Ferguson Verdict — NO CHARGES FOR WILSON! — Grand Jury Declines to Indict Due to Lack of...

There are police officers who are more like bullies with badges, I've witnessed this personally, and not just with black people...
However, are we supposed to let every black criminal get away with their crimes just because they're black? What happens when a black officer shoots a white person? Do you hear about it on CNN? No, you don't...
Racism will always continue, blacks will always say they're being treated unfairly, even with a black man as president...

Bottom line: If you want to be treated equal, then act equal. Don't separate us from our race. We're all humans after all, right?

I know. I've run into bully police officers of all sorts of colors. Black, white, brown, green, purple. Hate is hate and there is hate in every color, it can't be limited to just one.

I'm glad you agree with a viewpoint of mine. I think this nation caters too much to blacks. They sweep their problems under the rug, letting them run loose over everything and everyone. In truth, the people who allow this to happen are just as racist, considering they are catering to a select race, while ignoring other races.

I agree with blacks having equal rights and equal protection like whites and hispanics and asians. But what I do not agree with is how its a hate crime if I say nigger, but its not a hate crime if they say honky.

Apologies for posting that word, it has no place in the english language, but I'm just trying to make a point, not directing at anyone. Can't say I'm a racist. I have many black friends, many hispanic friends, many asian friends. Hell I like black dick, had some the other night (i have a fetish for bbc) :p

I treat all races equally, I'm all for racial equality and equal rights. But what I'm not for is racial inequality and lumping people into groups and giving one group protection and the other nothing.
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