George Floyd represents US all

And that is the problem as it has done great harm to others and continues to do so.View attachment 9330
I would definitely dislike to live in such a mess, but there are still some chances to educate some people … maybe this is exactly what did not happen in some communities. If someone tries to educate and the community or some individuals are resisting and refuse to learn doing things in a civilized manner, then they are indeed to blame. From what I see in the image, I assume it is within a community where none of them are bothered by that mess, yet it is something that should not be a lifestyle, even if some people do not care about living in such a mess, it still can be dangerous for other neighborhoods, as a lot of infections could spread through the air and wind from such a mess.
As for democrats or whatever … sorry to say, but I know nothing about politics, so I can not even comment on this one.
Yeah - that is what you said two months ago … and for all of US it is going better and better every day.


You are doing worse and worse and there will be a point you will look for salvation.

What I put in written "2 months ago" is nothing in comparison to what is coming. I gave you soft core. You are getting the hard version. soon.

You are doing worse and worse and there will be a point you will look for salvation.

What I put in written "2 months ago" is nothing in comparison to what is coming. I gave you soft core. You are getting the hard version. soon.
It is definitely not a lie and you know it.
You failed to provide any information when asked about what will happen, also when asked about when it will happen. This is only because from some point you have no more access to the so called privilege that was given to you. Keep in mind – it was given to you, not gained by you. It was perceived by you as being a privilege, but in fact it was a tool designed to look like one. You could have used it for your advantage, but you didn't - this choice was yours, not imposed by anyone.
Be grateful for your current situation, as it could have been much, much worse.
Again I say: stop worrying, WE are not going to harm you – WE don’t embrace punishment as a method for solving any type of problem, WE never did and WE never will.
^Whatever you are on.. it wont help you.. get off that med.
And I don't lie learn it, if you were not in a path that is worsening than I simply would not say so. You only Started your punishment. Far from over and will surpass your current flesh time. This one is a big one way above and beyond "covID"
^Whatever you are on.. it wont help you.. get off that med.
And I don't lie learn it, if you were not in a path that is worsening than I simply would not say so. You only Started your punishment. Far from over and will surpass your current flesh time. This one is a big one way above and beyond "covID"
You still have to do some work on your adaptation, but it is only natural to have a lot of misperceptions about a great many things, as the background you inherited is not easy to shake off.

Med ?!?!?!?! … Just for your information: I never in my whole life was at a doctor, not even once – and the only medicine I have in my house are a few aspirin pills which I probably should throw away and buy new ones, since the last time I took an aspirin was in winter 2017 and it would be better to have them fresh on the shelf.
Anyway, just stick around for at least 12 more months and then I am dying to hear what else and what more you will have to say. If you make some efforts, your adaptation could be almost complete by then.
^12 months? I stay much longer than 12 months 12 years 1200 years 12,000 years or anything you can put number on. you work in loops and you are not escaping this punishment that your deep state is using to promote its agenda, they too go down with you.
oh and detoxify that soup it wont change anything but you will be able to fade with heads held up high and with some pride that you attempted at helping other species of earth on YOUR way down.
^12 months? I stay much longer than 12 months 12 years 1200 years 12,000 years or anything you can put number on. you work in loops and you are not escaping this punishment that your deep state is using to promote its agenda, they too go down with you.
oh and detoxify that soup it wont change anything but you will be able to fade with heads held up high and with some pride that you attempted at helping other species of earth on YOUR way down.
Somebody probably promised to help you go back again … or … you very much miss the slime.
To have a chance of recovery and to stubbornly blow it like this … only your kind could do that.
Somebody probably promised to help you go back again … or … you very much miss the slime.
To have a chance of recovery and to stubbornly blow it like this … only your kind could do that.
These are some of the questions I have as to what comes next and when?
Last year I was scanned in bed as if I were in a computer scanner.
It may be the government or alien device to make copies of humans?
Just a SWAG as to what it may be?
^you want saul's number? I think he can find you a good shrink.. I know quite few sauls to help your case.
Hey buddy, you seem to be the only one here who has a “case” – a serious one … and who the devil is Saul? … I don’t know anyone called Saul and I don’t need to (unlike you, probably).
Whoever would have the ability to be around for 12 millenniums, would never ever register to any site on the internet … EVER.
The slime you were forced into seems to have been like a drug for you, you became dependent … without it you seem to get really high – horrifying effects on you, as I can see … but there is a cure for that too.
… Don’t search for a shrink !!!
Even the most skilled shrink in the world could not be at any help for you … at this point I think nobody could.
