Ferguson Verdict — NO CHARGES FOR WILSON! — Grand Jury Declines to Indict Due to Lack of...


🤖 Think outside the mind
In a long-winded attempt at civilizing the process surrounding this, the attorney general in Ferguson announced that officer Darrell Wilson will not face any charges. The explanation of the verdict included a sweeping reprimand to social media and the “24/7″ news cycle, citing conflicting witness reports as to what happened to Michael Brown. Basically, the entire revelation of the verdict was designed to try to explain how great a job the prosecution did in presenting the facts and witnesses to the grand jury. It also served as an acquittal of the jury itself by trying to convince everyone that the jury did an exhaustive investigation before coming to a decision.

The final result: it turns out the facts did not line up with what rioters and protesters have insisted since the very beginning. The grand jury decision should be a final moment when everyone goes on with their life. Unfortunately, a crowd of people that have already made up their mind based on non-factual accounts will probably choose to take the life of others instead of going on with their own. Despite pleas from Michael Brown’s family for peace, it is entirely likely that will not happen. What happens going forward remains to be seen, and Common Sense Conspiracy hopes that everyone makes the right decisions in the wake of this fateful day. More importantly, hopefully the people of Ferguson will wake up safe and sound with their property intact.

Source: Common Sense Conspiracy
He had a fair trial. Everyone deserves a trial.

No trial!

Just falsified paid witness testimony that corroborated Darren Wilson's side of the story. The actual eye witness testimony was thrown out.

SEE IT: 2 men react as Michael Brown is shot by cops - NY Daily News

Of course. Burn all white people. Call it a conspiracy. That's logical.

I don't know who orchestrated the additional eye witness testimony. Initially only three people came forward all saying Michael Brown's hands were up as he surrendered and was shot dead. Then if you watched the video, you got to see a corroboration of the initial eye witness reports as two construction workers are appalled at what they see. There were no initial reports of anything like Darren Wilson's version. Yet somehow the grand jury got to listen to testimony from 50 eye witnesses. Where did all those other eye witnesses come from? And why didn't they speak up initially?

I don't say burn all the white people. I would prefer to have all guns taken away from the police nationwide. Right now they are behaving as terrorists. In the interest of public safety.

But you also have to consider that organized crime seen their window of opportunity. Just create witnesses to corroborate Darren Wilson's testimony. And you pretty much guarantee the grand jury will not indite him. The resulting mob chaos will keep the police too busy to go after looters.
He had a fair trial. Everyone deserves a trial.

No trial!

Just falsified paid witness testimony that corroborated Darren Wilson's side of the story. The actual eye witness testimony was thrown out.

SEE IT: 2 men react as Michael Brown is shot by cops - NY Daily News

Of course. Burn all white people. Call it a conspiracy. That's logical.

Your sarcasm belittles the truth of the siltation and disparages the memory of the victims.

Darren Hunt , Tamir Rice, Mike Brown, Eric Garner, Carlos Davenport, Daniel Zamora, and on and on and on this list goes. Their is a problem in this nation. The militarization of the police is leading to alot of unnecessary death, They aren't using their tasers as alternate means of disabling a threatening suspect, they are using them as compliance devices when they feel their authority aint being respected. They are not protecting and serving , they are harassing and killing. Their is a very big problem with the current state of the police state in the USA. May you never be under the boot heel of a black suit thug, but if you find yourself there, remember to say a prayer because they may not show any mercy. Their insane. Supporting them is insane and tantamount to being cool with them taking your life with your tax dollars because they're having a bad day.

Just saying
No trial!

Just falsified paid witness testimony that corroborated Darren Wilson's side of the story. The actual eye witness testimony was thrown out.

SEE IT: 2 men react as Michael Brown is shot by cops - NY Daily News

Of course. Burn all white people. Call it a conspiracy. That's logical.

Your sarcasm belittles the truth of the siltation and disparages the memory of the victims.

Darren Hunt , Tamir Rice, Mike Brown, Eric Garner, Carlos Davenport, Daniel Zamora, and on and on and on this list goes. Their is a problem in this nation. The militarization of the police is leading to alot of unnecessary death, They aren't using their tasers as alternate means of disabling a threatening suspect, they are using them as compliance devices when they feel their authority aint being respected. They are not protecting and serving , they are harassing and killing. Their is a very big problem with the current state of the police state in the USA. May you never be under the boot heel of a black suit thug, but if you find yourself there, remember to say a prayer because they may not show any mercy. Their insane. Supporting them is insane and tantamount to being cool with them taking your life with your tax dollars because they're having a bad day.

Just saying

Your post shows how you have very little insight to what she was referring to. It wasn't the police, it was the african american community and how they responded to the shooting and the verdict. There were protests, riots. Their solution? Kill whitey, because its Whitey who is always causing issues. When in reality, its them.

I saw an interesting post on facebook by someone a few nights ago and I have to agree with it:

Dear Blacks, We don't have slavery anymore. We gave you rights and freedom. Please move on already, as we have moved on ourselves

And I have to agree with it. We have moved on. They fought for a 100 years for freedom from slavery and fought for decades for rights. And they got them. If anyone is continuing to remind us of racism, its them. I don't care about a person's color. I wasn't raised like that. But if there is anyone who reminds me of color, its them.

We are in the 21st century, and for some reason, blacks still act like Whitey is out to get them. When actually, I think its the other way around. If you look at crime statistics for black on white crime, its higher than white on black crime is. That's bad. You're right, however, there is a problem. Its not the police though. They are just doing their jobs. I'm not saying they are all good and aren't racist, I've met some racist cops. I've met plenty of racists. But from my experience, I've met more black racists than any other color.

Something that I find completely hypocritical about all this is. White people fought for their ancestors freedom from slavery. White people fought for their civil rights during the movement (yes the majority were black but there were also white supporters and in the end white people gave them civil rights)

So why would you continue to whine and complain about Whitey when Whitey has done so much good for you? As I said, if anyone continues to bring up racism and remind us of their struggles, its blacks. Just drop it and move on already. You got what you wanted, WHITEY gave you what you wanted. Yet you still complain.


Its over.
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There are police officers who are more like bullies with badges, I've witnessed this personally, and not just with black people...
However, are we supposed to let every black criminal get away with their crimes just because they're black? What happens when a black officer shoots a white person? Do you hear about it on CNN? No, you don't...
Racism will always continue, blacks will always say they're being treated unfairly, even with a black man as president...

Bottom line: If you want to be treated equal, then act equal. Don't separate us from our race. We're all humans after all, right?
There are police officers who are more like bullies with badges, I've witnessed this personally, and not just with black people...
However, are we supposed to let every black criminal get away with their crimes just because they're black? What happens when a black officer shoots a white person? Do you hear about it on CNN? No, you don't...
Racism will always continue, blacks will always say they're being treated unfairly, even with a black man as president...

Bottom line: If you want to be treated equal, then act equal. Don't separate us from our race. We're all humans after all, right?
Don't separate us by* or according to our race, rather...
