for those being abducted there is help.

In the video they interview people that have successfully stopped their alien abductions.

In the video they interview people that have successfully stopped their alien abductions.

Hi Pamela, I am sooo glad you posted this video! I have been trying to get this information out to the public since 1998. I wrote about it on Art Bell's BBS Message Board. Back around 1998, I even emailed Dr. David M. Jacobs, a leading researcher on alien abductions (named in this video) with my full account (and other accounts) of how to stop alien abductions by calling out the name of Jesus and by praying to Him, but Jacobs would not investigate or consider the information. Jacobs said he didn't know what to make of it and left it at that. I emailed him again in November 2010 and he still wouldn't look into it or elaborate on it.

I also shared My theory about Aliens, Extraterrestrials on Paranormalis, which briefly mentions prayer as a way to stop alien abduction, but I didn't go into detail as I was more focused on my theory about the origins of ETs, but it is all tied in together.

This video is very refreshing to see as investigators are finally taking this information seriously.

I'm one hour into the video. Will post more about my own near-abduction experiences when I am finished.

Here is the letter I wrote to Dr. David M. Jacobs in November 2010. It's lengthy, but it was my attempt to get him interested in this subject matter. My personal experiences are detailed in this letter. Although I did not write about it here, I believe this was a generational abduction event that my mother also experienced, and it was continued with me and my son. My mother is no longer living, so I cannot ask her if she was abducted, but I have many reasons for believing she was.

I hope this information is helpful to others.

[email protected]

Dear. Dr. Jacobs,

I wrote you many years ago after reading The Threat, and sent you my theory about aliens being demons. I also told you that when I was little and for many years following, I had experiences where I was paralyzed during sleep by a terrible noise or humming sound. I saw the shadowed outlines of evil figures approach me that looked like the Greys. The experiences were terrifying, but each time I was able to free myself from the paralysis by thinking or saying the word "Jesus". These episodes stopped when I was in my late 20's. Nothing bad happened to me, because I was able to stop the abductions before they happened.

When I was little and this happened, after being freed from the paralysis, I would go to my parents’ bedroom and ask to sleep with them for the remainder of the night, because I'd had a "bad dream" or "nightmare". Other than that, I never told a sole about the episodes or the details.

When I was 31, my oldest son was 6 yrs old. I became ill and my son had to live with my mother for one year. About 9 months into the stay, my son told me he was having scary dreams. He described the terrible noise, the paralysis. He said, in one dream he was in a room that was all white and very bright. He was lying on a table. There were doctors in white coats. A large silver ball was suspended above his chest weighting him down. He could not move. That's all he remembers about the dream. (My son also had serious nosebleeds. Once it was so bad, I had to take him to the Emergency Ward and they treated him to stop the bleed.)

At the time I had no idea what was happening, but I told my son about my own experiences with the noise that caused paralysis, and I instructed him to use the name of "Jesus" to make it stop as I had.

I never knew what these experiences were until years later when I was reading stories of alien abductions. That's when I realized my experiences were near-abductions and I believe my son was abducted at least once. He never had the episodes after I told him how to stop them...and when he came home to live with me one year later, it never happened at all.

Years ago, when I first realized this was about alien abductions, I scoured the Internet to see if anyone else stopped abductions using the name of "Jesus". I only found 2 other people who used this method. One was an abductee on Art Bell's message board. Another was a man who was at a seminar given by John Lear. (I saw this on video.). The man spoke to Lear during a Question & Answer session. The man told Lear that he was nearly abducted by aliens while in his vehicle. He invoked the name of "Jesus" to save him, and the aliens instantly disappeared. Those were the only 2 accounts I could find about abductees using the name of Jesus to save them.

I didn't read anything about alien abductions for almost 10 years, and recently I've been catching up. To my surprise, I'm hearing lots stories about abductees invoking the name of Jesus to stop abductions, successfully! I have also read that aliens "tremble" when abductees say the name of Jesus. (This is also scriptural.) (Please refer to the Sources listed at the end of this email.)

This proves what I originally thought was true...that aliens are demons. But I've also been reading that Ufologists do not want to discuss this method of protection, because they don't know what to make of it...and because they are concerned about their credibility as Ufologists.

To me, this seems very unprofessional. If there is a method to stop abductions, that method should be revealed to abductees and implemented.

According to scripture, demons must have permission or an invitation. If the stories are true that President Eisenhower [it was Truman] (or any other president) signed a treaty with extraterrestrials to abduct humans for experimentation and/or hybriding with humans, then that president ‘opened the door’ and ‘gave permission’ to demons to abduct humans.

