Flux cap or HDR?


King Ivan
If someone were to build a time travel machine for a school's science project, which time machine would be a better bet for physical time travel? The flux cap, the HDR, or some other time travel machine? And which one would have a higher chance of working?


Senior Member
Steven Gibbs says the flux cap is easy. It takes $20 in parts and fifteen minutes of work. John Bajak has plans for his device, but I think you want something with a bit more power. Here are parts for the flux cap.

Creating a Flux Cap

Personally, I prefer to use an HDR.



King Ivan
Steven Gibbs says the flux cap is easy. It takes $20 in parts and fifteen minutes of work. John Bajak has plans for his device, but I think you want something with a bit more power. Here are parts for the flux cap.

Creating a Flux Cap

Personally, I prefer to use an HDR.

Have you ever tried the flux cap? Because I don't see how a 1200 mfd cap, a blinking red led, and a piezo transducer could transport a person physically through time. Also, is the piezo transducer ment to be a piezo disc, or a piezo buzzer?


Senior Member
Ah yes, I think that I already told people about this one. I was eating lunch when I turned my flux cap on. It makes a noise. This is because it uses a piezo. Well, this was at noon. There was a large flash of white light and a boom like thunder when it is raining. Right after ward my boss runs in. He said he was looking for me all over. That he could not find me. The wall clock said 5:47 PM, but my lunch was still warm.

The device pushed me forward a few hours and it is inexpensive. However, it uses a 9V battery for power. Like we cannot move a fighter jet with a lawn mower engine. Don't go very far on low power. Key is to be over a vortex, and Steven Gibbs says to use a cat to find one.

Munchkin cat status.


King Ivan
I may start building a flux capacitor soon because it's cheaper than the HDR. I'll let everyone know if I'll have any results after testing it.


I may start building a flux capacitor soon because it's cheaper than the HDR. I'll let everyone know if I'll have any results after testing it.
Cool, let us know how it goes. I still haven't completed mine from last year.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
If someone were to build a time travel machine for a school's science project, which time machine would be a better bet for physical time travel? The flux cap, the HDR, or some other time travel machine? And which one would have a higher chance of working?
the one that has a separate unit for returning the space time modulator mentioned in patricia ress book she wrote about steven gibbs. look at how many hdr units steven gibbs sold and look at how many reports he got from them of any time travel successes and look at the ones he didn't get back, i think there's an unknown there and maybe mising people who didn't come back if they physically time traveled except the ones that astrally time traveled , i've been surfing the world wide net and the deep web for time travel stories involving the hdr and there's not much and nothing new and nothing on any australians using the hdr when the details said he sent them to australia to but there's no feedback on any of the hdr successes from australia either involving actual time traveling using the hdr i haven't even got that far yet i'm treading carefully here first
