bridge gaps , by imparting telepathic knowledge, or through astral contact. One does not simply meet aliens. So many barriers, humans panic easy, the way we act in general could simply offend them to the core,(almost forgot) potential health hazards for both of us(parasites ,disease, virus and bacteria radiation etc) example : Europeans meeting various Native peoples, they didn't have the immunities, and it was catastrophic to their people. i think its complex, and each species, or being will need to be considered, individually , unless their hive mind they will have hierarchy, groups, class etc, so like us cant just group all in one a say X.
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alpha centauri

Active Member
Hi guys so every since I can remember I have a fear of aliens :( i have to sleep with a night light on because of this fear of them . You guys can laugh at my fear by the way .

There is a lot of propaganda in the media about aliens, so this is not surprising. That is what they want to create.


Senior Member
Aliens come in peace.

US army sees a slightly better weapon than theirs and are forced to follow the doctrine of attacking anyone who's stronger.

Aliens exterminate humans in response.


I’ve been thinking about this thread for some time, meant to reply earlier but didn’t get to. You know, in order to scare you even more! Kidding.

Have you heard of the Dark Forest theory? That’s some scary stuff. It’s also one of the possible answers to the Fermi Paradox. One of the darkest ones…

Here’s the short version, taken from the book of the same name.
The professor states that there life will strive to stay alive, and there is no way of knowing the intentions of other alien species. Some could be benevolent, some could be hostile. Even if the life out there isn't hostile, it will still be expanding in a universe with limited resource, increasing the likelihood of conflict with others who need those same resources.

The universe is a dark forest. Every civilization is an armed hunter stalking through the trees like a ghost, gently pushing aside branches that block the path and trying to tread without sound. Even breathing is done with care. The hunter has to be careful, because everywhere in the forest are stealthy hunters like him. If he finds other life—another hunter, an angel or a demon, a delicate infant or a tottering old man, a fairy or a demigod—there’s only one thing he can do: open fire and eliminate them.

In this forest, hell is other people. An eternal threat that any life that exposes its own existence will be swiftly wiped out. This is the picture of cosmic civilization. It’s the explanation for the Fermi Paradox.

It’s scary! Imagine thousands of civilizations out there, treading lightly and carefully hiding their existence, in order to survive. The dominant species, ever watching and wiping everyone they detect instantly. The Universe would be an unimaginably dark place…

Here’s a full article that describes the hypothesis.


Active Member
Ho my godness, close your windows guy because every star system have a civilisation on it.


Junior Member
I saw alien spaceship every night, open your windows guy.
Yeah im 95 percent certain ive seen 2 non human craft. doesn't mean ive met an alien dude, cause wed all be sharing( or not depending) Second thing your planet visit question is flawed, no accounting for method, it is said some can travel stupid high lightyears in a day, so what tech, how large are there organization, and are they doing it non physical astral, telepathic then probably instant ( though if consciousness is energy itd take time right?) as to which ACTUALLY arrived here first, Who ever had greater Want/need, better tech, determination, goals and were ahead of others or no-one cared.


Active Member
Go outside at night
See luminous stars
Wait 1 or 2 minutes to look at this stars
Suddently, the 'stars' start to move in an incomprehensible way, it is not airplane
They travel
Better when have somes cloud, they try to hide them in cloud
For the airplane with red light flash, observe it
You will understand that is not common airplane
They move differently than an aiplane, an aiplane cannot stop and accelerate like this
But there is chemtrail left by the airplane
If you are in a chemtrail region, you must see aircraft that fight false airplane
There is a war in the sky.