However, scripture also says that Jesus has total power over demons. That’s why invoking the name of Jesus during an abduction stops the abduction. But the abducted cannot simply ‘say’ the name of Jesus. He/she must order the aliens/demons to be GONE in the name of Jesus.

One more very important thing…Scripture says that demons must identify themselves BY NAME if anyone commands it “in the name of Jesus Christ”. If an abductee commands an ET to reveal their identity in the name of Jesus Christ, the alien/demon must identify who they are. The same thing holds true during an exorcist. Priests command demons to tell them their names, and the demons must obey.

AN EXPERIMENT: Ask for volunteers to try an experiment. Have the abductees who volunteer invoke the name of Jesus Christ to stop abductions and see what happens. They should say, “I command you, in the name of Jesus Christ, to be GONE!” If the experiment works (and I believe it will), then all abductees need to be taught how to stop the abductions. (If it does not work the first time, then the abductee should accept Jesus as their personal Savior first.)

This method of protection is being ignored by the UFO community. I seriously hope you look into it.

Hope to hear from you. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Here are some sources about using the name of Jesus to stop abductions.
1) The Love Bite by Eve Frances Lorgen: Pg. 195-6, “Sophia also has reported experiences in which she was able to tell the aliens (Greys) to leave in the name of Jesus, after which they disappeared, “like a vapory smoke popping out of thin air.”
2) Can An Alien Abduction Be Stopped By Using The Name Of Jesus? Can An Alien Abduction Be Stopped By Using The Name Of Jesus?
3) Extraterrestrials Tremble at the Name of Jesus Extraterrestrials Tremble at the Name of Jesus
4) Alien Abductions Stopped By the Name of Jesus Christ Alien Abductions Stopped By the Name of Jesus Christ
5) Stop Alien Abduction, Resistance, How to make it stop
6) Jesus Christ Defeats Evil Aliens! Alien Abductions Thwarted by Calling upon the Name JESUS! [video is no longer available]
7) Alien Abductions Stopped by the Name of Jesus
Alien Abductions Stopped by the Name of Jesus - Education - Psychology
*There are more sources. These are just a few.
Its just as bad when doctors dont release the cure for cancer because people are making money off of it.

If I was an abductee I would certainly try everything possible to get help.... this works.

I do realize though some people dont want help. To some people these abductions make them seem special or something but they have no idea what they are really involved in and I do believe this plays a huge part in the tribulation period. Its a great deception.
I studied UFOs for a long time before I came to the conclusion they are evil. its not evident at first unless you do a lot of study. But the evidence is there and it is plainly evident in this video.. one does NOT have to suffer what these beings are doing to them.

This is a video of real people that have been abducted repeatedly and found the answer to make it stop!

It is really up to the individual however. do they WANT it to stop? You have been given the answer.
Next time you are abducted use Jesus's name and see what the response is.

I cringe everytime I hear an abduction story and that the person seems proud to share it.
I also get angry at the beings deceptiveness and ability to fool and deceive the indivdual.

People need to know the truth because time is running out.
Sam, you wrote this on Art Bells board in 1998? Thats interesting. :)

All we can do is tell the people what we know. Its ultimately up to the individual if he wants help and if he wants it to stop or not.
Sam, you wrote this on Art Bells board in 1998? Thats interesting. :)

All we can do is tell the people what we know. Its ultimately up to the individual if he wants help and if he wants it to stop or not.

What I posted above was a letter to Dr. David M. Jacobs, but the content, yes I posted on Art Bell's BBS back in 1998. I've been trying to get this information out to the public periodically ever since then. (I also posted my Alien Theory on Art's BBS during that same time.)
I just want you to know that praying stopped the "sleep paralysis" phenomena in my life too. I've gotten to the point where I have been given the strength of mind to move. In one instance I pushed the being off of me. I couldn't see it but I felt its grip on my arms as I jerked back and forth against it.
The only thing that calling out Jesus' name (and praying to him) ever achieves is to confirm to the abducting parties that you wish to remain imprisoned on this prison planet we call Earth. It has nothing to do with a god, or being religious, or even spirituality in general.

Those aliens have identified the IS-BE within you, and are attempting to allow your inner IS-BE to unshackle itself from this prison planet. That does not NECESSARILY mean they wish to kill you, and do you harm. And I don't use that argument to condone them taking you anywhere against your free will ... but those are the facts about this.
