"future You"


Junior Member
Now, what if a future you visited you right now, from 20 years in the future ? What would you guys do ?

Ask the lottery numbers ? Ask about personal concerns and such, ask information about the future ? Would you recognize your older self, or even believe it ?
My future self gave me coded messages that I in turn was probably going to make the decisions anyways but helped me make the decision faster but I still ended up having a ton of deja vu about the whole experience which lasted a year when I received the message 8 years prior. Now having that experience that I probably would have had anyways made me think about my life and now want to change my life for the better faster and more dedicated however I can and only after that I can help others. I don't quite know which direction to take now but it's going to be a hard and more dedicated road to follow as if time were running out. This future self thing could just be a trick of the mind or just a nice story to be told someday.


For the question of my young junior recognizing my elder:
Unless some of the major assumptions I'm currently operating under are wrong, this should never happen intentionally. If I did meet him, my elder self was disguised well enough that I didn't recognize him, because I have no memory of meeting my elder self. Any other outcome leads to paradox, and paradox is bad. (If my assumptions are wrong, then no, I don't recognize me. I've changed too much)

For the question of meeting my elder of 20 years:
I would not speak unless spoken to, once I know it's me. If he has something important to tell me, he'll tell me. Otherwise asking unprovoked questions is just going to be met with some variation of "Further information is not available here". (Though if elder me has a sense of humour, he'll use that exact phrase, knowing where it's from)

I wouldn't want to know too much anyway, other than whether my basic assumptions are right. Beyond knowing that I'm still around then and that I do eventually become a time traveller, knowing too much of my own future just locks me into having to do things the way they're supposed to happen to avoid paradox. Simply meeting myself would make me extremely happy. (Again, if my assumptions are wrong, then lottery numbers I guess? And any obstacles to me becoming a time traveller so I know to avoid them)
