FICTION Glory of the Empire


Yeah, lever-action rifles started appearing in the late 1850's, but the "repeater" as we commonly think of it came out in 1860, with the Henry rifle, then the Winchester in 1873.

But, we are thinking of them having breech-loading percussion-lock technology in the mid-1790s, during the invasion of France...BEFORE they switch to the Giradoni air-gun.
And that they start basic, rough devlopments of a lever-action rifled musket in 1832, but it's only used a little bit, by dragoons and carabineers in the Crimean War (Yes, later on, I'm having the Crimean War happen, but on a bit bigger scale).

And, speaking of the Civil War, I also have that the HRE splits apart in 1863, co-inciding with the ACW...and the Imperial Civil War happens around the same time-frame as the ACW.
