Galactic federation of light


I felt I was reading the never ending story. There is a lot there to review and it does go off in parts.
The NESARA section did have many good points. I do not like the idea of forgiving all debts. Those that have managed their finances wisely would get little or no relief. Those that have borrowed beyond their means to repay, get forgiven? Seems to me, I should go out and borrow as much as I can before this ever gets passed.

On the GFL/Disclosure channeled statements, channeling is a valid means of communication. However, the persons through which the channeling takes place, passively filter the communication through their belief systems. So, different sources will have similar, but different means of explaining. Mass landings and such, are not part of what I envision, at least, not yet.

The GFL statements are not inconsistent with the views shared by others. I do believe/know that spiritual ascension is in the works. This concept is gaining acceptance, with a variety of views on how it may happen. My personal view is this all revolves around our opening up to the 4D aspects of our totality. I am aware that the majority of people are not familiar with mufti-dimensional concepts and this line of thought may be foreign to them. I am waiting to see how all this unfolds over the course of the next year or two.


Senior Member
Thanks for the input Rosco!, and ya i didn't get to far down the list, there is just so much to read! About the law im pretty sure something like that will never be passed so i wont go rackin up the credit cards yet lol


I have a gut feeling this is a 2012 scam long in the making. If they start asking for money closer to December watch out. I think there will be many 2012 scams to come in the future tread with care.


I'll have to read it all. It was my initial reaction. When things seem too good to be true, they often are.

Ill get some coffee and prepare to read this epic novel. :p


well I spent some time scanning through this thing and it reads like a compilation of press releases for this G.F.L. all leading up to a mass landing of Alien ships to usher in the new age of assention. it's spose to be fully disclosed on 12-12-2012 or at least thats the jest of it as far as I can tell whats yall's take on the thing???


Senior Member
I managed to get through 90% of it and i agree it seems like they have a messenger or some form of communication to who ever has the website up. The part that i foudn interesting "if real" is That we have ships lined up covering your skies, and that they are eliminating the Chem trails before they can reach earth and cause harm. Really how sad are we of a people if we cant stop our own Gov from killing us??

I have alot of skepticism for this as well mostly cause i have no other information regarding it, maybe i will do some in-depth research while inbetween getting yelled at by crabby old ladies cause they cant figure out how to turn there caps off............


Senior Member
The Galactic Federation of Light & Ashtar is an Alien Hoax -- Everyone Please Read |
I found this, wich is kinda disturbing.

I guess this Billy Meier is a know hoaxer as well, he is one of the founders of the site.
This also Contains Time Travel for those interested, maybe i shoudl throw some of this up in the TT forum, who needs titor when we got a guy who not only travles in a ET spacecraft BUT travels back into time with them! right? right ? right?

Also i guess there are thousands of cases of these beings in the federation channeling through random people to tell messages to others.

"Here is Creme explaining about not revealing when and where Maitreya interviews are:

Maitreya steps forward

The way prepared by His Herald the ‘star’, Maitreya, the World Teacher, has given His first interview on American television. Millions have heard Him speak both on TV and the internet.

His open mission has begun

He was introduced not as Maitreya, the World Teacher and Head of our Spiritual Hierarchy, but simply as a man, one of us. In this way He “ensures that men follow and support Him for the truth and sanity of His ideas rather than for His status”.

He spoke earnestly of the need for peace, achievable only through the creation of justice and the sharing of the world’s resources.

This is the first of many such interviews which will be given in the USA, Japan, Europe and elsewhere, bringing His message of hope to the world.

Benjamin Creme made this announcement at his public lecture at Friends House, Euston Road, London, on 14 January 2010.

Please note: Share International has no further details about this interview (date, time, network, etc), for the following reason: it is very important that everyone has the opportunity to respond to Maitreya because they want for the world what He is advocating — sharing, justice and peace — rather than because they think He may be the World Teacher.
Share International magazine January - February 2010 issue

They are planning a special day of declaration but until then he will remain anonymous.

Some speculate it is Raj Patel but he denies it. I'm not saying it is.

My whole reason for pointing this guy out is because all of these Galactic Federation-like entities...whatever you want to call them...are all part of the New Age religion that will ultimately swallow every other religion up. It's starting now with the chrislam thing. Interfaith...the formation of a one world religion.
This will seem like no big deal to some, but to monotheists it is a very big deal. "

This is a video of one of the guys who supposidely communicates with one of the beings in the GFL, gotta say the first part is creepy as hell, you'll notice the guy look directly into the camera like he knew it was there gave me the willys lol. But alot of these messages come from this fellow, he also supposidely has revealed the anti-christ.

This stuff is more widespread than i gave it credit for, and has way to much info that i can go over in a short time frame.​
