Galactic federation of light


BT, You do find some interesting things. In the early 70's, I purchased two of Billy Meier's books. I was intrigued by some of the photos, although I was more than a tad dubious. A friend went so far as to buy an 8mm movie. Viewing the movie, the motion of the UFO looked odd. We then ran it at high speed and it became obvious the saucer was on a string. The video you have, feels along he same lines of deceptive photography. Billy was good at that.

I don't know what to make of Maitreya. Dude should be a ventriloquist, the way he doesn't move his lips much. It was very curious how he tended to look in the direction of the camera for extended periods. He definitely showed very little animation or emotional expression. He is a pretty scary guy. I would not want to attend any of his gatherings. I do not like the feeling he exudes as a high ranking member of the GFL.

"My whole reason for pointing this guy out is because all of these Galactic Federation-like entities...whatever you want to call them...are all part of the New Age religion that will ultimately swallow every other religion up. It's starting now with the chrislam thing. Interfaith...the formation of a one world religion.
This will seem like no big deal to some, but to monotheists it is a very big deal. "

The definition of Monotheism, needs some clarification for me. The belief in a singular God can be interpreted in a couple of different ways. It can mean that the God of one particular religion, is the one and only God and the God of all other religions are false. Or, There is but one God and all religions view and seek to understand God in their own way, some better than others.

Personally, I believe that God expresses him/her self in many ways. All religions have good and bad points about them. It is the followers of each religion that interpret it in their own ways. Some, like the Islamic extremists or Black Liberation Theology, do do in ways that may become very anti-social. The Islamic extremists carry their version of Monotheism to the maximum. "If you do not convert, you will be killed", pretty much sums it up. They have ZERO tolerance towards other religions and even towards some of their own, with slightly different views.

The concept of One world religion if frightening. Even within Christianity today, there are different versions, made up of many churches, each teaching a slightly different form, with different preachers and congregations focusing on different parts and interpretations of the Bible. I cannot imagine having only One standard version that all must follow. To blend all the religions into One standard compromised meld, would be to the detriment of all. I believe God created a world of diversity, in order to explore as many possibilities as the world is capable of. To have only one unchanging variety of anything, cannot be what was intended. Whatever faith you have does not matter. It is you that need to filter out the good from the bad. God did not write any religious texts. They were all written by mortal men and mortal men do not always tell the stories as the author intended.



Senior Member
Man everytime i watch that video it bugs me, i don't get a feeling of peace or understanding from this, i feel more fear and misstrust i do not like that people are taking what his man says to heart. It is defanitly not a comforting feeling from that fellow.

I watched a few other youtube videos following this one and this GFL has alot and i mean alot of people up in arms people are posting that this man and his followers are the anti-christ and to not trust anything he says, some people are just calling it a plain Hoax and trickery, and others are following this man and his kin like lost puppy dogs.

I for one am not religious i find the whole concept silly but i was raised Mormon so i do have a understanding of it, as for a one world religion i do not know i feel about that ether, our problem these days far extend past simple religion and i do not think a single world religion would solve anything, if anything it would make matters worse and drive everyone farther apart with there own beliefes. The more i look into this the more i do get a cult feeling from it i do not believe this to be from the ET's but from more of a ill content wether it be demon or man it isnt right.

as for the Monotheism i do believe that most religious worship God in general, Christianity/mormon/catholic so on and so on all worship the same god and jesus christ i do not understand why there can be such turmoil and hate among them when they all worship the same god just differently, so in that respect i can understand one single religion seeing as most worship jesus christ and god anyway. But then jump to Buddhism or Hinduism where they differ in wich god they worship, THAT i can see causing problems, as for the other religions i see no reason nor have i ever on why they must be seperated when they all worship the same thing.
