General Electric R&D Lab for the C204 Time Displacement Unit


Active Member
Does anyone have any inside contacts with G.E.? I am nearing the end of my degree program and need assurances that the research and development lab for the prototype model C100 Time Displacement Unit is located in either Fort Myers, FL or Sarasota, FL. I have a contact at the college that believes that they will be able to at least get my foot in the door through an internship. Obviously the project will be in its infancy if started at all. As much information about the R&D lab for time manipulation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Temporal Engineer
Does anyone have any inside contacts with G.E.? I am nearing the end of my degree program and need assurances that the research and development lab for the prototype model C100 Time Displacement Unit is located in either Fort Myers, FL or Sarasota, FL. I have a contact at the college that believes that they will be able to at least get my foot in the door through an internship. Obviously the project will be in its infancy if started at all. As much information about the R&D lab for time manipulation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

You must be a newbie. Time travel was invented in the late 1930's. And I don't think you would have much trouble inventing one on your own. But the Titor story on this site is only being used to support the doomer gloomers agenda to promote doom and gloom predictions for us all.

No one ever seems to talk about the mechanics behind an actual time machine. That would be a refreshing change of pace. Like, what happens to people that do talk about the truth?


Senior Member
But the Titor story on this site is only being used to support the doomer gloomers agenda to promote doom and gloom predictions for us all.

No one ever seems to talk about the mechanics behind an actual time machine. That would be a refreshing change of pace. Like, what happens to people that do talk about the truth?

TimeTraveler_00, About Einstein's remarks...bear in mind that this is only one person's opinion.


Active Member
There isn't much that anyone could say to disuade me in my quest to develop the machine after bearing witness to what is happening here in FL. Like I mentioned before, I have my own personal need for the machine, "John" is nothing more than the descendant of a former IBM programmer that is of apparent use in the future. Think of him as a pawn, I've already identified many of Diamondbacks knights, I suppose whoever gets access to the machine first will ultimately be the king.


Senior Member
then you lose already timetravel_00 the process was accelerated . In johns timeline they had to wait until the 2030s because of his interference i'm betting on us perfecting it by the 20teents. Cern found their higs boson. Hawkings changed his mind about singularity radiation just like titor said he would. ..... COmpelling stuff... then their are the qronos twins but they never said as much about their machine as titor did.... he was right. Their was a better way. Get the information we need to us sooner. He was right.

So you wanna know more about time travels? First you gotta get your nerd on. Us here, we are the amateur nerds. If you wanna be a part of time travel you need to up your nerd game to super nerd before the CERN boys will let you in to their club. Because their is only one batch of humans on earth that is gonna get it and get it right. And it is the same people that brought you the world wide web. And I don't mean al gore.

EDIT TO ADD: after reading this post I see it is quite discombobulated. Sorry about that.


Active Member
If I'm not mistaken this research project currently exists, but not in the obvious form. It looks to currently be the antigravity propulsion lab. Apparently adding a second microsingularity to your aircraft does not double it's rate of acceleration....... Reminds me of a funny conversation I had with a tech at JPL a few years ago........
